wow....SN headquarters was bussing this past hour with telegrams recd....take a look.
"Cactus...I spent 72 hours in Wicked Wandas on St Catherine Street and believe me when i tell you, Rush and Division does not have anything that comes close....put the Habs ahead of the Hawks for that reason alone" Eggroll Strovika
" this whole process is flawed.....i never even casted a ballot, this is more rigged than the infamous Higgins Hockey Pool" Kevo
"Tomcat.....stuck in philly for spring break, but i have a great idea for the blog....why don't you count down the top ten sweaters of all time" Chaz (former Head Linesman) Higgins
"Shaddup Twice and let me get some sleep" Mac
a wonderful world of alcohol and sometimes hockey ramblings....a great place to get drunk or fantisize about being drunk.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
and then there were 3

Deep Dish Pizza ?
Old Style Swill Beer ?
Sand by a LAKE and they call it a beach ?
Are these the lowly contributions the 2nd city can make towards the advancement of American Culture.......holy too close to Milwaukee , what's goin on around here ?
Ah But wait theres more.......the Mighty Blackhawks save Chicago once again....the Glorious Red Sweater with the Scalp of a Native American SAVAGE , the rainbow of feathers contrasting against blood red and black , the current home of Lord Stanley's Chalice and in safely at 3rd in the countdown.
each time i Roam CHICAGO IS.....callin me home CHICAGO IS....
admit it.......those of you playing along at home, when this countdown began you said to yourself....this is silly, we all know the Blackhawks will be # 1.....NOW what do you have to say......which two Jerseys will fill out the list ?
that frog fag alc trebek wants your question, i mean answer, i mean question....blah
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
FORE ! just like my golf game

The Bleu...Blanc...Rouge
The Most successful Franchise in the History of Ice Hockey if not all of professional sports.
The Motto:
Nos bras meurtris vous tendent le flambeau, à vous toujours de le porter bien haut.
To you from failing hands we throw the torch. Be yours to hold it high.
and alas the uniform, a garment of Royalty, a sacred cloth to be respected, treasured and honored for eternity, it even has a little contreversy.....some say the H stands for Hockey , as in Hockey Club De Montreal.....but others includeing Tex Riccard and yours truly..say the H stands for Habitant , as in the French Citizens of Montreal , the original inhabitants and memebers of the storied some circles considered the finest of all uniforms.....and in Sweater Nite HQ's....a worthy 4th place fini~
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
so my former head linesmen comes down 2 weeks ago and all he does is blab, blab, blab about me doing a sweater countdown.....and now here we are in the midst of the greatest countdown known to sweater nite and where is Chazzy ? ? he apparently dissapeared into the land of cheesesteaks....never to be seen or hear again...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Five for not fighting

California sure is a fruity state and their Hockey Teams are no different, this countdown takes a pause to acknowledge the Most Colorful twocan sam lookin, Jerseys of All time and no shocker that the teams all reside in the earthquake state.....take your own picks, when it comes to sweaters with this much color it really depends on your flavor of the day.
everything you want to know about SIX , but were afraid to ask.

THERE ARE NO TIES IN HOCKEY........well there used to be , and there most certainly is a tie in the countdown, these bitter New Englands foes should lace em up one more time for a best of seven, the winner can rest peacefully in the Joy of Six slot and the loser s/b banned from sweater nite for eternity..........The big Bad Boston Bruins Circa Bobby Orr and the Ron Francis era Hartford Whalers.
7th Heaven
somewheres in Heaven our good friend Ronnie Mikkelin is looking down with a smile and is very proud the sweater of his countryman has made the list. The Norsemen have achieved the success that has eluded them on the ice for the past Half Century...Special Thanks to Miss Norway 19xx for modelind the Jersey.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
tough choice

i stumbled upon this race today and went from jubilation to deflation when I realized it was the same day as the Tunnel to Towers run, unfortunately JACK i will not be able to run your race in lowell this year..........incidentally their is a Movie version of ON THE ROAD that wrapped filming in December, not sure when it will be relaesed in theatres....i am skeptical, but will reserve judgement until i see it......same thing with THE MUSIC NEVER STOPPED...
Crazy 8's
Friday, March 25, 2011
Number 9...number 9....number 9

The Mighty War eagles of Boston College, the tony Irish enclave of Beacon Hill Boasts not only one of the premier College Ice Hockey Programs of the past 25 years, and a legendary Coach, of the top Jersey of All street cred Black to be found, just the traditional School Colors and egads, the NAME of the school in big 1950's of them.......if we could get rid of the nike swoosh we could move up a few notches.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
and the beat goes on
i am jealous....I wish I had thought of this prank months/years ago....but even I am not that clever, once again in a story that only appears to be happening on Fox News, comes proof that "real life" is more incredible, creative and hilarious than fiction ever can be.
The National Organization for Women finally stepped up Tuesday to slam Bill Maher for calling Sarah Palin a female vulgarism after first declining to comment on the matter.
