At times like these we turn to the poets and those who philosophize with their pens to try and shed some light
On confusion. This is the strangest life we've ever known, and life is carnival , believe it or not. We truly are
Living and dying in 3/4 time on the long and winding road. We've all been going down the road feeling bad at one time or another
And feeling as though we're on the road to nowhere. I only saw what they let me see , and the Lord only lets us know what he wants
Us to know and comprehend…….it is up to us to keep that faith that there is a better world when you get to the end of the way.
I don't know what happens when people die, can't seem to grasp it no matter how I try,
Like a song playing right in my ear…I can't hear it…can't help listening. (J Brown)
Another man done gone, another man done gone, another man done gone,
down on the county farm….another man done gone…..(Jorma trad)
we're going down that long and lonesome road babe, we're I'm bound…I can't tell
….but goodbye Is too sad a word babe, so I'll just day fare thee well………….( Bob)
spent a little time on the mountain, I spent a little time on the hill…..
things went down we don't understand, but I guess in time we will….(Hunter/Garcia)
What's won is won, and what’s done is done
And What's lost is lost and won't be back forever. (trad Eire)
If you never heard him sing, I guess you wont too soon….cause people let me tell ya,
It sent a chill up and down my spine, when I picked up the telephone, and heard that
He died….out on the mainline. ( N Young)
Standing on the moon, with nothing better to do.
A lovely view of heaven, but I'd rather be with you (Hunter/Garcia)
And at times like these we learn to live again, and at times like these we learn to give again.
And it's times like these , time and time again. (Grohl)
I seen a lot of people, and it's true
The Good…they die young.
I just look around and they're gone.(Dion)
I don't know where life will lead me
But I know where I've been
I can't say what life will show me
But I know what I've seen
Tried my hand at love and friendship
But all that is passed and gone
This little boy is moving on
Sitting here in limbo
waiting for the tide to flow
Sitting here in limbo
knowing that I have to go
Well they're putting up resistance
But I know that my faith will lead me on ( Plummer/Bright …..Jerry)
What are they doing in heaven today
Hate and sadness have all gone away
Peace it flows like a river they say,
What are they doing there now (Jorma)
Everyone is trying, to get to the Bar.
The name of the Bar is called Heaven
The Band in Heaven plays my Favorite Song.
They play it once again…they play it all night long
Heaven is place…a place where nothing….nothing ever happens ( D Byrne)
It's such a long , long time to be gone….and a short time to be there. (Hunter/Lesh)
a wonderful world of alcohol and sometimes hockey ramblings....a great place to get drunk or fantisize about being drunk.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
the great Mr Waits......lyrics of the day
The piano has been drinking
my necktie is asleep
and the combo went back to New York
the jukebox has to take a leak
and the carpet needs a haircut
and the spotlight looks like a prison break
cause the telephone's out of cigarettes
and the balcony's on the make
and the piano has been drinking
the piano has been drinking...
and the menus are all freezing
and the lightman's blind in one eye
and he can't see out of the other
and the piano-tuner's got a hearing aid
and he showed up with his mother
and the piano has been drinking
the piano has been drinking
cause the bouncer is a Sumo wrestler
cream puff casper milk toast
and the owner is a mental midget with the I.Q. of a fencepost
cause the piano has been drinking
the piano has been drinking...
and you can't find your waitress with a Geiger counter
And she hates you and your friends , and you just can't get served without her
and the box-office is drooling and the bar stools are on fire
and the newspapers were fooling
and the ash-trays have retired
the piano has been drinking
the piano has been drinking
The piano has been drinking
not me, not me, not me, not me, not me
my necktie is asleep
and the combo went back to New York
the jukebox has to take a leak
and the carpet needs a haircut
and the spotlight looks like a prison break
cause the telephone's out of cigarettes
and the balcony's on the make
and the piano has been drinking
the piano has been drinking...
and the menus are all freezing
and the lightman's blind in one eye
and he can't see out of the other
and the piano-tuner's got a hearing aid
and he showed up with his mother
and the piano has been drinking
the piano has been drinking
cause the bouncer is a Sumo wrestler
cream puff casper milk toast
and the owner is a mental midget with the I.Q. of a fencepost
cause the piano has been drinking
the piano has been drinking...
and you can't find your waitress with a Geiger counter
And she hates you and your friends , and you just can't get served without her
and the box-office is drooling and the bar stools are on fire
and the newspapers were fooling
and the ash-trays have retired
the piano has been drinking
the piano has been drinking
The piano has been drinking
not me, not me, not me, not me, not me
Thursday, November 30, 2006
a shadow your seeing, that he's chasing
Though you might hear laughin', spinnin', swingin' madly across the sun,
It's not aimed at anyone, it's just escapin' on the run
And but for the sky there are no fences facin'.
And if you hear vague traces of skippin' reels of rhyme
To your tambourine in time,
it's just a ragged clown behind,
I wouldn't pay it any mind,
it's just a shadow you're Seein' that he's chasing.
