I am sick and tired of the citizens of this fair city going after the sanitation dept like an unruly mob, accusing them of a slowdown and incompotency, that's just silly, as the picture clearly shows, NY's Strongest were NOT frolicking in the snow, but rather they were hard at work for 72 hours, plowing the roads and making our lives easier......can't the NY Post find any cops, firemen or MTA workers to ridicule.
a wonderful world of alcohol and sometimes hockey ramblings....a great place to get drunk or fantisize about being drunk.
Friday, December 31, 2010
enough already
I am sick and tired of the citizens of this fair city going after the sanitation dept like an unruly mob, accusing them of a slowdown and incompotency, that's just silly, as the picture clearly shows, NY's Strongest were NOT frolicking in the snow, but rather they were hard at work for 72 hours, plowing the roads and making our lives easier......can't the NY Post find any cops, firemen or MTA workers to ridicule.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
was offline for a few days, stranded in the Candlewood suites in Jerz city for the great blizzrd of 2010........despite les miserabe Giants we made the most of it, found a few watering holes that stayed open despitethe horrific elements and managed to drink plenty of fluids and survive on kobe beef......got home just in time to shovel out a crop circle in the backyard for Queen Graves to roam and relieve herself , so all is well......
Sunday, December 26, 2010
happy belation
a belated wish of health, happiness, peace, prosperity and the constant flow of libations this Christmas season and throughout 2011 to all the Loyal Blog readers and the Exetended ever growing family of Sweater Nite......this coming sweater nite we will embroider the blog address onto the beer huggies so there will be nor more excuses for not reading religiously.
At the time of this writing we are hunkering down for a massive snowstorm that is roaring up the coast, my Christmas elfs ( Val, Gravey and Messier) are busy readying club Gato for an afternoon of playoff implication football and cold beeeeeeere.
Happy Birthday to Steve O'Dowd who is braving the elements in Soldier Field for the Jets- Bears game.
At the time of this writing we are hunkering down for a massive snowstorm that is roaring up the coast, my Christmas elfs ( Val, Gravey and Messier) are busy readying club Gato for an afternoon of playoff implication football and cold beeeeeeere.
Happy Birthday to Steve O'Dowd who is braving the elements in Soldier Field for the Jets- Bears game.
Monday, December 20, 2010
comes a time
Comes a time , when a blind man takes your hand
and says, don't you see ? ( Jerry Garcia )
inevitably in life there also comes a time in life when you ask yourself, WHY DO I GIVE A DAM ?
I don't like being extorted for a PSL , but I do it because i love the Giants.
I don't like being forced to buy season tickets and preseason games and parking passes IN ADVANCE, but i do it because i bleed BIG blue.
I don't like paying a Bernard Kings ransom for a bottle of beer in the nose bleed seats of the NEW GIANTS stadium, but I do it because there is a bond between players and fans that bridges generations, a pride that comes with identifying yourself as a GIANTS fan, euphoric when they succeed and despaired when they fail.
Yesterday tested the limits of said bond, when we the people give up so much, time, money etc etc ; this close to Christmas, you at least expect the team to meet you half-way , the 4th quarter of yesterdays games against the that team from the south, went far beyond embarrassing, i don't like loosing, but i can tolerate it.....I CANT Tolerate apathy, and that's what i saw on the field in the waning 8 minutes of the game.
why ? why ? do i give a dam.....well maybe i don't.
and says, don't you see ? ( Jerry Garcia )
inevitably in life there also comes a time in life when you ask yourself, WHY DO I GIVE A DAM ?
I don't like being extorted for a PSL , but I do it because i love the Giants.
I don't like being forced to buy season tickets and preseason games and parking passes IN ADVANCE, but i do it because i bleed BIG blue.
I don't like paying a Bernard Kings ransom for a bottle of beer in the nose bleed seats of the NEW GIANTS stadium, but I do it because there is a bond between players and fans that bridges generations, a pride that comes with identifying yourself as a GIANTS fan, euphoric when they succeed and despaired when they fail.