A NOW rep told early Tuesday it was a “known fact” that NOW does not correspond with FOX News after being contacted for comment regarding Bill Maher's statement on his HBO show Friday that Sarah Palin was a "dumb tw*t."
NOW never did respond, but the group's communications director, Lisa Bennett, wrote on a NOW blog later Tuesday: “Listen, supposedly progressive men (ok, and women, too): Cut the crap! Stop degrading women with whom you disagree and/or don’t like by using female body terms or other gender-associated slurs."
She also chastised the press for bothering NOW with questions about derogatory language toward women
“You’re trying to take up our time getting us to defend your friend, Sarah Palin. If you keep us busy defending her, we have less time to defend women’s bodies from the onslaught of reproductive rights attacks and other threats to our freedom, safety, livelihood, and the right to slaughter our unborn children....why should we have to take birth control when we have free health coverage that pays for abortions?” wrote Bennett. “Sorry, but we can’t defend Palin or even Hillary Clinton from every sexist insult hurled at them in the media. That task would be impossible, and it would consume us. You know this would not be a productive way to fight for women’s equal rights, which is why you want us stuck in this morass.”
Other women's organizations contacted by on Tuesday did not have such reservations.
“Widespread sexism in the media is one of the top problems facing women, and seriously affects women in politics. A highly toxic media environment persists for women candidates, and discourages all women – irrespective of political persuasion - from running for public office,” Yana Walton, Vice President of Communications at Women's Media Center told “Despite the fact that women make up half of the population, we're only 17 percent of congress. Bill Maher's misogynistic comment about Sarah Palin hurts all women, not just Palin, and not just conservative women. By insulting her gender, rather than her platform or stance on issues, he insults women as a group.”
The National Organization for Women finally stepped up Tuesday to slam Bill Maher for calling Sarah Palin a female vulgarism after first declining to comment on the matter.
A NOW rep told early Tuesday it was a “known fact” that NOW does not correspond with FOX News after being contacted for comment regarding Bill Maher's statement on his HBO show Friday that Sarah Palin was a "dumb tw*t."
NOW never did respond, but the group's communications director, Lisa Bennett, wrote on a NOW blog later Tuesday: “Listen, supposedly progressive men (ok, and women, too): Cut the crap! Stop degrading women with whom you disagree and/or don’t like by using female body terms or other gender-associated slurs."
She also chastised the press for bothering NOW with questions about derogatory language toward women
“You’re trying to take up our time getting us to defend your friend, Sarah Palin. If you keep us busy defending her, we have less time to defend women’s bodies from the onslaught of reproductive rights attacks and other threats to our freedom, safety, livelihood, and the right to slaughter our unborn children....why should we have to take birth control when we have free health coverage that pays for abortions?” wrote Bennett. “Sorry, but we can’t defend Palin or even Hillary Clinton from every sexist insult hurled at them in the media. That task would be impossible, and it would consume us. You know this would not be a productive way to fight for women’s equal rights, which is why you want us stuck in this morass.”
Other women's organizations contacted by on Tuesday did not have such reservations.
“Widespread sexism in the media is one of the top problems facing women, and seriously affects women in politics. A highly toxic media environment persists for women candidates, and discourages all women – irrespective of political persuasion - from running for public office,” Yana Walton, Vice President of Communications at Women's Media Center told “Despite the fact that women make up half of the population, we're only 17 percent of congress. Bill Maher's misogynistic comment about Sarah Palin hurts all women, not just Palin, and not just conservative women. By insulting her gender, rather than her platform or stance on issues, he insults women as a group.”

I love you for sentimental reasons, I hope you do believe me, I'll give you my heart
as Ole Nat King Cole would sing, and Yes this Sweater makes the list moreso for the sentimentality of representing OUR Bourough of Churches, they indeed were the Brooklyn Americans before moving to the Isle of Manhattan.....and ultimately being forced into bankruptcy and extinction by the NY Rangers...which would lead to the CURSE after the 1941 season and 54 years of wandering the desert like a pack of ....well i digress.
The gang here at Headquarters has been given the arduous task of compiling a list of the 10 best Hockey Sweaters of All-Time.......they should be emerging from the War Room in a few moments with the list and we will announce one each day in reverse order.....the fever pitch as we grow closer to #1 s/b unprecedented.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Maggie the Cat
Dylan Must Go

Libyan leader and popular American Folk Singer Bob Dylan made his first public appearance in a week on Tuesday, assuring his country that they will “beat” the international coalition striking his military forces, but U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suggested he really may be looking for ways to slip out the back Jack, get a new plan stan, no need to be coy,Roy she mused, and continue with his North American summer tour of minor league ballparks.
The defiant strongman spoke to a crowd of supporters from a balcony at his Bab Al-Azizya residential compound in a suburb of Tripoli – the target of a cruise missile strike on Sunday night and assured the masses that the times they were a changin.
