as first reported by Bill O'Rielly
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Joseph Biden is a prophet. On October 19, 2008, the now-Vice President said, "Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy."
Forget about six months; the foreign affairs insults arrived within three weeks of Obama's presidency. And with the economy dominating the news cycle, very little attention has been paid.
Let's take them one by one.
By far, the most important insult to the Obama administration came this week. Shortly after Obama's envoy, Richard Holbrooke, visited Pakistan, that country surrendered to the Taliban and al-Qaeda, putting the entire world in danger.
In a shocking abdication of responsibility, the Pakistani government now says the Taliban has the authority to impose sharia law in the northern part of that country. That means the Pakistani government is allowing these terrorists to do whatever they want, and that will include continuing their attacks on American forces in neighboring Afghanistan.
This is huge, and President Obama would be wise to respond quickly and punish the Pakistani government. They have thrown in with terror killers; the USA cannot accept that, nor should any responsible country.
Insult two: The government of Kyrgyzstan is closing the big U.S. air base on its soil. That air base supplies NATO forces in Afghanistan. Again, this is huge.
The reason the base is being closed is because the Russian tyrant, Putin, doesn't like America assisting nations like Poland and the Ukraine in their defense strategies. So Putin, who the Kyrgyzstan government fears, has succeeded in hurting NATO's war against the Taliban. Nice.
The third insult comes from Iran. No surprise here. While the mullahs yak about talking with President Obama, they continue to fast-track nuclear weapons. A report by the Institute for Science and International Security says that Iran could have weapons-grade nuclear material this year. So there is now an urgency to the situation and Obama must respond quickly or the nuke genie will be out of the bottle.
And finally, insult four: Crazy Kim Jong-Il, the leader of North Korea, celebrated his 67th birthday this week by threatening a nuclear missile test.
Again, because of the terrible economy, many Americans have no idea all of this stuff is going on, but there is no question Barack Obama is being tested and the villains are watching closely to see what he will do.
In his speech last October, Joseph Biden also told Americans to "gird [their] loins." I'm not exactly sure what that means vis-Ã -vis foreign policy, but it doesn't sound good. I also don't know whether President Obama is "girding" right now, but he had better be doing something