Yesterday tested the limits of said bond, when we the people give up so much, time, money etc etc ; this close to Christmas, you at least expect the team to meet you half-way , the 4th quarter of yesterdays games against the that team from the south, went far beyond embarrassing, i don't like loosing, but i can tolerate it.....I CANT Tolerate apathy, and that's what i saw on the field in the waning 8 minutes of the game.
why ? why ? do i give a dam.....well maybe i don't.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Woodsie saves the day

so after 96 hours of being in the dark about whether or not they are serving Cold Beer at the Garden for the Holiday Festival, no thanks to eggroll, the man the myth the legend Dante Woods calls me this morning shortly after services and emphatically stated that they ARE selling Beer manayana evening .....to the garden we go ? ? that is the question.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
blast from the past

spent a cold saturday afternoon slightly under the weather looking for old pictures to put on Facebook to torture my niece's, stumbled across this gem .....summer of 1980, wishing back then i had a buck 69 for some blatz no doubt.......wishing tday i could find that shirt, if it wasn't thrown away when I left for bootcamp. I remember it well to , it was obviously a homemade tie dye and it was originally a white Tee with a small Mickey Mouse on the left breast , i made it special for the Spring Tour and if i recall.....and i do.....most of the good stuff that was being sold outside the venues that year "also" had a Mickey Mouse Character embossed on the outside.
nothin says Christmas
like a long days journey into night, drinking fine Ales in some of the oldest pubs on the isle of Manhattan. Spent Friday with my bride slaking our thirst with pints of Brooklyn Lager, The Ear Inn homebrew , Stellas, PBR's and anything else that came down the pike. Breakfast in the grey Dog on Carmine street, a late lunch in Walkers , started the drinking in the Prince Street Lounge at 10:00 a.m., with stops along the way including the aforementioned EAR INN and Fanellis......did not make it up to Petes unfortunately, next time we shall start there just to be sure.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Once again the CLASH were right
well now that Cliff lee has returned to the phillies it's looking more and more as tho the stars are aligning for the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse to return.......seriously folks if faced with the choice of our miscreant, sloth neighbors to the south (friends and blood family excluded)winning another world series , OR the world coming to an end....I might choose Armageddon....it would be less painful and would be over quickly.
It's not Christmas Time anymore....it's Armegiddeon Time. (Joe Strummer)
It's not Christmas Time anymore....it's Armegiddeon Time. (Joe Strummer)
Honorable Eggroll is soooo busy!
How busy is he , you may ask...and rightfully so....
well the Eggman, AKA DasDas, AKA Coach Nolan, AKA Uncle Den Den , AKA and the list of nicknames can stretch from the OLA schoolyard all the way to Kirk Campions house and back, but you get the jist......I sent Strovika ( aka...ah forget it) a short and pecise text on Monday Morning.
" Eggroll ( i says) do they sell BEEEEEER at the Holiday Festival at MSG ? "
a yes or no question...but an important one that required the courtesy of a reply, you see the Terriers of Remsen street, Our Beloved St. Franks College basketball team is playing at Madisoy Square Garden on Monday against the Wildcats of Northwestern,, with the Redmen playing Davidson in the Nightcap......but if they ain't serving Nightcaps....well then obviously we ain't goin....I'd rather have double root canal then sit through a college basketball doubleheader without at least a dozen cold beers.
and so i find myself this early Thursday morn still waiting on a simple 3 letter reply.....or God Forbid a dreaded 2 letter reply.
The Fate , and attendance figures for MSG lie in the balance.
Does anyone out there know if they are serving our godd friend Mr. Al Cohol at the games? obviously the eggmesiter is hard at work with his own team and can't reply....either that or his kids are on strike and won't teach him how to Text.
well the Eggman, AKA DasDas, AKA Coach Nolan, AKA Uncle Den Den , AKA and the list of nicknames can stretch from the OLA schoolyard all the way to Kirk Campions house and back, but you get the jist......I sent Strovika ( aka...ah forget it) a short and pecise text on Monday Morning.
" Eggroll ( i says) do they sell BEEEEEER at the Holiday Festival at MSG ? "
a yes or no question...but an important one that required the courtesy of a reply, you see the Terriers of Remsen street, Our Beloved St. Franks College basketball team is playing at Madisoy Square Garden on Monday against the Wildcats of Northwestern,, with the Redmen playing Davidson in the Nightcap......but if they ain't serving Nightcaps....well then obviously we ain't goin....I'd rather have double root canal then sit through a college basketball doubleheader without at least a dozen cold beers.
and so i find myself this early Thursday morn still waiting on a simple 3 letter reply.....or God Forbid a dreaded 2 letter reply.