NOT the Onion
this is so far fetched you would almost believe that someone from the Onion hacked into the FOX NEWS website and planted the story....this can't be true .......i just logged onto , (and I urge my readers to do the same) and sent a general communication email and asked the national Organization of women if the really did not have a problem being referred to as "TWATS"'s surreal.........i will be sure to use this adjective when referring to the current first lady....and I suspect no feminist will have a problem with such vulgar language.
Bill Maher uttered a female vulgarism when referring to former Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin on his HBO show Friday night.
“Did you hear this – Sarah Palin finally heard what happened in Japan and she’s demanding that we invade ‘Tsunami,’” Maher said. “I mean she said, ‘These ‘Tsunamians’ will not get away with this.’ Oh speaking of dumb tw**s, did you...”
Maher was offering an imagined Palin response in an apparent attempt at humor, as Palin had made no such statement.
The National Organization for Women (NOW) refused to comment on Maher’s use of the derogatory term. A rep told it is a “known fact” that NOW does not correspond with FOX News.
Other women's groups and publications did not have such policies in place.
“Widespread sexism in the media is one of the top problems facing women, and seriously affects women in politics. A highly toxic media environment persists for women candidates, and discourages all women – irrespective of political persuasion - from running for public office,” Yana Walton, Vice President of Communications at Women's Media Center told “Despite the fact that women make up half of the population, we're only 17 percent of congress. Bill Maher's misogynistic comment about Sarah Palin hurts all women, not just Palin, and not just conservative women. By insulting her gender, rather than her platform or stance on issues, he insults women as a group.”
Terry Dougherty, editor of Women magazine, said “[Maher's] choice of words shows an enormous lack of respect for women. If his preceding joke had been about a man, I can't imagine him using an equally derogatory term to describe a male. That type of language shows a lack of consideration toward women."
Matthew Vadum, Senior Editor at the Capital Research Center in Washington DC, said Maher’s insults spotlight hypocrisy in the media.
"Bill Maher feels he can get away with such jaw-droppingly offensive verbal attacks on Sarah Palin because virtually the entire media-academia-entertainment complex agrees with him,” Vadum said. “Clinging to their political correctness and disdain for her quintessentially American values, the left-wing cocktail circuit regards Palin as a punch line.”
So if a prominent media figure had made such a disparaging remark towards a leading female Democrat, like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, would the mainstream media have reacted with outrage?
“If a conservative used that language to describe Hillary Clinton, we wouldn't be hearing very much about Japan or Libya,” said John Ziegler, creator the documentary “Media Malpractice.” “If they said it about Michelle Obama, the media would be going 24/7 with the story.”
"I suspect NOW hasn't come to Palin's defense because the group agrees with Maher,” added Vadum. “After all, NOW didn't have a problem with someone on California Gov. Jerry Brown's campaign staff calling his Republican opponent Meg Whitman a 'whore.' NOW really ought to change its name to National Organization for Liberal Women because as far as it's concerned conservative women aren't real women at all.”
Bill Maher uttered a female vulgarism when referring to former Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin on his HBO show Friday night.
“Did you hear this – Sarah Palin finally heard what happened in Japan and she’s demanding that we invade ‘Tsunami,’” Maher said. “I mean she said, ‘These ‘Tsunamians’ will not get away with this.’ Oh speaking of dumb tw**s, did you...”
Maher was offering an imagined Palin response in an apparent attempt at humor, as Palin had made no such statement.
The National Organization for Women (NOW) refused to comment on Maher’s use of the derogatory term. A rep told it is a “known fact” that NOW does not correspond with FOX News.
Other women's groups and publications did not have such policies in place.
“Widespread sexism in the media is one of the top problems facing women, and seriously affects women in politics. A highly toxic media environment persists for women candidates, and discourages all women – irrespective of political persuasion - from running for public office,” Yana Walton, Vice President of Communications at Women's Media Center told “Despite the fact that women make up half of the population, we're only 17 percent of congress. Bill Maher's misogynistic comment about Sarah Palin hurts all women, not just Palin, and not just conservative women. By insulting her gender, rather than her platform or stance on issues, he insults women as a group.”
Terry Dougherty, editor of Women magazine, said “[Maher's] choice of words shows an enormous lack of respect for women. If his preceding joke had been about a man, I can't imagine him using an equally derogatory term to describe a male. That type of language shows a lack of consideration toward women."
Matthew Vadum, Senior Editor at the Capital Research Center in Washington DC, said Maher’s insults spotlight hypocrisy in the media.
"Bill Maher feels he can get away with such jaw-droppingly offensive verbal attacks on Sarah Palin because virtually the entire media-academia-entertainment complex agrees with him,” Vadum said. “Clinging to their political correctness and disdain for her quintessentially American values, the left-wing cocktail circuit regards Palin as a punch line.”
So if a prominent media figure had made such a disparaging remark towards a leading female Democrat, like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, would the mainstream media have reacted with outrage?