Monday, October 09, 2006
what a day that was
David Byrne was in my head this past Sautrday, and "Ohhhhhh ......what a day that was". All that could happen , did happen. Let's recap in chronological order. The Pods beats the Cards to extend that series another day.....good.......Navy travels to Colorado and whoops up on the Air Force, paving the way to another Commander-in-chief Trophy.....Good GOOD...........The Irish wake up and spank Stanford....good........The Mighty Dteroit Tigers Rise up and Kick the Yankees Butt, thus eliminating the evil empire form the 2006 Postseason....FANTASTIC, Ode to Joy, such bliss...........The Rangers beat the Hated Flyers in a 13 round shootout to open the season 2-0....Good.......The Metropolitans complete the sweep of the hated Dodgers, thus advancing to the NLCS........EXCELLENT........and oh yeah, last but not least, the icelanders loose again, falling to 0-2 to start the Year.........Not Bad..........what a wonderful feeliong to wake up on Sunday to a Yankee Free Oktober..........and for good measure, the Giants Roll the Redskins and the Jets get blown out 41-0.............I am a Happy Camper this day.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Steve Siller Tunnel to towers run
if anyone is interested, here is the Prayer of St Francis that was recited prior to the tunnel to towers run yesterday, it was Steve Sillers favorite prayer.
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master,grant that I may not so much seekto be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master,grant that I may not so much seekto be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
box of rain...more thoughts
heres what Phil had to say:
Lesh: And at that time, my dad was dying of cancer, and I would drive out to visit with him, in the hospital, and also at the nursing home he spent his final days in, and after Bob gave me the lyrics, on the way out there I would practice singing the song. I sort of identified that song with my dad and his approaching death. The lyrics that he produced were so apt, so perfect. It was very moving, very moving for me to experience that during the period of my dad's passing. I felt like singing it in other situations similar to that since then.
here is what Mr Hunter had to say:
Hunter: He'd just written these lovely changes and put 'em on a tape on a tape for me, and he sang along (scat singing of melody)—so the phrasing was all there, I think I went through it two or three times, writing as fast as I could, and that song was written. I guess it was written for a young man whose father was dying.
here is a letter to Hunter and his reply:
Dear Robert,
After reading through a number of Mailbags posted at your web site, I finally decided that it was time to contribute a thought and a question.
My wife (who is not a deadhead) especially likes that song. Maybe it is because we live in San Francisco and there is a reference to the Mission. When I play it she always starts dancing.
Robert, if you would, please tell me what you were thinking when you penned the phrase "box of rain." What, for you, does a box of rain represent. I am not asking for the meaning of the song, or for you to explain the song to me -- I spent plenty of time on my own doing that. I am just terribly curious how you came to choose that image.
Well, I won't take any more bandwith. There is much I would like to say, but I've said it in my mind for so long now, it feels funny and self-conscious trying to put onto "paper."
Regards,Charlie Bass
well, I don't like to do this, since it encourages others to ask about what I had in mind when I wrote a song, and mostly you'd need to have my mind to understand even approximately what I had in it.
By "box of rain," I meant the world we live on, but "ball" of rain didn't have the right ring to my ear, so box it became, ..........and I don't know who put it there.
Lesh: And at that time, my dad was dying of cancer, and I would drive out to visit with him, in the hospital, and also at the nursing home he spent his final days in, and after Bob gave me the lyrics, on the way out there I would practice singing the song. I sort of identified that song with my dad and his approaching death. The lyrics that he produced were so apt, so perfect. It was very moving, very moving for me to experience that during the period of my dad's passing. I felt like singing it in other situations similar to that since then.
here is what Mr Hunter had to say:
Hunter: He'd just written these lovely changes and put 'em on a tape on a tape for me, and he sang along (scat singing of melody)—so the phrasing was all there, I think I went through it two or three times, writing as fast as I could, and that song was written. I guess it was written for a young man whose father was dying.
here is a letter to Hunter and his reply:
Dear Robert,
After reading through a number of Mailbags posted at your web site, I finally decided that it was time to contribute a thought and a question.
My wife (who is not a deadhead) especially likes that song. Maybe it is because we live in San Francisco and there is a reference to the Mission. When I play it she always starts dancing.
Robert, if you would, please tell me what you were thinking when you penned the phrase "box of rain." What, for you, does a box of rain represent. I am not asking for the meaning of the song, or for you to explain the song to me -- I spent plenty of time on my own doing that. I am just terribly curious how you came to choose that image.
Well, I won't take any more bandwith. There is much I would like to say, but I've said it in my mind for so long now, it feels funny and self-conscious trying to put onto "paper."
Regards,Charlie Bass
well, I don't like to do this, since it encourages others to ask about what I had in mind when I wrote a song, and mostly you'd need to have my mind to understand even approximately what I had in it.
