mark my words.....the nfl will use the recent beating of a jet fan in the Giant Stadium parking lot to eventually ban alcohol consumption in the parking lots before games......impossible ?? just wait.
The truth is it kills these teams to know that the fans can pack coolers and drink beer for 5 hours before kickoff and aside from the $25 parking fine, they don't see a dime.....they will use the violence to their advantage and ban booze in the lots......
then to show that their good eggs, and care about the fans, they will open the doors to the stadium 3 or 4 hours before the game....and they will sell you ALL THE BOOZE you can afford....but they will justify that by saying its regulated and we don't serve intoxicated people....this will protect all the fans and line the owners pockets.....come in and tailgate at the seats with $9 beers and $10 greasy hamburgers.
sounds crazy ? fans will revolt ? nobody will go to the games ? blah, blah, blah.......i hope i am wrong , but i know i am not.......