a wonderful world of alcohol and sometimes hockey ramblings....a great place to get drunk or fantisize about being drunk.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
disabled list
my apologies for the lack of posting......took a nasty fall the other night, cracked 3 ribs, bruised sternum , mild concussion....on oxycoden......anyway it appears the last attempt at saving our hockey season is underway.....lets hope this jackalopes can iron it out.....sweater nite 15 is penciled in for Sunday afternoon Feb 17th at the Kof C.......we s/b putting it in INK and ordering the coozies and typing the letter in the next week or so.....
Sunday, December 09, 2012
America's game
oh Trent Steelman, hold your head up son, the Nation feels your pain.....in what may have been the greatest game in this storied rivalry, the squids prevailed yet again....that's 11 in a row for those of you keeping score at home....but certainly wiothout question , ARMY should have won this game.....not that I am selling Navy & Coach Ken short, we rose to the occasion, we found a way...we prevailed.......but Oh Army.....how did you find a way to loose this game.?.......i was very happy to see coach Niamatulolo search out and comfort Army Senior QB Steelman....this kid was inconsolable, it had to tug at your heartstrings to watch......they were going in for the winning score and he fumbled on the 10..........as coach Ken would tell the sideline "Those guys in black Jerseys are Tough Suckers" and he meant that with the utmost respect.....this rivalry really does transend life, this is so much more than a football game.....for Navy it's on to San Francisco and a bowl game with Arizona State.....for Army ?? well for the 11th straight year the Black Knights limp back to West Point on the loosing end, come June; for the 8th straight year they will graduate a class of seniors that have never Beaten Navy, have never hoited the CIC or got to sing their alma mater last....and on this day, even the squids feel your pain.....Hang in their Army...Keep the Faith!
Now college men from sea to sea
May sing of colors true,
But who has better right than we
To hoist a symbol hue?
For sailor men in battle fair
Since fighting days of old,
Have proved a sailor's right to wear
The Navy Blue and Gold.
Now college men from sea to sea
May sing of colors true,
But who has better right than we
To hoist a symbol hue?
For sailor men in battle fair
Since fighting days of old,
Have proved a sailor's right to wear
The Navy Blue and Gold.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Sweater Nite Endorsement
Sweater Nite the blog is proud to reccomend that my loyal readers follow and support the Twitter Ramblings of Megan O'Dowds Mom Annie.....she should beging tweeting very soon and we would provide details right here.......Sweater Nite anticipates some behind the scenes Tweets on the Colts Neck High Social goings on, as Annie shares her analysis of the trials and tribulations of Megan and her friends...
Saturday, November 24, 2012
in an absolutely bizzare incident reminiscent of a quentin tarantino movie, notre dame coach brian kelly showed up at the USC team hotel at 3:00 a.m. pacific time and ordered at gunpoint Trojan Redshirt Quarterback Wittek up into a 50 foot scaffolding during strong winds and heavy rains........kelly incoherently shouted "Keep Filming...Keep Filming" as he was dragged away in handcuffs....the ghost of Beano Cook was later heard to say that he still likes Notre Dame chances at a national Title even if they are snubbed by the BCS.......really weird stuff on the left coast.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
bring on the trojans
No not Notre Dame.......Navy Baby...assuming Coach Kelly does not have the entire USC football murdered in their hotel rooms this weekend....the Trojans will be making an appearance in the Kraft Food Fight Hunger Bowl against the Midshipmen of the U.S. Naval Academy on Saturday afternoon Dec 29th at 1:00........first tho , we must dispatch of the Cadets from West Point .......Gods Speed Squids....Gods Speed.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
there's something fishy brewing
not really ...it's bloody obvious.......watch and listen to this isreal-gaza-hamas-palastine fiasco.......wanna know who the hero is going to be? it's very easy......EGYPT.......obama & co are going to fall all over themseleves praising EGYPT for saving the day .....and brokering peace....wanna know why ? same reason they covered up the Al-Queda attack in Libya.....same reason obama insists al-queda is decimated and no longer a threat.....because this molsem commander in chief is preparing to give EGYPT the gift of their blind cleric Sheik Omar as an olive branch and a thank you......yep, the man who orchestrated the first WTC attack and was the inspiration behind 9/11.......he will be released by obama and given back to EGYPT,,,,,,mark my words.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
As former CIA Director David Petraeus revealed new discrepancies Friday in the administration's story over Libya, a dozen female House Democrats suggested Republicans' criticism of U.N. ambassador Susan Rice over her Libya comments is instead rooted in sexism and racism.