By "box of rain," I meant the world we live on, but "ball" of rain didn't have the right ring to my ear, so box it became, ..........and I don't know who put it there.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
thoughts on box of rain
one of the more beautiful songs in the dead repertoire, happy, sad, thought provoking, all at the same time depending on the listener. I do know that Phil used to sing the lyrics to his dying father in the hospital. the last line is the one that has always stopped me in my tracks......"such a long, long time to be gone and a short time to be there" .....stop and think about it.....when we are gone, we are going to "be gone" for a long long time........and our time spent here on earth in comparison is soooo short.......we all have someone close to us who has "been gone" for a long, long time.....and when you try to remember that seems like they were here for such a short time............. we are mere specs on the portrait on the universe, and yet we tend to obsess about every second, hour, day , week, month of our's such a short time to be here............but such a long, long time to be gone.......I think we should probably spend more time obsessing about finding a nice place to spend that eternity, that long long time that is to come, and less time obsessing about short days spent here on earth......just a thought.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
back to zero
back to Mick Jagger would spout. and so i find myself back at the desk acoss the street from death, next to the toxic Deutsche bank building, just biding time until the next shoe drops.......not a lot of fun in the sun in lower manhattan these days......a lot of "ancient vacant streets too dead for dreaming".....somedays ...especially in September...the wind howls down these streets and gives new meaning to the phrase Ghost Town......I swear sometimes when I am in Suspenders I can still hear people partying from the night of 9/10/01........even though the bar is usually empty.......not scary, just weird........I hope I am paying some sort of pennance by being forced to work here's a vicous try so hard throughout the year to go about your business without obsessing over the pit across the street or constantly thinking about the events of that day.......and on those rare occasions when you can block it out of your head, you find yourself consumed with guilt for not thinking about them....every good lunch , every cold beer break, every 10 minutes of peace watching a ballgame in o'haras is followed by a walk past the pit and feeling guilty for moving on.........i sure hope whatever hasn't killed me will somehow make me stronger....but I don't see how.......
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
noggin bloggin for band names
I put on my old noodle cap and came up with the following:
The Noodle Cappers
Brother Esau's fables
Cassidy's Wheel
Kites on Ice
Flight of the Seabirds
Pretty Young on Tuesday
Bound to Cover
Stone Jack Ballers
Masons Handicapped adult children
Uncle jerry's band of imposters
Calamity's waiting
Mother American Night
the NEWs Sweater Night Ramblers of Oyster County and Beyond
The Noodle Cappers
Brother Esau's fables
Cassidy's Wheel
Kites on Ice
Flight of the Seabirds
Pretty Young on Tuesday
Bound to Cover
Stone Jack Ballers
Masons Handicapped adult children
Uncle jerry's band of imposters
Calamity's waiting
Mother American Night
the NEWs Sweater Night Ramblers of Oyster County and Beyond
Murphy's of Rumson
hello my faithful readers....sorry for the sojourn from posting , but rest assured I am Back.......had a delightful 5 day respite from the daily grind......had many visitors over the extended weekend.......local residents still scratching their heads that 3 sons of Brooklyn......Woods, Mcevoy and Kane made their debut at Murphy's of Rumson before Donny Hoff (Monmouth County class of 2000) could step in the door and have his inaugural libation.....Dano and Chico ran the shuffleboard table too....Bayrdige Ringers no doubt.......big roto draft tonight.........and Saturday Brings the 74street Block Party...........need a new name for Fr Fatness......I'll get cracking on that ......dano , put on yer tinking cap too....
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
always an interesting one......obviously some sort of link to Vietnam , but also very biblical....wish I could go back in time and see it live with Jerry alongside one more time......I think I only saw it once over the definitely has not surfaced in the post Jerry world.....I always thought about about 5th avenue Jim ( the guy that walked Bayridge with a quart of bud shouting obsenities) ......when I heard that lyric "shadow boxing the apocolypse and wandering the land" ....I think if I ever loose it.....I mean REALLLY Loose the deep end material, not just slightly touched in the head....I too might like to wander the land drinking 40 ounce bottles of Bud , shouting at the moon and frightening passersby.........soemthing to look forward to in my old age...........maybe the new Sweater Night Ramblers can add this to their setlist by FebBREWary.......
