Thursday, June 25, 2009

oh bumma

could it be that the administration realizes it apologized and begged for a restart to the WRONG dictator ? that obama was kissing adjhemidad and the ayatollah ass since day one....made an apologetic speach about the US and Islam and then sent a private note to the ruling mullah Khomeni ...BEFORE the people of Iran voted for CHANGE...............could that be why we are so meek and suddenly silent while scores of innocents are slaughtered in the streets of tehran......cats got your tounge barry ? Mr Smug and funny has nothing to say...except to denigrate the obvious winner of the election...claiming it doesn't really matter who won the election.....REALLY ? ? ? tell that to the dead and unburied ( no funerals permiiteed in Iran for the martyrs)

oh yes....and North Korea vows to wipe us off the planet once and for all......lets talk about health care.......

Saturday, June 20, 2009

alarming news from the Raritan River

just recd a disturbing phonecall from donzo atop the Driscoll Bridge, he is proudly boasting that he is bringing the Rain with him from Brooklyn.....craig is officially off the hook...when it rains today we can blame it all on could this happen.

attack Dog and Security Gato on premises

Club Gato now serving breakfast

The Leisure Man special is on the chalkboard in Club Gato....Ice Cold Schaefer and a 20oz sccchteeeeaakkkk , starting at 7:00 a.m. weekdays......6:30 on weekends.

The Monmouth Rebellion

Monmouth Rebellion

Battle of Sedgemoor memorialThe Monmouth Rebellion of 1685, also known as the Pitchfork Rebellion, was an attempt to overthrow James II, who had become King of England at the death of his elder brother Charles II on 6 February 1685. James II was unpopular because he was Roman Catholic and many people were opposed to a "papist" king. James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth, an illegitimate son of Charles II, claimed to be rightful heir to the throne and attempted to displace James II.

The rebellion ended with the defeat of Monmouth's forces at the Battle of Sedgemoor on 6 July 1685. Monmouth was executed for treason on 15 July, and many of his supporters were executed or transported in the "Bloody Assizes" of Judge Jeffreys.


adam jones bobblehead was NOT tossed in the inner harbour and frankie rodriguez paid for this with his LIFE.......if he makes an appearance at Monmouth Park I shall behead him myself....tthe bobble head not jimmy holland...

1st race I like Jays Wish over Craigs Soggy Again.....


in the 11th race i like SHADUPski with BRONTOSOROS BURGER and EYOOP EYOOP...

in the 23rd race i like TEQUILA SHOTZ with BUXOM BARMADE....

in the 47th race i like HEY WHAT THE HELLS GOIN HERE ANYWAY Arrrrrghhhhh

Thursday, June 18, 2009


watch out my union an effort to pay for teddy kennedy's 3 TRILLION dollar plan to insure 17 million people that currently do not have health care is....brace yourself.....looking to TAX those that currently receive free health care from their employers.....he sees that clause in your negotiated contract as a taxable BONUS......kind of how the Govt has always taxed "deferred comp" that those evil wall street bastards get each if your union gave up A,B and C in your last negotiation to ensure you did not have to pay for health care...OBAMA says that's income and it should be taxed to pay for those 'less fortunate"......share the wealth.....the end is near.

do your homework , and register your anger with your elected won't read this in the times...

Saturday, June 13, 2009


how in the name of the sanjuan delta did the Metropolitans loose that game.....are u fargin kiddin me...

oh news...big exciting ho hum game 7 ...pittsburgh won , wowee...

it's off to the sheehan classic I go.......followed by the Big Brown Bobblehead giveaway at Monmouth Park....and Breannes graduation party

technical difficulties

these posts were supposed to pst earlier in theweek, but obliviously were delayed due to a heavy intake of alcohol...

It was on my watch that the seeds of freedom were sown, led by our
Commander in Chief Ronald Reagan , and the largest peacetime Navy in the
History of the Planet (600 + ships ) We, the U.S. Navy , defeated the
Soviets in the Cold War. The Wall came down in November of 1989 , let's
hope there is a 20th Anniversary celebration and Proper respect is given
where it belongs.....let's hope we don't have to apologize for stepping
on any Russian Toes while unifying Germany.