"It is a shame that anytime something goes wrong, they pick on women and minorities," Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, the next chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, told reporters Friday at a Capitol Hill news conference.
nope....that's a real quote....i didnt FUDGE the above statement from Marcia I.M Darkerthen Fudge....she really said that.....I.M. mildly surprised that drunk Diane Sawyer didnt open the evening news with this one.....although maybe she did...i didnt watch........but in an administration that is disproportionately filled with women and minority's....just whom should we assign blame ?
ah yes...i forgot....the answer is George Bush.
"It is a shame that anytime something goes wrong, they pick on women and minorities," Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, the next chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, told reporters Friday at a Capitol Hill news conference.
nope....that's a real quote....i didnt FUDGE the above statement from Marcia I.M Darkerthen Fudge....she really said that.....I.M. mildly surprised that drunk Diane Sawyer didnt open the evening news with this one.....although maybe she did...i didnt watch........but in an administration that is disproportionately filled with women and minority's....just whom should we assign blame ?
ah yes...i forgot....the answer is George Bush.
Friday, November 16, 2012
well folks....looks like the russians are here to collect.....good thing old barry is More flexible since the election...he's gonna have to Tap dance a russian jig for the next 4 years........good thing we dont need those bayonets and horses..........IT's OVER !!! its so fukin over......I wonder this story, Petraus affair and the Libya hearings were ignored until after the election.......i am kinda rooting for Iran to annihilate ISreal so all those dumb asses in Miami Beach can blame themselves for their own demise....he's a fukin moslem you self hating idiots....a fukin indonesian moslem.....wake up.
Hey, here's something new to fear. The U.S. Navy detected a Russian nuclear-powered attack sub roughly 275 miles from America's East Coast late last month. The Sierra-2 submarine was believed to be patrolling the deep Atlantic waters, which, according to CNN, is something that the Russian government has said they'd be doing. The sub was not close to any Navy submarine bases, and military officials aren't saying how they detected the vessel's presence. "Things worked the way they were supposed to," one official cryptically said. The Navy is reportedly tracking the sub, which it says is now heading back toward Europe (and also into our nightmares
Hey, here's something new to fear. The U.S. Navy detected a Russian nuclear-powered attack sub roughly 275 miles from America's East Coast late last month. The Sierra-2 submarine was believed to be patrolling the deep Atlantic waters, which, according to CNN, is something that the Russian government has said they'd be doing. The sub was not close to any Navy submarine bases, and military officials aren't saying how they detected the vessel's presence. "Things worked the way they were supposed to," one official cryptically said. The Navy is reportedly tracking the sub, which it says is now heading back toward Europe (and also into our nightmares
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
this petition....although symbolic, is worth signing.....it will be recorded in history and it is on the official white house page , so sambo will know about it....it takes 2 minutes to create and account, just name, email and zip code....Petreaus and the CIA already have this information
search for WE the People....its on the white house page
Here is your WhiteHouse.gov account information:
e-mail: sn2ktomcat@yahoo.com
search for WE the People....its on the white house page
Here is your WhiteHouse.gov account information:
e-mail: sn2ktomcat@yahoo.com
Friday, November 09, 2012
the election
not sure if i can put into words my dissapointment with the election results, but i took down the flag on weds and i am not sure if I ever will fly it again, the nation i once felt pride in defending no longer exists, to paraphrase the words of Ron Burgundy..."Go fuck Yourself America"
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Con Te Partiro
As Andrea Bocelli would say in his ginzo operatic voice.....It's time to say Goodbye......and Yes Sweater Sweater it's time to say goodbye to Brooklyn before the vermon infested iceladies arrive.