Hoboken Train
Dude used to ride the rails with us to Newark, but one can of beer a week was too much for him....whaaaaaa........get DANO into Margoland.....he's the next natural
working class hero
Chaz looked right at home on the 6:19 out of Hoboken last night, bag of iced down beers at his feet, very comfortable in that 5 seater, Wally Pip Whalen may have trouble cracking the starting lineup ......especially with Pat Molloy getting a parking space come Sept 1st. If chazzie lands this gig at the Javitts center....LOOKOUT............Collins may even take a par time job , just so he can ride the rails with the working class heros.........unless of course we hit Mega last night, then all bets are off.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
giacomo revisited
hindsight is 20/20 my friends, but still....with all the deadheads we know.....why were we not fully entranced in the Giacomo Camp.....see below from the Grateful Dead Annotated lyrics
Thanks to Adam Wasserman for the following information:
Iko Iko (as well as other songs such as Big Chief, Hey Pokey-Way, New Suit, Fire Water) has a very specific meaning. They are all New Orleans Mardi Gras songs about the Black Indians. Black Indians are parade crewes (tribes) that parade through the New Orleans streets on Mardi Gras wearing extravagant ceremonial Indian clothes. They face off when they meet and have battles of clothing, dancing, and singing. The Spy Boy is a ceremonial position (the front runner who scouts out other tribes to do battle with) as is the Flag Boy, Wild Man, and Big Chief. Friends and family who follow are in the "second line" and are therefore second liners. So lines like "My spy boy to your spy boy, I'm gonna set your tail on fire" are ceremonial challenges to the other tribe."Joc-a-mo-fee-no-ah-nah-nay, Joc-a-mo-fee-nah-nay" is a ritual chant used by the Mardi Gras Indians which has been around for so long the words are no longer clearly distinguishable, and it has a well understood meaning of its own. Very, very loosely translated it signifies "we mean business" or "don't mess with us". Originally it would have been Cajun (a liberal mix of French and English) and literally translates to "the fool we will not play today".
One additional comment on the origins/meaning of "Iko":
"Iko and un day are Creole corruptions of the Gambian call ago! [pay attention] and the expected response, which is amay! [I/we are listening]. Chuck Davis of the African- American Dance Ensemble, which is based here in Durham, uses this device ubiquitously when he acts as Griot (master storyteller/master of ceremonies). When he calls "ago!" everyone is supposed to shout "amay!"--no matter what else is going on. He likes to slip this into the middle of various narrations just to make sure folks are paying attention. He also uses it as an introductory, "calm down" sort of exercise before he starts to speak, or to quiet the crowd if it gets noisy while he's speaking."
Thanks to Adam Wasserman for the following information:
Iko Iko (as well as other songs such as Big Chief, Hey Pokey-Way, New Suit, Fire Water) has a very specific meaning. They are all New Orleans Mardi Gras songs about the Black Indians. Black Indians are parade crewes (tribes) that parade through the New Orleans streets on Mardi Gras wearing extravagant ceremonial Indian clothes. They face off when they meet and have battles of clothing, dancing, and singing. The Spy Boy is a ceremonial position (the front runner who scouts out other tribes to do battle with) as is the Flag Boy, Wild Man, and Big Chief. Friends and family who follow are in the "second line" and are therefore second liners. So lines like "My spy boy to your spy boy, I'm gonna set your tail on fire" are ceremonial challenges to the other tribe."Joc-a-mo-fee-no-ah-nah-nay, Joc-a-mo-fee-nah-nay" is a ritual chant used by the Mardi Gras Indians which has been around for so long the words are no longer clearly distinguishable, and it has a well understood meaning of its own. Very, very loosely translated it signifies "we mean business" or "don't mess with us". Originally it would have been Cajun (a liberal mix of French and English) and literally translates to "the fool we will not play today".
One additional comment on the origins/meaning of "Iko":
"Iko and un day are Creole corruptions of the Gambian call ago! [pay attention] and the expected response, which is amay! [I/we are listening]. Chuck Davis of the African- American Dance Ensemble, which is based here in Durham, uses this device ubiquitously when he acts as Griot (master storyteller/master of ceremonies). When he calls "ago!" everyone is supposed to shout "amay!"--no matter what else is going on. He likes to slip this into the middle of various narrations just to make sure folks are paying attention. He also uses it as an introductory, "calm down" sort of exercise before he starts to speak, or to quiet the crowd if it gets noisy while he's speaking."
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
the full court press is on
now that we are less than 30 days from the 9/11 anniversary you will see a blitzkrieg of coverage by the media. eveyone human interest story, every family dealing with the aftermath, every story about rescue workers divorces and widows living lavishly or anything having anything to do with that day will be drug up and stuffed in our faces. Count how many pictures of the towers in flames you see between now and Sep 11 in the News and Post....better yet, avoid the papers all together and you'll sleep better.
Friday, August 11, 2006
question of the day
due to a breakdown in communications in the County of Monmouth there is no "question of the day" today. instead we ask readers to submit their favorite "you know who" humurous anecdote
Thursday, August 10, 2006
jerry revisted
........I remember it like it was yesterday.... The night before Jerry died I saw Bob Weir and Rob Wassermen in Central park.......I was working for Waterhouse in 44 Wall Street when I heard....I immediately went to the Blarney Stone , ordered a cold one and a played Dead on the Juke box for an hour or so.
When I got back to the office they thought someone in my family had died ( in a way they were right) because I recd 15 to 20 personal phone desk was littered with yellow stickies......Call Mac, Call Dano, call Donn, call Cogs, don't call Rog , Call Rocco etc etc.........a lot of people thought of me when they heard the news I guess.........went out in Bayridge and tied one on that night too. think I'll tie one on tonight. listening to the Dead and looking at my Tug Mcgraw scrapbook.