“If a conservative used that language to describe Hillary Clinton, we wouldn't be hearing very much about Japan or Libya,” said John Ziegler, creator the documentary “Media Malpractice.” “If they said it about Michelle Obama, the media would be going 24/7 with the story.”
"I suspect NOW hasn't come to Palin's defense because the group agrees with Maher,” added Vadum. “After all, NOW didn't have a problem with someone on California Gov. Jerry Brown's campaign staff calling his Republican opponent Meg Whitman a 'whore.' NOW really ought to change its name to National Organization for Liberal Women because as far as it's concerned conservative women aren't real women at all.”
Friday, March 18, 2011
St. Patricks' Day revisited
twas a grand ol day as the Patron Saint of ireland used his position in good favor with the almighty to shine a warm sun upon from dawn til dust, and the BEEER ? well it was certainly flowing all of the places on the map that i managed to visit, faces adorned with the map of ireland freckles were everywhere and sportin smiles to boot, pictures don't lie, pictures don't lie.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Bears Choice...RIP
Thanks to my Brother Steve for alerting me of the passing of a Great American "Owsley Stanley" or as he was known in the Grateful Dead circles....THE BEAR.....the Dead actually titled a live album "Bears Choice" because it contained some of Mr. Stanleys favorite tunes......the below recap is amazing, although I thought he was much older than 75 and I had assumed he was long gone....Rest in Peace's knuckleheads that ingest unknown chemicals into their body could use the Cleaner , Safer fruits of your labor.
Owsley Stanley, Artisan of Acid, Is Dead at 76
Owsley Stanley, the prodigiously gifted applied chemist to the stars, who made LSD in quantity for the Grateful Dead, the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Ken Kesey and other avatars of the psychedelic ’60s, died on Sunday in a car accident in Australia. He was 76 and lived in the bush near Cairns, in the Australian state of Queensland.
His car swerved off a highway and down an embankment before hitting trees near Mareeba, a town in Queensland, The Associated Press reported. Mr. Stanley’s wife, Sheilah, was injured in the accident.
Mr. Stanley, the Dead’s former financial backer, pharmaceutical supplier and sound engineer, was in recent decades a reclusive, almost mythically enigmatic figure. He moved to Australia in the 1980s, as he explained in his rare interviews, so he might survive what he believed to be a coming Ice Age that would annihilate the Northern Hemisphere.
Once renowned as an artisan of acid, Mr. Stanley turned out LSD said to be purer and finer than any other. He was also among the first individuals (in many accounts, the very first) to mass-produce the drug; its resulting wide availability provided the chemical underpinnings of an era of love, music, grooviness and much else. Conservatively tallied, Mr. Stanley’s career output was more than a million doses, in some estimates more than five million.
His was the acid behind the Acid Tests conducted by the novelist Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters, the group of psychedelic adherents whose exploits were chronicled by Tom Wolfe in his 1968 book “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.” The music world immortalized Mr. Stanley in a host of songs, including the Dead’s “Alice D. Millionaire” (a play on a newspaper headline, describing one of his several arrests, that called him an “LSD Millionaire”) and Steely Dan’s “Kid Charlemagne.”
So widely known was Mr. Stanley that he appears in the Encyclopedia Britannica article on LSD under the apparently unironic index term “Augustus Owsley Stanley III (American chemist).” The Oxford English Dictionary contains an entry for the noun “Owsley” as “an extremely potent, high-quality type of LSD.” In 2007, Mr. Stanley was the subject of a long profile in an issue of Rolling Stone magazine commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love.
In short, Mr. Stanley lent the ’60s a great deal of its color — like White Lightning, Monterey Purple and Blue Cheer, the varieties of his LSD that were among the most popular. (He did not, contrary to popular lore, release a product called Purple Haze; in interviews, he sounded quite miffed that anything emerging from his laboratory could be thought to cause haziness rather than the crystalline clarity for which he personally vouched.)
He also lent the era much of its sound, developing early, widely praised high-fidelity sound systems for live rock concerts, including the Dead’s towering “wall of sound.”
Mr. Stanley was previously a ballet dancer and a member of the United States Air Force.
Augustus Owsley Stanley III was born on Jan. 19, 1935, to a patrician Kentucky family. His paternal grandfather, for whom he was named, was a congressman, governor of Kentucky and United States senator. (Somewhat prophetically, given his grandson’s future pursuits, the elder Mr. Stanley was a vigorous public foe of Prohibition.)
Young Owsley, whose adolescent hirsuteness caused him to be known ever after as Bear, was sent to a military preparatory school in Maryland. He was expelled in the ninth grade for furnishing the alcohol that, as he told Rolling Stone in 2007, had nearly all his classmates “blasted out of their minds” on homecoming weekend.
He briefly attended the University of Virginia before enlisting in the Air Force, where he learned electronics. He later worked in Los Angeles as a broadcast engineer for radio and television stations. He also studied ballet and for a time was a professional dancer.