A seminal moment in the years preceding the fall of the wall was Ronald
Reagan's speech at the Brandenburg Gate on June 12, 1987. While
commemorating the 750th anniversary of the founding of the city of
Berlin, Reagan challenged Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev to liberate
the Soviet bloc nations, saying
" We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and
security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only
strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the Soviets can
make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the
cause of freedom and peace. General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek
peace , if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and
eastern Europe , if you seek liberalization
, come here to this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, open
this gate. Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall![ <>

> Twenty Years ago today , having finished up my 1,461 day enlistment, I
> walked out of the Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida a free man.
> With less than 2 grand in my Bayridge Savings account and my house on
> 76th street up for sale I was faced with the prospect of finding a
> career and a place to live and quickly. I got right to work and spent
> the entire summer drinking beer at Riis Park and that infamous
> apartment on Ovington Ave .....yep the summer of 89 was quite the
> blurr.....June, July, August, September all came and went , finally in
> October , with a huge assist from a friend, I landed a job at
> Waterhouse Securities and have not been unemployed for a single day
> since....
> In hindsight I should have taken the Sanitation test.....I could be
> retired in the Yellowhook with Hari having a tall Schaefer this
> afternoon....

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Raplh Peters ....official spokesmen for Sweater Nite 12

if you don't read the ny post should.

Salaam aleikum, dudes!

I thought I knew a little bit about the Middle East. Boy, was I wrong. Last week, President Obama set me straight. Here's what our president taught me during his Middle-Eastern pilgrimage:

There is no more terrorism.

Wow, cool! No more security checks at airports, right? It's unclear which side won, but it's all over. Obama didn't mention terrorism a single time in his star-turn speech in Cairo. Only a few "violent extremists" (our own troops?) remain at large.

America tortured.

I thought there was still a debate about that, but I guess not. And no regime in the Middle East tortures anybody, ever. Our bad.

Churches and synagogues are about to open in Saudi Arabia. Since "Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance" and there are "over 1,200 mosques within our borders," I can't wait for the first Baptist hymn-sing in Riyadh. Sign me up!

Behind closed doors with Saudi King Abdullah, our president must've mentioned the many hundreds of churches and synagogues that thrived on the Arabian Peninsula during the Prophet's lifetime. Muslims zealots destroyed them. Time to get the bin Laden family's construction firm on the job re-building!

And stoning converts who leave Islam to death is a no-no, right?

Women can dress any way they want in Saudi Arabia. Just my analysis, based on Obama's insistence that Islam recognizes "the dignity of all human beings" and that Muslim women must be free to make their own decisions about what to wear. Surely, fashion choices extend to Mecca and Medina, not just Detroit and Paris?

"Islam has always been a part of America's story." Guess the Founding Fathers missed that one. But I'm assured that George Washington turned to his mullah in the dark days at Valley Forge, that Daniel Boone read the Koran around the campfire, and that al Qaeda stood by us at the Alamo.

Yeah, there was that misunderstanding with the Muslim Barbary Pirates, when they killed, kidnapped and enslaved American citizens for years - but who's perfect?

There are "nearly seven million American Muslims." Who knew? We all thought there were three or four million, max. Is this a preview of the predetermined results of our upcoming census? [Note to editor: Confirm numbers with ACORN.]

"It was not violence that won full and equal rights" for black Americans. So much for the Civil War and my ancestor, who volunteered to wear Union blue and paid for it with his life. I thought a half-million Americans died fighting to end slavery. Silly me. Still, it was brave of our president to highlight slavery's "lash of the whip" in his speech, since his own ancestors, as Muslims along Africa's Swahili Coast, would have been complicit - if not actively engaged - in enslaving their fellow black Africans for Arab masters. As a self-proclaimed "student of history," Obama surely knows that.

Holocaust, schmolocaust.

Aren't those pesky Jews ever going to go away? Yes, denying the Holocaust is "hateful." But let's get a grip. Palestinians "endure . . . daily humiliations." Their lot's "intolerable." Israel "devastates Palestinian families." No wonder our president shunned wicked Israel during his trip - sending a clear, if unspoken, message that Jews are now fair game.

"America's strong bonds with Israel are . . . unbreakable." Yup. And they're issued by Chrysler.

Hamas is a legitimate, recognized voice of the Palestinians. Rocket attacks against civilians, suicide bombings and kidnappings really work.

Iran can have nukes.

Our president's acceptance of "peaceful nuclear power" for Tehran was coded language for "no pre-emptive military action."

Jordan doesn't matter.

So much for one Arab country's attempts at human decency. If you want attention from our president, you've got to be a desert gangbanger.

My wife wondered why Obama didn't make his speech in Indonesia, the world's most-populous Muslim state, where he would've been welcomed proudly as a home-boy. Obama just reinforced the stereotype that Muslim equals Arab.

Democracy isn't for everybody.

We're done peddling that particular drug.

Of course, our president didn't mention al Qaeda's catastrophic defeat in Iraq, where millions of Sunni Arabs rejected the terror organization. Iraq was Bush's war, so it's all bad.