When I got back to the office they thought someone in my family had died ( in a way they were right) because I recd 15 to 20 personal phone desk was littered with yellow stickies......Call Mac, Call Dano, call Donn, call Cogs, don't call Rog , Call Rocco etc etc.........a lot of people thought of me when they heard the news I guess.........went out in Bayridge and tied one on that night too. think I'll tie one on tonight. listening to the Dead and looking at my Tug Mcgraw scrapbook.
terror plot busted
I sent this letter to the editor of the NY Post today, let's see if they print it.
Remember the outrage at the Federal Government listening to private phonecalls of U.S. Citizens. Remember the rhetoric and outrage about invasion of privacy and violation of civil rights. As if a having citizenship magically precludes a person from committing an act of terror against their own nation. Thank God Scotland Yard did not fall victim to this political correctness, thank God they continued to profile British nationals.
Remember the outrage at the Federal Government listening to private phonecalls of U.S. Citizens. Remember the rhetoric and outrage about invasion of privacy and violation of civil rights. As if a having citizenship magically precludes a person from committing an act of terror against their own nation. Thank God Scotland Yard did not fall victim to this political correctness, thank God they continued to profile British nationals.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
mariano rivera
all were having a truly saturnalian time in good ol brothers when suddenlty the topic of conversation switched from a pleasent chat about Mark Mcgwires non home run basehits to a heated discussion about Mr Riveras post season blown saves.......I don't know how or where to begin deciphering the reference to myself and the recently departed Tug Mcgraw......we'll have to save that discussion for a rainy day. We need to bring " you know who" back into the circle of friends ...if for no other reason than to act as the lightning rod to our agression.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
observations / predictions
I know it's early, but keep your eyes on Baltimore Road for the 2007 Kentucky Derby.
Bluegrass Cat is looking better everytime out, watch him in the breeders.
Mets verse A's in the World Series......Mets in 6 .
Giants will make the playoffs, Cowboys will not. Owens will have a quiet , low impact year.....a big yawn in big D.
Navy will capture the Commander-in-chief trophy....again....although Army should be vastly improved. West Virginia will play ND for the National Championship....
" you know who" will come out of the closet in time for the Halloween Parade.
that's it for now........
Bluegrass Cat is looking better everytime out, watch him in the breeders.
Mets verse A's in the World Series......Mets in 6 .
Giants will make the playoffs, Cowboys will not. Owens will have a quiet , low impact year.....a big yawn in big D.
Navy will capture the Commander-in-chief trophy....again....although Army should be vastly improved. West Virginia will play ND for the National Championship....
" you know who" will come out of the closet in time for the Halloween Parade.
that's it for now........
Friday, August 04, 2006
SNIX is coming
In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people,
By the relief office I seen my people;
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking Is this land made for you and me?
Nobody living can ever stop me,
As I go walking that freedom highway;
Nobody living can ever make me turn back
This land was made for you and me.
“ Woody Guthrie”
The fiery hot topic of illegal immigration has raised it’s ugly head again. Foreign scoundrels with their stupid accents sneaking across our borders. Placing their kids in our schools and refusing to assimilate. Euro Trash coming to our pristine shores and stealing jobs that North American can not or will not perform. Drug smuggling terrorist wanna -bees that refuse to pay taxes or contribute to society in any acceptable way.
I am of course talking about the invasion of Czechs, Ruskies and Slovaks into the National Hockey League., and it must be stopped now.
But seriously folks, no two stories are the same , we need to avoid sweeping statements and generalizations. There are good, decent , hard working, starving, HUMAN BEINGS on our shore, just trying to survive…..not succeed. They are not all funneling cash back to Al Queda or hawking bootleg videos on street corners. although some certainly are… (see Amediu …they killed you again ). We certainly need stronger Law enforcement to protect our norms, but we cannot become gun shy or atagonistic towards everyone. I would surmise that 90% of the folks that receive this letter come from families that migrated to the US post 1850. 150 years is not a long time in the History of Man…..There but for the Grace of God go we…... Over the past 50 years we have gladly accepted defectors from our sworn enemies as a tool for reinforcing that our idealogy was right ( See Russia, Cuba, Iraq etc etc) , by that same token we should not punish the impoverished citizens of our allies or friends ( see Mexico today and Ireland in the 1980’s / 1990’s) just because they are not fleeing oppression at the hands of a dictator. To build a fence across the Mexican border would be the saddest mistake this country can make, not just because Canada is inundated with Arab Terrorist and our focus should be to the North, but because it would be the ultimate surrender to our inability to effectively Govern….shutting yourself in is never the answer….not to mention it would be the equivilant of handing out a death sentence to millions of innocent people that mean us no harm. A work Visa program that guarantees basic Human rights for our guests is a start… and spend the fence money on prescreening and background checks on those that apply for citizenship.
Back to the serious subject of Hockey…… the time you receive this in the mail the Edmonton Oilers should be celebrating their first post-Messier Stanley Cup……but I have been wrong before.