waiting on the president
so I am watching the sickening news about poor Autumn Pasquale , and they arrested these 2 animals that lured and killed her for f*king bicycle parts and I am thinking " They could be Obama's Sons".......remember how he interjected himself into the shooting of the drug upped truant teen in florida that was shot by the civilian security guard while looking for homes to rob............well barry , why the silence on this tragedy ? these two miscreants look a lot like you and michelle too.
but why ?
as this fiasco in libya continues to unravel, i am still getting stuck on one point....WHY ? why was the black haus so reluctant to classify the libyan massacre on the anniversay of the 9/11 attacks as a "terrorist" attack ? what was/is there motive in first insisting it was a crowd of rebel rouses that got out of hand, why 5 days after the fact did they send Susan Rice onto Meet the Press to further push the notion it was payback for an anti-islam movie and street protest gone out of bounds? This was Al Queda, and nobody, and i do mean nobody, would blame obama for al queda's existince, they were here before barry and will be here long after he leaves.......it's not like this was the new libyan govt that he supported attacking us, he would not have had egg on his face for the actions of an organized al queda attack ....so why ? it is not like the american public was under the assumption that there was an everlasting peace in the middle east after the sand nigga spring...so why? ....why so eager to brush this aside....call it less than optimal, a bump on the road.......the jewish vote? they could care less about our diplomats in libya....hell isreal is facing nuclear extinction at the hands of iran and the jews are still lining up in boca raton to reelect this jackass....so why?
it is obviously something Big.....for hillary to fall on her sword and commit political suicide it must be big.......its also obvious that if Susan Rice had gone on these shows so close to the election and spread this propoganda on her own....without the encouragement or insistence of the black haus....she would have been fired.....can you imagine a renegade voice in his administration rockin the boat against his will and causing a stir like this one caused......off with her head.....but Nope...she has been spared....she was obviously just doing her job.....but WHY ?
I am stumped......my main suspicion now is that barry knew that continued attacks and the obvious healthiness of al queda would prevent him from freeing Sheik Omar; the blind cleric behind the 1993 world trade center attacks, as an olive branch to egypt..........but would he risk it all to keep his plan alive? or is he so arrogant he really felt that the dumbass american public will ignore the facts and drink the cool aid?
somewhere in a cornfield of Illinois.. Carlton Fisk is waking up behind the wheel with an empty bottle of vodka...no doubt contemplating the same puzzling issues as me.
it is obviously something Big.....for hillary to fall on her sword and commit political suicide it must be big.......its also obvious that if Susan Rice had gone on these shows so close to the election and spread this propoganda on her own....without the encouragement or insistence of the black haus....she would have been fired.....can you imagine a renegade voice in his administration rockin the boat against his will and causing a stir like this one caused......off with her head.....but Nope...she has been spared....she was obviously just doing her job.....but WHY ?
I am stumped......my main suspicion now is that barry knew that continued attacks and the obvious healthiness of al queda would prevent him from freeing Sheik Omar; the blind cleric behind the 1993 world trade center attacks, as an olive branch to egypt..........but would he risk it all to keep his plan alive? or is he so arrogant he really felt that the dumbass american public will ignore the facts and drink the cool aid?
somewhere in a cornfield of Illinois.. Carlton Fisk is waking up behind the wheel with an empty bottle of vodka...no doubt contemplating the same puzzling issues as me.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
survey says........
my dog Graves was beeming with pride when she saw these results., although she vows to do her part to leapfrog gosts and become the biggest fear for spoony.....quite possible the greatest survey of the past 20 years.......this will have to be reprinted in the sweater nite letter.
Two magazines, Country Living (95.99% white readership) and Ebony /Jet (99.99% black readership) did surveys on "WHAT DO PEOPLE FEAR MOST?”
The results were interesting, to say the least...
Country Living magazine's top three answers were:
1. Nuclear war/terrorist attack in U.S
2. Child/spouse dying
3. Terminal illness
Ebony / Jet magazine's top three answers were:
1. Ghosts
2. Dogs
3. Registered mail
No Kidding - And these are the people who put Obama over the top.