In 1963, Mr. Stanley enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley. The next year, he encountered LSD, a transformative experience. “I remember the first time I took acid and walked outside,” he said in the Rolling Stone interview. “The cars were kissing the parking meters.”
Mr. Stanley had found his calling, and at the time it was at least quasi-legitimate: LSD was not outlawed in California until 1966. What he needed to do was learn his craft, which he accomplished, as Rolling Stone reported, in three weeks in the university library, poring over chemistry journals. Soon afterward, he left college and a going concern, the Bear Research Group, was born.
In 1965, he met Mr. Kesey, and through him the Dead. Enraptured, he became their sound man, early underwriter, principal acolyte, sometime housemate and frequent touring companion. With Bob Thomas, he designed the band’s highly recognizable skull-and-lightning-bolt logo. Mr. Stanley also made many recordings of the Dead in performance, now considered valuable documentary records of the band’s early years. Many have been released commercially.
Mr. Stanley remained with the band off and on through the early ’70s, when, according to Rolling Stone, his habits became too much even for the Grateful Dead and they parted company. (He had insisted, among other things, that the band eat meat — nothing but meat — a dietary regimen he followed until the end of his life.)
His other clients included John Lennon, who, according to “The Beatles,” a 2005 biography by Bob Spitz, contracted to pay Mr. Stanley for a lifetime supply of his wares.
In 1970, after a judge revoked Mr. Stanley’s bail from a 1967 drug arrest, he served two years in federal prison. There, he learned metalwork and jewelry making, trades he plied in recent years.
Mr. Stanley, who became an Australian citizen in the 1990s, was treated for throat cancer in 2004. In the Rolling Stone interview, he attributed his survival to his carnivorous diet. (A heart attack he had suffered some years earlier he ascribed to eating broccoli as a child, forced on him by his mother.)
Besides his wife, Sheilah, Mr. Stanley’s survivors include two sons, Pete and Starfinder; two daughters, Nina and Redbird; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Though he helped transform the culture, Mr. Stanley asserted that he had never meant to do so. As he told The San Francisco Chronicle in 2007, he had set out only to make a product he knew he could take, because its ingredients were known.
“And my friends all wanted to know what they were taking, too,” Mr. Stanley said. “Of course,” he added “my ‘friends’ expanded very rapidly.”
Owsley Stanley, Artisan of Acid, Is Dead at 76
Owsley Stanley, the prodigiously gifted applied chemist to the stars, who made LSD in quantity for the Grateful Dead, the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Ken Kesey and other avatars of the psychedelic ’60s, died on Sunday in a car accident in Australia. He was 76 and lived in the bush near Cairns, in the Australian state of Queensland.
His car swerved off a highway and down an embankment before hitting trees near Mareeba, a town in Queensland, The Associated Press reported. Mr. Stanley’s wife, Sheilah, was injured in the accident.
Mr. Stanley, the Dead’s former financial backer, pharmaceutical supplier and sound engineer, was in recent decades a reclusive, almost mythically enigmatic figure. He moved to Australia in the 1980s, as he explained in his rare interviews, so he might survive what he believed to be a coming Ice Age that would annihilate the Northern Hemisphere.
Once renowned as an artisan of acid, Mr. Stanley turned out LSD said to be purer and finer than any other. He was also among the first individuals (in many accounts, the very first) to mass-produce the drug; its resulting wide availability provided the chemical underpinnings of an era of love, music, grooviness and much else. Conservatively tallied, Mr. Stanley’s career output was more than a million doses, in some estimates more than five million.
His was the acid behind the Acid Tests conducted by the novelist Ken Kesey and his Merry Pranksters, the group of psychedelic adherents whose exploits were chronicled by Tom Wolfe in his 1968 book “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.” The music world immortalized Mr. Stanley in a host of songs, including the Dead’s “Alice D. Millionaire” (a play on a newspaper headline, describing one of his several arrests, that called him an “LSD Millionaire”) and Steely Dan’s “Kid Charlemagne.”
So widely known was Mr. Stanley that he appears in the Encyclopedia Britannica article on LSD under the apparently unironic index term “Augustus Owsley Stanley III (American chemist).” The Oxford English Dictionary contains an entry for the noun “Owsley” as “an extremely potent, high-quality type of LSD.” In 2007, Mr. Stanley was the subject of a long profile in an issue of Rolling Stone magazine commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love.
In short, Mr. Stanley lent the ’60s a great deal of its color — like White Lightning, Monterey Purple and Blue Cheer, the varieties of his LSD that were among the most popular. (He did not, contrary to popular lore, release a product called Purple Haze; in interviews, he sounded quite miffed that anything emerging from his laboratory could be thought to cause haziness rather than the crystalline clarity for which he personally vouched.)
He also lent the era much of its sound, developing early, widely praised high-fidelity sound systems for live rock concerts, including the Dead’s towering “wall of sound.”
Mr. Stanley was previously a ballet dancer and a member of the United States Air Force.