In case you were attending a Sweet 16 , or if you failed to receive a formal invite , Sweater Night 8 (Nate) was a rousing success . Those who could attend were glad they did, those that could not were missed……except "you know who" who was NOT missed by anyone…….Cold Beer and Hockey Fights were the flavour of choice.
Preperation for Sweater Night 9 , henceforth referred to as SNIX , is well underway....suggestions are always welcome, so don't be shy.....log onto this blog and make a comment or two.......except you Rog.....we refuse to make this a NIKE love-in , so keep your sad suggestions and your BUSCH Beer to yourself.
By the relief office I seen my people;
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking Is this land made for you and me?
Nobody living can ever stop me,
As I go walking that freedom highway;
Nobody living can ever make me turn back
This land was made for you and me.
“ Woody Guthrie”
The fiery hot topic of illegal immigration has raised it’s ugly head again. Foreign scoundrels with their stupid accents sneaking across our borders. Placing their kids in our schools and refusing to assimilate. Euro Trash coming to our pristine shores and stealing jobs that North American can not or will not perform. Drug smuggling terrorist wanna -bees that refuse to pay taxes or contribute to society in any acceptable way.
I am of course talking about the invasion of Czechs, Ruskies and Slovaks into the National Hockey League., and it must be stopped now.
But seriously folks, no two stories are the same , we need to avoid sweeping statements and generalizations. There are good, decent , hard working, starving, HUMAN BEINGS on our shore, just trying to survive…..not succeed. They are not all funneling cash back to Al Queda or hawking bootleg videos on street corners. although some certainly are… (see Amediu …they killed you again ). We certainly need stronger Law enforcement to protect our norms, but we cannot become gun shy or atagonistic towards everyone. I would surmise that 90% of the folks that receive this letter come from families that migrated to the US post 1850. 150 years is not a long time in the History of Man…..There but for the Grace of God go we…... Over the past 50 years we have gladly accepted defectors from our sworn enemies as a tool for reinforcing that our idealogy was right ( See Russia, Cuba, Iraq etc etc) , by that same token we should not punish the impoverished citizens of our allies or friends ( see Mexico today and Ireland in the 1980’s / 1990’s) just because they are not fleeing oppression at the hands of a dictator. To build a fence across the Mexican border would be the saddest mistake this country can make, not just because Canada is inundated with Arab Terrorist and our focus should be to the North, but because it would be the ultimate surrender to our inability to effectively Govern….shutting yourself in is never the answer….not to mention it would be the equivilant of handing out a death sentence to millions of innocent people that mean us no harm. A work Visa program that guarantees basic Human rights for our guests is a start… and spend the fence money on prescreening and background checks on those that apply for citizenship.
Back to the serious subject of Hockey…… the time you receive this in the mail the Edmonton Oilers should be celebrating their first post-Messier Stanley Cup……but I have been wrong before.
In case you were attending a Sweet 16 , or if you failed to receive a formal invite , Sweater Night 8 (Nate) was a rousing success . Those who could attend were glad they did, those that could not were missed……except "you know who" who was NOT missed by anyone…….Cold Beer and Hockey Fights were the flavour of choice.
Preperation for Sweater Night 9 , henceforth referred to as SNIX , is well underway....suggestions are always welcome, so don't be shy.....log onto this blog and make a comment or two.......except you Rog.....we refuse to make this a NIKE love-in , so keep your sad suggestions and your BUSCH Beer to yourself.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
don't be surpised when Jared Lorenzen wins the backup position to Eli in training camp....and don't be shocked when he gets into a game when Eli comes up lame and he leads the g-Men to Victory....beat the Christmas rush, get your personalized Lorenzen Jersey Today..........
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Bullett Points from the Bean Post Window
Despite a hornets nest of internet activity suggesting the opposite, there is no proof to substantiate a link between Brendan O’Briens bachelor Party and the compromising of the 13th street canal Levey in Norleans. Loius Farrakhan claims that white men stuffed sticks of dynamite into the levey’s long before Katrina made landfall. At presstime these two events remain an eery coincidence
Does anyone else see a correlation between the fact that the USMA at West Point is no longer able to attract a certain athletic ethnic group to play football and the fact that the Country is at War?
It’s also a safe bet to say that the Commander-In-Chief’s Trophy ain’t leaving Annapolis anytime soon…..take off your coat and grease your throat, trophy, cause you ain’t goin nowhere.
If you want to contribute to the building of the September 11th memorial at the World Trade Center Site, you can do so online at , even if your not interested in making a contribution it is a good site to visit and sign up for email updates , news items etc etc.
It is safe to say that Jacques Demers has NEVER read one of my sweater night letters.
Forget Toussaint…….Free the Real Roger…………Just because he’s part French and works for a Knotzee Bank….doesn’t mean he’s not a good goy…..get that dagger out of his back already…..
The New Sweater Night Ramblers have been unceremoniously dumped as the Official band of SN9 for Catholic Bashing and homophobia……..Dan Woods and his zoozoophone is in the front to replace them
Due to the rising cost of stamps, we will be purging the Swetaer Night Mailing List…..folks who have failed to attend 3 straight events are in danger of being removed from the mailing.