Two magazines, Country Living (95.99% white readership) and Ebony /Jet (99.99% black readership) did surveys on "WHAT DO PEOPLE FEAR MOST?”
The results were interesting, to say the least...
Country Living magazine's top three answers were:
1. Nuclear war/terrorist attack in U.S
2. Child/spouse dying
3. Terminal illness
Ebony / Jet magazine's top three answers were:
1. Ghosts
2. Dogs
3. Registered mail
No Kidding - And these are the people who put Obama over the top.
Friday, October 19, 2012
just wonderin
i sure hope there weren't any EXECS from Chrysler / GM or the other automative Big 3 at the Tigers games this past week.....I sure hope they gave up their luxury suites for all the Detroit teams after accepting bailout funds from the Government......I seem to recall spponjiah wagging his finger back in 09 telling Wall Street they couldn't give out Bonuses because of the financial stimullus....i certainly recall the media mocking Bank of America for having the audacity to pay deferred compensation to their employees that year.....i geuss the automakers get a free pass....after all...the first thing they did with their bailout cash was to produce a 2 minutes superbowl commercial exclaiming the rebirth of Made in Detroit with Eminem as their spokesperson....maybe he worked for free.....
nice to see that Dou*bag sprinsgteen hasn't changed....he's back in ohio stumping for obama.....i hope everyone who went to any of his concerts or bought any of his CD's the past 4 years feels responsible.....YOU sent him a message that it's OK....his loyal fans will trott out there and buy his tix no matter what....
i , on the other hand....still send hate mail to Phil Lesh for politicizing organ donation at a concert 5 years ago....poor Jerry would be turning in his grave....if he had a grave.....if his daughter and Bob weir hadn't spread his ashes into the ghanges River in India.....pooor poooor Jerry...you deserved better.
nice to see that Dou*bag sprinsgteen hasn't changed....he's back in ohio stumping for obama.....i hope everyone who went to any of his concerts or bought any of his CD's the past 4 years feels responsible.....YOU sent him a message that it's OK....his loyal fans will trott out there and buy his tix no matter what....
i , on the other hand....still send hate mail to Phil Lesh for politicizing organ donation at a concert 5 years ago....poor Jerry would be turning in his grave....if he had a grave.....if his daughter and Bob weir hadn't spread his ashes into the ghanges River in India.....pooor poooor Jerry...you deserved better.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
the power of me
wow....this is one for the ages.......i hvae always known i have the incredible power to fortune into famine, how i can give the kiss of death to a sports franchise by rooting for them....how my teams seldom win championships ( see the long troubled history of the Mets & Rangers) and how the teams i hate anjoy riches( see Notre dame on a roll since i officially turned against them).....but even this one scares me.
sometime after the Yankees defeated the orioles on Friday night i sat at the bar at Ceasars AC , enjoying a cool refreshing glass of ale and pondering the baseball playoffs.......A1 on the agenda was the Nationals preserving a 6 run lead and eliminating the hated Cardinals ( check)......next up was the pending Yankee-Tigers series......i thought for a moment and declared to nobody in particular that my hatred for the Redwings was soooo great , that it extended to the Mich, Mich St, Motown music, the Lions and Yes the Tigers.......no self respecting hockey fan would have an interest in basketball, so the pistons are safe for the moment......and so by default I was rooting for the Yankees.
I cam out of the Jackson browne concert to witness the Cardinals rally back in the 9th inning to beat the Nationals.......as bad as this was, i reasoned that it was okay because the National Fans are also Capital Fans.....and Oriole Fans are Ravens fans.....so there was a silver lining.
now i have only rooted for the Yankees 3 times in this 16 year run of theirs......in 96 over the Braves for Metropolitans reasons and the Yanks won......i also rooted for them over the Diamondbacks after the 2001 attacks on our city ( Riviera blows saves in 9th inning to cost them world series) and 2004 over the redsox (yanks blow 3-0 series lead) .......powerful stuff this jinx of mine.