Augustus Owsley Stanley III was born on Jan. 19, 1935, to a patrician Kentucky family. His paternal grandfather, for whom he was named, was a congressman, governor of Kentucky and United States senator. (Somewhat prophetically, given his grandson’s future pursuits, the elder Mr. Stanley was a vigorous public foe of Prohibition.)
Young Owsley, whose adolescent hirsuteness caused him to be known ever after as Bear, was sent to a military preparatory school in Maryland. He was expelled in the ninth grade for furnishing the alcohol that, as he told Rolling Stone in 2007, had nearly all his classmates “blasted out of their minds” on homecoming weekend.
He briefly attended the University of Virginia before enlisting in the Air Force, where he learned electronics. He later worked in Los Angeles as a broadcast engineer for radio and television stations. He also studied ballet and for a time was a professional dancer.
In 1963, Mr. Stanley enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley. The next year, he encountered LSD, a transformative experience. “I remember the first time I took acid and walked outside,” he said in the Rolling Stone interview. “The cars were kissing the parking meters.”
Mr. Stanley had found his calling, and at the time it was at least quasi-legitimate: LSD was not outlawed in California until 1966. What he needed to do was learn his craft, which he accomplished, as Rolling Stone reported, in three weeks in the university library, poring over chemistry journals. Soon afterward, he left college and a going concern, the Bear Research Group, was born.
In 1965, he met Mr. Kesey, and through him the Dead. Enraptured, he became their sound man, early underwriter, principal acolyte, sometime housemate and frequent touring companion. With Bob Thomas, he designed the band’s highly recognizable skull-and-lightning-bolt logo. Mr. Stanley also made many recordings of the Dead in performance, now considered valuable documentary records of the band’s early years. Many have been released commercially.
Mr. Stanley remained with the band off and on through the early ’70s, when, according to Rolling Stone, his habits became too much even for the Grateful Dead and they parted company. (He had insisted, among other things, that the band eat meat — nothing but meat — a dietary regimen he followed until the end of his life.)
His other clients included John Lennon, who, according to “The Beatles,” a 2005 biography by Bob Spitz, contracted to pay Mr. Stanley for a lifetime supply of his wares.
In 1970, after a judge revoked Mr. Stanley’s bail from a 1967 drug arrest, he served two years in federal prison. There, he learned metalwork and jewelry making, trades he plied in recent years.
Mr. Stanley, who became an Australian citizen in the 1990s, was treated for throat cancer in 2004. In the Rolling Stone interview, he attributed his survival to his carnivorous diet. (A heart attack he had suffered some years earlier he ascribed to eating broccoli as a child, forced on him by his mother.)
Besides his wife, Sheilah, Mr. Stanley’s survivors include two sons, Pete and Starfinder; two daughters, Nina and Redbird; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Though he helped transform the culture, Mr. Stanley asserted that he had never meant to do so. As he told The San Francisco Chronicle in 2007, he had set out only to make a product he knew he could take, because its ingredients were known.
“And my friends all wanted to know what they were taking, too,” Mr. Stanley said. “Of course,” he added “my ‘friends’ expanded very rapidly.”
tuff times
you know the economy is bad when the AFLAC Duck looses his job......people are quackin up with this political correctness nonsense...........i better layoff the Godzilla Jokes for a while........speakin of ducks....KhDAFFY is loving this earthquake/tsunami......knocked him right off the front pages of your newspaper.
well i was up all night studying for my stress test today , lets hope i pass......I ran a smooth, painfree, 3 mile race this past saturday , no shortness of breath, and i managed to wash it all down with a couple of six packs of low Carb beeere, so I feel healthier already.....lets hope the Doc gives me an all clear on the ticker in time for the 96 hour St Patricks Celebration.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
quick hits
"I think I know what my father meant when he sang about the lost highway" Hank Jr.
well i am in the midst of reading ON THE ROAD and it's difficult because i am also on a self imposed NoBooze Zone because of recent health scares.( I am trying to wait until i get an all clear from my Heart Doctor before Imbibing....we shall see) but every time I read this book I unearth more evidence of how deeply influenced I was by this book....mostly subconscious at the time of my youth , although now quite transparent.....KEROUAC as relevant in 2010 as he was in 1947.....I think I was born 30 years too late.
as i awoke this morning to a torrential downpour I immediately conjured up images and flashbacks to one of the greatest Dead Shows I was lucky enough to attend ( Or at least greatest openers)......My and Chris Cogs , Sept 91 or 92....the newly renovated MSG with a New and improved sound had been raining in NYC for 48 hours, it was a Thursday Night opener of a 4 night gig.....we drank the good old Bottles of BUD in a makeshift cooler on the veranda of MSG and smoked some funky cigarettes , all as the worlds bankers and powerbrokers shuttled in and out of Penn Station.....inside the arena was filling up.....we had seats but never bothered to find them, instead we grabbed acouple of tall boys and took a spot along the rail behind the yellow section, 7th ave end, with a dead on view of the DEAD.....they opened with a cover of the Beatles "RAIN"......."when the Rain comes, you go and hide your head, you might as well be DEAD" and the building almost crumble into itself.......they took that straight into Shakedown Street and I honestly thought I was in Heaven....Jerry had the knack of knowing the internal temperature of the deadheads, and this night was no night for a long slow journey to get there.....they hit us right between the eyes to open and 20,000 people were never soooo of the show was good i am sure, but that opener stays with me forever.