Despite a hornets nest of internet activity suggesting the opposite, there is no proof to substantiate a link between Brendan O’Briens bachelor Party and the compromising of the 13th street canal Levey in Norleans. Loius Farrakhan claims that white men stuffed sticks of dynamite into the levey’s long before Katrina made landfall. At presstime these two events remain an eery coincidence
Does anyone else see a correlation between the fact that the USMA at West Point is no longer able to attract a certain athletic ethnic group to play football and the fact that the Country is at War?
It’s also a safe bet to say that the Commander-In-Chief’s Trophy ain’t leaving Annapolis anytime soon…..take off your coat and grease your throat, trophy, cause you ain’t goin nowhere.
If you want to contribute to the building of the September 11th memorial at the World Trade Center Site, you can do so online at , even if your not interested in making a contribution it is a good site to visit and sign up for email updates , news items etc etc.
It is safe to say that Jacques Demers has NEVER read one of my sweater night letters.
Forget Toussaint…….Free the Real Roger…………Just because he’s part French and works for a Knotzee Bank….doesn’t mean he’s not a good goy…..get that dagger out of his back already…..
The New Sweater Night Ramblers have been unceremoniously dumped as the Official band of SN9 for Catholic Bashing and homophobia……..Dan Woods and his zoozoophone is in the front to replace them
Due to the rising cost of stamps, we will be purging the Swetaer Night Mailing List…..folks who have failed to attend 3 straight events are in danger of being removed from the mailing.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
blast from the past
here is the SNVII leeter that went out in february 05....for the know who.....the King of All things Nikeee doesn't drink strong beers like Heineken.
“ If you only knew what I’m going through…I just can’t smile without (brew) You”
Chaz ?
Contrary to popular belief, this quote was not lifted from a lovesong I penned to
Budweiser during a Gulf Cruise circa 1988. It is attributed to the late great Barry Manilow , who was tragically murdered by an obsessed fan NEXT Month in Las Vegas Nevada. A crazed head linesman lept upon the stage and began stabbing poor Barry
As a favor to childhood friend Steve Mcevoy
“ A long, Long time ago…I can still remember how the music used to make me smile” D. Mclean
And Thus Hockey too takes on a Hollyesque feel to it. It seems like a long time ago that we watched a meaningful game and gave a Shiite muslim about the outcome.
I can not and will not try to capture the collective opinions of the vast Sweater Night Family, But I can tell you that I do not really care about the lockout/strike. The truth is I have been missing the Real NHL since the mid 1990’s. In fact it is that longing for the Olde Tyme game that gave birth to Sweater night in the first place.
“Cat on a tin Roof……Dog in a Pile….Nothin left to do but Smile, Smile , SMILE !!!
J. Garcia
And just what are we smiling about ? Swetaer Night 7 …..A Kegtravaganza
Icy Cold Heinieken to be exact…to heck with the northern exposure frogs….we’re going Nazi this year…….
Where? The Jinx Club
When? Friday Februaty 11th
Time? 7:00 p.m. until whenever
Age? Must be 18 for admittance,past experience dictates adult language may be spoken
Food? Quite possibly pizza…it being Friday in Lent
Live Hockey? NO CHANCE
Cost? Very Reasonable
RSVP? Save it…
Thomas P O’Dowd
President & Founder
“ If you only knew what I’m going through…I just can’t smile without (brew) You”
Chaz ?
Contrary to popular belief, this quote was not lifted from a lovesong I penned to
Budweiser during a Gulf Cruise circa 1988. It is attributed to the late great Barry Manilow , who was tragically murdered by an obsessed fan NEXT Month in Las Vegas Nevada. A crazed head linesman lept upon the stage and began stabbing poor Barry
As a favor to childhood friend Steve Mcevoy
“ A long, Long time ago…I can still remember how the music used to make me smile” D. Mclean
And Thus Hockey too takes on a Hollyesque feel to it. It seems like a long time ago that we watched a meaningful game and gave a Shiite muslim about the outcome.
I can not and will not try to capture the collective opinions of the vast Sweater Night Family, But I can tell you that I do not really care about the lockout/strike. The truth is I have been missing the Real NHL since the mid 1990’s. In fact it is that longing for the Olde Tyme game that gave birth to Sweater night in the first place.
“Cat on a tin Roof……Dog in a Pile….Nothin left to do but Smile, Smile , SMILE !!!
J. Garcia
And just what are we smiling about ? Swetaer Night 7 …..A Kegtravaganza
Icy Cold Heinieken to be exact…to heck with the northern exposure frogs….we’re going Nazi this year…….