But Last night takes the case........not only did the Yanks loose game 1 ....but they lost their Captain to a broken ankle.......if Jeter only knew I was rooting for the Yanks he would have lifted himself for a pinch hitter in the 10th.
who's next ?
sometime after the Yankees defeated the orioles on Friday night i sat at the bar at Ceasars AC , enjoying a cool refreshing glass of ale and pondering the baseball playoffs.......A1 on the agenda was the Nationals preserving a 6 run lead and eliminating the hated Cardinals ( check)......next up was the pending Yankee-Tigers series......i thought for a moment and declared to nobody in particular that my hatred for the Redwings was soooo great , that it extended to the Mich, Mich St, Motown music, the Lions and Yes the Tigers.......no self respecting hockey fan would have an interest in basketball, so the pistons are safe for the moment......and so by default I was rooting for the Yankees.
I cam out of the Jackson browne concert to witness the Cardinals rally back in the 9th inning to beat the Nationals.......as bad as this was, i reasoned that it was okay because the National Fans are also Capital Fans.....and Oriole Fans are Ravens fans.....so there was a silver lining.
now i have only rooted for the Yankees 3 times in this 16 year run of theirs......in 96 over the Braves for Metropolitans reasons and the Yanks won......i also rooted for them over the Diamondbacks after the 2001 attacks on our city ( Riviera blows saves in 9th inning to cost them world series) and 2004 over the redsox (yanks blow 3-0 series lead) .......powerful stuff this jinx of mine.
But Last night takes the case........not only did the Yanks loose game 1 ....but they lost their Captain to a broken ankle.......if Jeter only knew I was rooting for the Yanks he would have lifted himself for a pinch hitter in the 10th.
who's next ?
Sunday, October 07, 2012
bear mountain picnic
the beeeeeere was delicous on Bear Mountain yesterday.......food was so-so......oooompa nazi music was missing, vendors were scarce and boring......thank God for the BEEEEERE.
Saturday, October 06, 2012
wild cards ?
couple of quick points.
Orioles....feel good story kinda......first post season appearence since 1997.......should bring back glorious memories of the 1970's....Plamer, Cuellar, Mcnally, Brooksie, Mark ABelanger and all.....the brilliant October Sun reflcecting off those white jersey and the Orange trim ?????
yeah right........Nightime in Texas and the birds wore BLACK Jerseys......sad.
Now......the play of the day......Infield fly rule ?? tuff call.....shortstop never came to a complete stop....hard to say he was camped under the ball....he also had his back to the infield.....if he intended to drop it on purpose to get the double play it wouldn;t have worked in 200 tries..
BUT the real story was the classless Atlanta Fans throwing garbage on the field for 20 minutes...and those empty cans werent thrown from the cheap seats upstairs....nope , that was teddy Turner fellow yachstman in the field level seats.
BUT BUT BUT ....the best story of the day was LARRY Jones going 1 for 5 and critical throwing error.....nice to see that scumbag go out in shame.....go fuk yourself chipper.
Orioles....feel good story kinda......first post season appearence since 1997.......should bring back glorious memories of the 1970's....Plamer, Cuellar, Mcnally, Brooksie, Mark ABelanger and all.....the brilliant October Sun reflcecting off those white jersey and the Orange trim ?????
yeah right........Nightime in Texas and the birds wore BLACK Jerseys......sad.
Now......the play of the day......Infield fly rule ?? tuff call.....shortstop never came to a complete stop....hard to say he was camped under the ball....he also had his back to the infield.....if he intended to drop it on purpose to get the double play it wouldn;t have worked in 200 tries..
BUT the real story was the classless Atlanta Fans throwing garbage on the field for 20 minutes...and those empty cans werent thrown from the cheap seats upstairs....nope , that was teddy Turner fellow yachstman in the field level seats.
BUT BUT BUT ....the best story of the day was LARRY Jones going 1 for 5 and critical throwing error.....nice to see that scumbag go out in shame.....go fuk yourself chipper.