The Fate , and attendance figures for MSG lie in the balance.
Does anyone out there know if they are serving our godd friend Mr. Al Cohol at the games? obviously the eggmesiter is hard at work with his own team and can't reply....either that or his kids are on strike and won't teach him how to Text.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
1996 Army - Navy Revisited

Goooooooooo NAVY !
Today does promise to be a classic game between the service academies, with the Midshipmen of Navy looking to improve upon an unprecedented streak of 8 straight over ARMY.(scores listed below) But the final score never tells the real story, this game is match between the finest Men the United States has to offer. This past decade our country has been at war , and these guys both sides of the ball have willingly joined the frey as opposed to shying away. The Pride , Honor and Courage on display today in Phildelphia mean so much more than a final score. Do yourself a favor, settle in on your favorite couch or bar stool, raise a glass of Ale to these Midshipmen and Cadets and maybe say a prayer that God has their back , the way they have OURS.
2002 Navy 58–12 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, NJ Army 49-47-7
2003 Navy 34–6 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA Army 49-48-7
2004 Navy 42–13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA Tied 49-49-7
2005 Navy 42–23 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA Navy 50-49-7
2006 Navy 26–14 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA Navy 51-49-7
2007 Navy 38–3 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore, MD Navy 52-49-7
2008 Navy 34–0 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA Navy 53-49-7
2009 Navy 17–3 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA Navy 54-49-7
2002 Navy 58–12 Giants Stadium East Rutherford, NJ Army 49-47-7
2003 Navy 34–6 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA Army 49-48-7
2004 Navy 42–13 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA Tied 49-49-7
2005 Navy 42–23 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA Navy 50-49-7
2006 Navy 26–14 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA Navy 51-49-7
2007 Navy 38–3 M&T Bank Stadium Baltimore, MD Navy 52-49-7
2008 Navy 34–0 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA Navy 53-49-7
2009 Navy 17–3 Lincoln Financial Field Philadelphia, PA Navy 54-49-7
Rising First and shining Best
Like a Phoenix from the ashes the United States Navy Rose Up, Collectively Brushed off the Dust, repaired what was salvageable, rebuilt what was not and orchestrated the Greatest Comeback in the Manned History of the Planet Earth.......and amazing 45 months later, a mere hiccup in time, the USS Missouri ( Mighty Mo) and the USS Nicholas sailed into Tokyo Bay on the morning of September 2nd 1945 and accepted the Unconditional surrender of Japanese forces...aboard the Battleship Missouri, Flagship of the US Navy in the Pacific...the same NAVY that was left for dead on the sleepy Hawaiian shores by said Jap Bastards.........GOD SPEED AND FOLLOWING SEAS !
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Try to remember in your travels
With no warning the attacking planes came into sight over pearl harbor. At 7:55 AM, December 7, 1941 the first target was hit and by 9:45 AM it was all over. Behind them the Japanese left devastation as their aircraft carriers headed home to Japan. Over 2400 people died, hundreds of planes were destroyed, and a fleet containing eight battleships was ruined. With a single act, Japan woke America to the horrible realities of war. The debate that had divided Americans since the German defeat of France was decided, America would go to war. President Roosevelt received word of the attack on a Sunday afternoon and stated he would ask congress to declare war on Japan. On Monday the declaration of war was signed and one day later, Germany, Italy, and Japan declared war on the US.
12 billion ?
well, now that the Federal Govt has made a 12 billion dollar profit on Citibank, maybe the Media will start referring to TARP as an investment in the US Financial system instead of a bailout....yeah right. We have harped on this in the past but it BEARS ( no pun intended) repeating.......nobody was bailed out, the institutions that needed cash to stay alive we're told to sell themselves or the Treasury Secretary brokered the sale for them or they went under...............TARP was an interest free loan to hand picked Banks to encourage lending, so that MAIN Street could continue to get financing for car loans, etc etc..The Fed Govt took ownership (shares) in the Banks as collateral for the loans at their "all time" low prices....low and behold when the markets recovered slightly the fed had a windfall....Damm Wall Street Crooks....making money for the American public again........and TIS the season when we will hear about Wall Street Bonuses , when in fact , it is deferred compensation, no different than Union contracts with pensions and other perks......sorry there is one difference, whereas Govt Pensions are paid even if the Municipality is bankrupt, deferred Comp on Wall Street is a percentage of profits.....tuff year on the street, the Company didn't make money ? ? FU pay me...no bonus....