So they are lining up to attack Peter King for having the audacity to explore Radical Islam in America and its' ties to terrorism.......I heard some 30 year old schmuk newscaster sarcastically compare it to if thats a bad thing.....Communism and the infiltration of our govt by communists was very real at the time, but the liberal media and school teachers over the years have used the most extreme examples of Joe Mccarthy's investigations to MOCK and Belittle the whole process......if the IRA started targeting Americans overseas and killing them, you are DAM Right I should be profiled and's called Police Work...
Boy Old England must feel awfully silly now........they pardoned the Lockerbie bomber on humanitarian purposes because he was about to die......18 months ago.....but it soon became clear that they really caved to threats of a potential loss of Oil if they did not grant the pardon.....that request came from Col Khadaffy.....lay down with the dog, you get up with fleas Mr Brown.
lastly....a shocking story in the Post seems a dispute between neighbors lead to one of them building a fence between the two properties and ultimately resulted in the shooting death of one of the two.......can you imagine that ? ?
sadly the man that was killed had lost his son in the World Trade Center which certainly may have influenced his unfriendly demeanor.......yep less than 3,000 were killed that day.....but those impacted forever is a list we will never be able to tally.
that's a lot for a Thursday morning.......MEGA millions pot is some tickets.
well i am in the midst of reading ON THE ROAD and it's difficult because i am also on a self imposed NoBooze Zone because of recent health scares.( I am trying to wait until i get an all clear from my Heart Doctor before Imbibing....we shall see) but every time I read this book I unearth more evidence of how deeply influenced I was by this book....mostly subconscious at the time of my youth , although now quite transparent.....KEROUAC as relevant in 2010 as he was in 1947.....I think I was born 30 years too late.
as i awoke this morning to a torrential downpour I immediately conjured up images and flashbacks to one of the greatest Dead Shows I was lucky enough to attend ( Or at least greatest openers)......My and Chris Cogs , Sept 91 or 92....the newly renovated MSG with a New and improved sound had been raining in NYC for 48 hours, it was a Thursday Night opener of a 4 night gig.....we drank the good old Bottles of BUD in a makeshift cooler on the veranda of MSG and smoked some funky cigarettes , all as the worlds bankers and powerbrokers shuttled in and out of Penn Station.....inside the arena was filling up.....we had seats but never bothered to find them, instead we grabbed acouple of tall boys and took a spot along the rail behind the yellow section, 7th ave end, with a dead on view of the DEAD.....they opened with a cover of the Beatles "RAIN"......."when the Rain comes, you go and hide your head, you might as well be DEAD" and the building almost crumble into itself.......they took that straight into Shakedown Street and I honestly thought I was in Heaven....Jerry had the knack of knowing the internal temperature of the deadheads, and this night was no night for a long slow journey to get there.....they hit us right between the eyes to open and 20,000 people were never soooo of the show was good i am sure, but that opener stays with me forever.
So they are lining up to attack Peter King for having the audacity to explore Radical Islam in America and its' ties to terrorism.......I heard some 30 year old schmuk newscaster sarcastically compare it to if thats a bad thing.....Communism and the infiltration of our govt by communists was very real at the time, but the liberal media and school teachers over the years have used the most extreme examples of Joe Mccarthy's investigations to MOCK and Belittle the whole process......if the IRA started targeting Americans overseas and killing them, you are DAM Right I should be profiled and's called Police Work...
Boy Old England must feel awfully silly now........they pardoned the Lockerbie bomber on humanitarian purposes because he was about to die......18 months ago.....but it soon became clear that they really caved to threats of a potential loss of Oil if they did not grant the pardon.....that request came from Col Khadaffy.....lay down with the dog, you get up with fleas Mr Brown.
lastly....a shocking story in the Post seems a dispute between neighbors lead to one of them building a fence between the two properties and ultimately resulted in the shooting death of one of the two.......can you imagine that ? ?
sadly the man that was killed had lost his son in the World Trade Center which certainly may have influenced his unfriendly demeanor.......yep less than 3,000 were killed that day.....but those impacted forever is a list we will never be able to tally.
that's a lot for a Thursday morning.......MEGA millions pot is some tickets.
Monday, March 07, 2011
KDM Race
For those of you unfamiliar with the story, Keith was a local resident and he was murdered along with his colleagues in the World Trade Center on September 11th 2001, This race keeps his memory alive and raises funds for many charities and foundations, this year being the 10th Anniv it would be great to participate in as many of these events as you possibly can, sadly this Nation has already begun to forget , who knows how many people will even care when we reach the 11th anniv......think I am crazy, how many people still observe Pearl Harbor Day or Veterans Day, or Memorial Day events?......this year the race is a Saturday Morning/afternoon (Mad Hatter / Donnovans Reef Sea Bright NJ).....I would lOVE to see some Familiar faces from Bayridge and I always have room for overnight guests if the party goes on and on and it will.