And forget junk like modern medicine, telecommunications or even the internal combustion engine. Islam's been the source of real progress. Like "calligraphy." Medieval Islam's ballyhooed contributions actually were due to Greek-speaking Christians (including slaves) employed as court officials, to Armenian architects and Jewish physicians. But, yeah, Arabs had really good penmanship.

Our president's breakthrough message to the Muslim world was that America overthrew democratic regimes, slavery was our history's central feature, and we invaded people on a whim - but we're sorry now.

His crowd-pleasing speech sanitized and romanticized Islam, letting the disgruntled populations of the Middle East off the hook for their own self-wrought failures, their monstrous oppression of women (our president's women's-right-to-wear-hijab remarks were aimed at Europe), and the violent aggression toward others they often celebrated and generally tolerated.

To Arab ears, especially, the Cairo speech made America the guilty party in our confrontations, as if, on 9/11, crazed Presbyterians had attacked Mecca. Yet, the historical facts are that Islam's remorseless assault on the West lasted for more than one thousand years, its cruel occupation of Christian lands lasted into the 20th century, and the dream of an all-conquering caliphate remains very much with us.

The last mass slaughter of Christians in Iraq wasn't a millennium ago, but in 1933. Al Qaeda isn't an aberration. It's a manifestation.

Our president may or may not be a student of history, but he can't just make it up.

Aleikum salaam!

Ralph Peters is Fox News' Strategic Analyst.

Belmont Revisited

Yesterday I exercised restraint and refused to to blog save an honrable reflection on the only thing that mattered, the Anniversary of is a horse of a different color.

I completed my own Triple Crown of sorts manyana.....I somehow managed to manipulate and twist my assorted combinations over the Big 3 and refused to take back a single penny for all my easy feat, considering I dropped an Easy grand on Derby-Preak-Belmont combined.....and not even a $2.20 show bet came in for me.....I should have made money on the Derby , but instead of going across the board on Pioneer, I tripled up my win bet....he got 2nd of course , the rest was all down hill. would think one of my lousy nags would have had the decency to scratch as they entered the gate so I could my original sheckles back...but no.

last word on the subject before i Turn all my attention to Monmouth Park...where I never loose, .......Calvin Borell is a dirtbag, plain and simple...he is a redneck sht, he abondoned a Horse that should have had his moment in the sun yesterday going for history , and Jerry Bailey was the only one on TV with the balls to say it....instead, yesterday was all about Calvin, because TV can't resist a distraction from the action , a heartwarming story about a silly talking man who overcame struggles ,instead of focusing on the race at hand.....Calvin is all about Calvin, don't let his fake humility fool ya.....he had a TV crew following him around Times Square marveling about how big it was , and how small his hometown down south wuz.....ahh's all bullsht , he has an agent, a marketing deal, was on Letterman and Leno , he's no humble pie American, he is a typical me-first skumbag, every move he makes is about him, the least he could do is drop the Gomer Pyle routine and admit it.....

God Help him if he ever rides a Mount at the Haskell , for I will be there to remind him.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

The Longest Day....The Greatest day ! !

65 years ago , at 6:30 in the morning British Summer Time, by the light of the moon, 160,000 men of the Allied Forces (US, UK, Canadian, Norwegian and Polish troops) began the unthinkable. Operation Overlord, the storming of the beaches of Normandy, France to push back the Nazis and retake Europe. approx 10K casualties , over 6,000 Americans in one days assault. It had to be done , but could it ever be done again if needed....probably not .....but today is not about that, today is about them.

we all truly owe our lives to them , in so many different ways, not just the freedoms we enjoy , but the fact that we came to exist in the first place. My age group was born only 21 years after the different would OUR Parents lives have been if not for this invasion, if we sat down with Hitler and his henchmen instead of exterminating them off the different would the paths of the Allied Nations have been if they hid their heads in the sand. How different would the generation of frenchmen grown up had they been left under Nazi guide?

I personally had the Honor to partake in ceremonies commemorating the invasion, at the time it was May-June 1988 and it was the 44th Anniversary. My Ship the USS Luce DDG-38 was in the midst of a Med/Persian Gulf cruise, and we spent two weeks on the French Riviera attending ceremonies and wreath laying the post ceremony receptions , over a glass or 20 of Kronenberg, each and everyone , the surviving members of the French Resistance came up to US , 20 something year old U.S. Navy Sailors , and thanked US for what the U.S. Navy had done for them......the re-occurring theme , and I hope I recapture the jist of what they told us , and I hope I do justice in conveying their emotions was

"When i awoke that morning and saw the U.S. Navy Ships as far as the eye could see, I cried with Joy , because although I did not know if I would live through the Day , I would die Happy because I knew my Nation would be free again"

God Bless the Allied Forces,
God Bless the U.S. Navy
God Bless America.