Where? The Jinx Club
When? Friday Februaty 11th
Time? 7:00 p.m. until whenever
Age? Must be 18 for admittance,past experience dictates adult language may be spoken
Food? Quite possibly pizza…it being Friday in Lent
Live Hockey? NO CHANCE
Cost? Very Reasonable
RSVP? Save it…
Thomas P O’Dowd
President & Founder
sweater of the president
The answer to yesterday' question:
SNI Hartford Whalers
SNII Chicago Blackhawks 1930's
SNIII St Lawrence University
SNIV Toronto St Pat's
SNV South Dakota Sioux
SNVI Minnesota Wild ( Jimmy Dowd)
SVII Rangers (JED)
SNIII Norway ( Ronnie)
I was the only person to correctly respond, so I win the Chicken Wings Yipee
SNI Hartford Whalers
SNII Chicago Blackhawks 1930's
SNIII St Lawrence University
SNIV Toronto St Pat's
SNV South Dakota Sioux
SNVI Minnesota Wild ( Jimmy Dowd)
SVII Rangers (JED)
SNIII Norway ( Ronnie)
I was the only person to correctly respond, so I win the Chicken Wings Yipee
Monday, July 24, 2006
answer to 7/21 question
yours truly and Te Jean Cadotte are the only two lads to appear at every Sweater former head Linesman Chaz Higgins was working on perfect attendance, but chose to attend a sweet 16 party on staten island instead of attending SN8........he was immediately stripped of his title........hopefully he got lucky at the party.....
today question is: "What Teams have your President and Founder (me) Represented over the prior 8 Sweater Nights" ?
Roger (Uh dude) can't geuss at this question because he is part frog and liable to stab a friend in the back with a dagger if not watched closely.
free order of chicken wings to the winner
today question is: "What Teams have your President and Founder (me) Represented over the prior 8 Sweater Nights" ?
Roger (Uh dude) can't geuss at this question because he is part frog and liable to stab a friend in the back with a dagger if not watched closely.
free order of chicken wings to the winner
Friday, July 21, 2006
question of the day
who are the only two skaters to make an appearance at the previous 8 sweater nights??
Qoute of the day
There's no need to fear! Underdog is here!
when criminals in this world appear
and break the laws that they should fear
and frighten all who see or hear
the cry goes up both far and near
for Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! Underdog!
speed of lightning, roar of thunder fighting all who rob or plunder Underdog. Underdog!
when in this world the headlines read
of those whose hearts are filled with greed
who rob and steal from those who need
to right this wrong with blinding speed
goes Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! Underdog!
speed of lightning, roar of thunder fighting all who rob or plunder Underdog. Underdog
when criminals in this world appear
and break the laws that they should fear
and frighten all who see or hear
the cry goes up both far and near
for Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! Underdog!
speed of lightning, roar of thunder fighting all who rob or plunder Underdog. Underdog!
when in this world the headlines read
of those whose hearts are filled with greed
who rob and steal from those who need
to right this wrong with blinding speed
goes Underdog! Underdog! Underdog! Underdog!
speed of lightning, roar of thunder fighting all who rob or plunder Underdog. Underdog
answer to trivia question
Das original plankowners were:
Yours Truly
Chaz Higgins
Don (Punch Imlach) Hoffman
Steve Collins
Craig Paz
JC Cadotte
Ed Griffin
Goumba Johhny
Richie Provolone
Chaz Sr
and Margie of course
Yours Truly
Chaz Higgins
Don (Punch Imlach) Hoffman
Steve Collins
Craig Paz
JC Cadotte
Ed Griffin
Goumba Johhny
Richie Provolone
Chaz Sr
and Margie of course
Thursday, July 20, 2006
quote of the month
QUOTE OF THE MONTH “People sleep peaceable in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.” George Orwell
so those of ye without a naval background may be scratchin yer heads about now....what's a plankowner? that is the title given to the original crew when a naval ship is first comissioned....and so the question of the day is ...who are the plankowners for the Sweater Night Foundation?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
New Sweater Night Ramblers
The New Sweater Night Ramblers were unceremoniously DUMPED as the House Band for SN IX ( svetter nite nien). Now it turns out Mac & Caddotte ( I refuse to adress their other so-called band name) want back in to play at the upcoming gala. I have decided to put it to a vote amongst the plankowners of the Sweater Night Foundation. Please carefully consider all the factors of the past 6 months or 41 years before casting your vote
the ice landers
six weeks after hiring Mr Smith....Charlie Wang fires him because he was arguing with Pat Lafontaine........30 minutes after firing Smith, lafontaine quits.....gotta love the islander.......Dude is crying to donnie hoff to stop sending him emails, what a loser......grow up Rog...
Monday, January 16, 2006
Sweater Night 8 , set in stone
The 8th annual Sweater Night is all set for the 17th Of Feb-BREW-wary in the cozy confines of the Jinx behind furloughs....The New Sweater Night Ramblers will be providing the entertainment, ice cold beeer will flow throughout the evening courtesy of Georgie Mac, the Official tender of Sweater Night past. Cost will be reasonable, Mark Messier, although not expected to make an appearance , will be honored. The flavor for this years Jersey is International.....pls make a fair attempt to respresent the Nation of your choice as we gear up the Torin games.....more to follow.
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