Thursday, October 04, 2012
old Jacks lowell
the hard, cold, oft sad red brick factory walls of the textile mills that Jack described in saturating detail remain, but what lies behind those walls is a scene that would make Te~ Jean himself smile with pride. A vibrant cloister of bars,pubs,taverns and meat Meccas.......an influx of youthful college kids from Umass Lowell brings this "Venice of America" to life. A quiet walk along the canals hearkens back to old Emil in his sidecar crossing and recrossing the Merrimack with Manuel... to the bemusement of onlookers....not much, except everything...has changed........Jacks' presence is nowhere and everywhere at the same time....perhaps Gerard still haunts these plains ...in the most gentile way a ghost can haunt.......the long shadows that come on a dying september sunday afternoon demand a remembrance of the sorrow and angst of a surf like factory worker....the Shrine of Joseph, the congregation is seated.....Saint Lucy stares from her throne....ole Lowell...one step forward , two steps back.....she truly never forgets.
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Ran the Jack Kerouac 5K this past sauturday in Lowell Mass........a full review of the sights and sounds of old Lowell to follow tonite when I have more time............I think of Dean Moriarity....
Friday, September 28, 2012
R. A. Diculous....
spent a glorious afternoon in the left field bleachers at new shea yesterday with Jimmy Holliday, Crankie & Donn e Beisbol watching R.A. Dickey notch his 20th win......no better way to spend a Thursday....
Sunday, September 23, 2012
hockey ? remember hockey? this is a song about alice
anybody here seen bobby lupo ?? what in Gods name is happenming in the NHL....call me crazy, but from where I sit it appears that the players are desperate to play...just make them a semi reasonable offer.....and most of the owners are ready to put this to bed........so whats blocking the deal ???? betman, that's it.....and a handful of small market owners........The Rangers-Boston-Detriot-Philly-Toronto- need to dump bettman or break away and form their own league.
tiny ten
another saturday....another poor showing for the tiny ten....Whisky survives Utep....Ohio State outlasts ALABAMA-birmingham....Mich State was loosing at home in the 4th qtr to eastern michigan.....Ioaw lost at home to the CHIPpewas of Central mich...Michigan turns the ball over 7 times in a loss at ND....i think denard robinson was afraid coach kelly would murder him if he beat the irish...illinois spanked again......Minny and northwestern had nice wins.........and now starts conf play....when ohios state beats the spartans are we supposed to be impressed?????
Friday, September 21, 2012
in case you missed.....and the media didnt pick up on it....ha.........caroline kennedy made a speech at the dnc and said as a catholic woman, she supports abortion....basically telling all the catholic woman of america its okay to support abortion ...like me.....and you dont have to vote your concience.....where is the outrage? where are the US Bishops ????
this excerpt from Catholic Online.
There were a lot of bad speeches at the Democratic National Convention, but Caroline Kennedy's speech was the low point in many ways. She got up on a national stage and used her professed Catholic faith to justify and actually demand the preservation of grave evils that the Church explicitly condemns. She presented lies for the truth, and tried to justify it with her Catholic faith.
this excerpt from Catholic Online.
There were a lot of bad speeches at the Democratic National Convention, but Caroline Kennedy's speech was the low point in many ways. She got up on a national stage and used her professed Catholic faith to justify and actually demand the preservation of grave evils that the Church explicitly condemns. She presented lies for the truth, and tried to justify it with her Catholic faith.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Romney video contd
funny, but there was more to that video that you'll probably never hear or see....at least not on ABC< NBC< or CBS.........all they want to talk about is the 47 %.........but also in that video Romney cstates that the Palastinians are only concerned about the destruction of Isreal and that peace will never come to the region......why wont they play that ? because they are too busy convincing the Jews that this Crazy Mormon will be bad for Isreal......cant let this cat out of the bag.
incidentally....as i watched the comments about the 47% ....i couldnt help but think about where the buffalo Roam and the scene where Hunter S. Thompson meets Nixon at the urinile.....and Nixon turns to him and says " FUCK THE DOOMED".........classic.....your a good egg Harris from the Post.....FUCK the 47%.
incidentally....as i watched the comments about the 47% ....i couldnt help but think about where the buffalo Roam and the scene where Hunter S. Thompson meets Nixon at the urinile.....and Nixon turns to him and says " FUCK THE DOOMED".........classic.....your a good egg Harris from the Post.....FUCK the 47%.
wake up Mitt
that tape may be a Godsend........stand behind those comments Mitt.....dont try to wooo the democrats.....dont try to be something to everyone.....this isnt high school.....these are opposing ideals and strategies....its okay to call your opponents lowlifes...if that's what you believe........dont back down, dont apologize...STAND UP for what you said.........educated America knows your Right.....when they go behind that curtain they will have to vote their conscience.....