The annual KDM 3-mile fun run/walk will be held on Saturday, March 12th. This year's running is especially poignant as it marks the 10th annual running to honor our friend's memory.
For 10 years, children and adults of all ages have participated in this great race to raise money for a host of wonderful local causes championed in Keith's name.
Tell everyone you know about this year's event which will be followed by a festive after-party at the Mad Hatter immediately following the race. Live music will be played until early evening hours by a number of amazing local musicians.
Thank you always for your support and we look forward to seeing you and your family on race day
The annual KDM 3-mile fun run/walk will be held on Saturday, March 12th. This year's running is especially poignant as it marks the 10th annual running to honor our friend's memory.
For 10 years, children and adults of all ages have participated in this great race to raise money for a host of wonderful local causes championed in Keith's name.
Tell everyone you know about this year's event which will be followed by a festive after-party at the Mad Hatter immediately following the race. Live music will be played until early evening hours by a number of amazing local musicians.
Thank you always for your support and we look forward to seeing you and your family on race day
Friday, March 04, 2011
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane.
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me.
You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane.
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me.
oh lord-y
i really need to hit the mega millions jackpot, i am totally dis-interested in returning to work and will again stay home ...this being misses Higgins likes to remind us ....all good things come to an end....including 72 hour benders i suppose........but not today sally jones....not today we embar4k on the weekend of revelry and we must drink the juice.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Birthday Horoscope
You alone are responsible for the direction your life has taken up to this point in time, and you alone are responsible for the direction it will take from here on. Your destiny is, was and always will be in your own hands -- so be creative.
so i am trying hard to have a good time on my birthday although it's not easy this year.....clock on the wall says 46...not really sure how old i feel today.....took my doggie for a walk....just cooked two steaks on the gril for Bkfst, cracked open a Labatts Blue...listening to the Dead.....awaiting a visit from a member of the Sweater Nite Executive commitee for a drink-a-thon in Red Bank.....but i can't snap out of it today....
DRINKING in the U.S. NAVY ? ?
wow shocker.....Sailors were drinking and fratenizing with the ladies while in Port on Liberty......maybe they woke up and realized they could be killed before sundown while protecting their countrymen and serving in hostile environments overseas, maybe thay took an extra shot a whiskey and chatted up the local ladies and cracked a bottle of beer over some schmucks head ....he probably deserved it....i'm just is the Fukin Navy...lighten up people....when did the world become such a politically correct shithole of a place to live....if i was in the Navy today I would probably get thrown out.....
The Navy announced Tuesday that it was relieving both the commanding officer and the command master chief of the Norfolk-based USS Stout – one of the Navy destroyers stationed in the Mediterranean and poised to respond if needed to developments in Libya.
Cmdr. Nathan Borchers and Master Chief Susan Bruce-Ross were relieved due to what the Navy termed a "loss of confidence" in their ability lead.
A Navy official told Fox News that Borchers failed to properly oversee members of his ship who were apparently involved in misconduct while in ports at various locations in Europe. The use of alcohol and fraternization were issues during these port visits, the official said. The relief of Borchers followed an investigation into multiple allegations of crew misconduct.
The Navy announced Tuesday that it was relieving both the commanding officer and the command master chief of the Norfolk-based USS Stout – one of the Navy destroyers stationed in the Mediterranean and poised to respond if needed to developments in Libya.
Cmdr. Nathan Borchers and Master Chief Susan Bruce-Ross were relieved due to what the Navy termed a "loss of confidence" in their ability lead.
A Navy official told Fox News that Borchers failed to properly oversee members of his ship who were apparently involved in misconduct while in ports at various locations in Europe. The use of alcohol and fraternization were issues during these port visits, the official said. The relief of Borchers followed an investigation into multiple allegations of crew misconduct.
iron monkey revolving door
it is with a heavy heart filled with sadness that i penn this post, my good friend Regina has been fired from the Iron Monkey in Jersey City, those of you that have visited me there during the past 4 years know what a great bartender and BETTER person she is, she will land on her feet of course, and she is better off detached from that Den of Liars and self loathsome creeps, but she will be missed by the faithful and of course we will no longer frequent that establishment......i ask my friends to avoid 97 Green Street as though the plague resided there and be sure to tell all your friends that the owner and management do not deserve your hard earned money......plenty of good bars in jersey city that you can spend your money and still have a clear conscience.
Try the Coors Light draft at Nankings....a bit cloudy, but quite delicious just the same , and it slakes the thirst.
Try the Coors Light draft at Nankings....a bit cloudy, but quite delicious just the same , and it slakes the thirst.
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