The U.S. Treasury sold the last of its Citigroup Inc. common shares in a $10.5 billion offering that capped the government's biggest bank bailout of the financial-market meltdown.
The stock sale, which was finalized Monday evening, means taxpayers will reap a profit of $12 billion on their $45 billion cash investment in Citi, the Treasury said. It also helps the government quell some of the criticism that it went too far in propping up the financial system, and allows the bank to shake the market stigma that it has effectively been a ward of the state.
The U.S. Treasury sold the last of its Citigroup Inc. common shares in a $10.5 billion offering that capped the government's biggest bank bailout of the financial-market meltdown.
The stock sale, which was finalized Monday evening, means taxpayers will reap a profit of $12 billion on their $45 billion cash investment in Citi, the Treasury said. It also helps the government quell some of the criticism that it went too far in propping up the financial system, and allows the bank to shake the market stigma that it has effectively been a ward of the state.
The U.S. Treasury sold the last of its Citigroup Inc. common shares in a $10.5 billion offering that capped the government's biggest bank bailout of the financial-market meltdown.
The stock sale, which was finalized Monday evening, means taxpayers will reap a profit of $12 billion on their $45 billion cash investment in Citi, the Treasury said. It also helps the government quell some of the criticism that it went too far in propping up the financial system, and allows the bank to shake the market stigma that it has effectively been a ward of the state.
The U.S. Treasury sold the last of its Citigroup Inc. common shares in a $10.5 billion offering that capped the government's biggest bank bailout of the financial-market meltdown.
The stock sale, which was finalized Monday evening, means taxpayers will reap a profit of $12 billion on their $45 billion cash investment in Citi, the Treasury said. It also helps the government quell some of the criticism that it went too far in propping up the financial system, and allows the bank to shake the market stigma that it has effectively been a ward of the state.
Sunday, December 05, 2010
****not suitable for children****
I try police my BLOG and keep free and clear of obscene language , but the below email i am about to reprint may shock some of you.....in the spirit of the season I reached out to my friends with gangrene and offered heartfelt condolonces on the Brian Leonhard injury.......what i received in return was disturbing......below is an "EXACT" replica of on email Squiree Brian Duffy sent early this morning ( The LORDS' day)
Why the anger? Just sit there with your little bottle of Chimp Chiller Ale, wear your little blue 56 jersey with the name "RAPIST" on the back, giggle to yourself whenever Brady completes a pass, and count your little Super Bowl trophies. You should be more concerned with Bishop Ford basketball than the NFL....at this rate your pal eggroll will be fired before the Auburn-Oregon Game, and with good cause...he couldn't coach his way out of a paper bag....dano after 6 hours in Farrells would make a better coach.....I heard Hoff, Higgins and Collins were at the debut verse POLY....Don't ANY of your friends work anymore? (was Raymore and Flanagan closed again?) your legions are so thin you guys had to accept JC into the fold....well at least he drinks....Mac, Roll, Dano ,Higgins which one of you guys is getting farmed next.....Boris and Natasha drink more than your friends...Leave worrying about the Jets to Jets fans like me and that Pollack Pazarecki. Thank you and Merry Christmas.---Duff
Why the anger? Just sit there with your little bottle of Chimp Chiller Ale, wear your little blue 56 jersey with the name "RAPIST" on the back, giggle to yourself whenever Brady completes a pass, and count your little Super Bowl trophies. You should be more concerned with Bishop Ford basketball than the NFL....at this rate your pal eggroll will be fired before the Auburn-Oregon Game, and with good cause...he couldn't coach his way out of a paper bag....dano after 6 hours in Farrells would make a better coach.....I heard Hoff, Higgins and Collins were at the debut verse POLY....Don't ANY of your friends work anymore? (was Raymore and Flanagan closed again?) your legions are so thin you guys had to accept JC into the fold....well at least he drinks....Mac, Roll, Dano ,Higgins which one of you guys is getting farmed next.....Boris and Natasha drink more than your friends...Leave worrying about the Jets to Jets fans like me and that Pollack Pazarecki. Thank you and Merry Christmas.---Duff
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