Sunday, September 16, 2012
little ten
the big bad little ten flexed their muscles yesterday with some blowout wins over weaker foes...ohio state scored late to beat unranked cal at the horseshoe.....penn state crushed navy and invited the local boy scouts into the locker room to celebrate Nittany lion style....northwestern beat boston college ( does that count as a full win ?)...michigan beat mighty umass,,,,i didnt realize they had a fottball team......minnesota barely survived over western michigan by 5 pts.....nebraska beat arkansas st...purdue beat up on eastern michigan........wisconsin snuck by utah state...........the only little ten school to play a Ranked opponent was Michigan State at home against # 20 Notre Dame..........the irish rolled 20-3.
tell us ince again how tough the big ten is brent mussburger......until of course they signa tv deal with Fox or NBC, CBS......thne espn and abc will mock the big ten on a daily basis.
tell us ince again how tough the big ten is brent mussburger......until of course they signa tv deal with Fox or NBC, CBS......thne espn and abc will mock the big ten on a daily basis.
Friday, September 14, 2012
sooo much trouble in the world (b.marley)
wow , with all these terrible things happening all over the planet, it makes me wonder why Americans didn't elect that guy from 4 years ago who promised to solve the worlds problems....you remember...the guy guy who was gonna invite our enemies to sit down and discuss our differences.....offer an olive branch....press the reset button.....gosh, why didnt we elect him......surely by now we would all be singing kum-by-yaa in the streets.......and if the above didn't work, i bet he would have invited everybody to the white house for a beer to discuss their problems.....such a wise man in such troubled times.....why didnt we elect him ????
as our military budgets are slashed and the next generation of patriots are watching and probably growing suspicious....one can only wonder if we will be able to defend ourselves after 4 more years of this nonsense.
as our military budgets are slashed and the next generation of patriots are watching and probably growing suspicious....one can only wonder if we will be able to defend ourselves after 4 more years of this nonsense.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
i hear the wind whistle
the swaying trees and rambunctious seas
announce the dawn of another year,
just like the ones before, spirits arrive at your door
to reclaim....the lives they left too soon.
Fear not , they come in peace
to the homes and cubicles where they should still dwell
to the lives they left behind against their will, not by their choice.
acknowledge the howl on this day if no other
they are roaring in unison to remind.
announce the dawn of another year,
just like the ones before, spirits arrive at your door
to reclaim....the lives they left too soon.
Fear not , they come in peace
to the homes and cubicles where they should still dwell
to the lives they left behind against their will, not by their choice.
acknowledge the howl on this day if no other
they are roaring in unison to remind.
Monday, September 10, 2012
it is a source of comfort when the winds of september tenth arrive every year, the trees bend ...a subtle genuflect to acknowledge the arrival of soo many spirits in one space at the same time...its comforting to know they are still here.
Sunday, September 09, 2012
little ten rides again
oh where do we start? i have to point out how bad this conf is during September because once Conf Play starts and they beat up on each other, we will have to listen to brent nussburger tell us how much depth the conf has,,,,EVERY TEAM IS GOOD..........a Conf win is impressive, especially on the road....bullshit.
lets start with the least embarassing,,,Penn State looses at Virginia 17-16...no biggee..........and Purdue looses on the Road against in-state rival and ranked team Notre Dame.....still two more losses.....Illinois goes on the road and gets spanked by Arizona Stae....and Iowa looses its rivalry game to the mighty Cyclones of Iowa St......Ohio State Wins !! at home against University of Central Florida....and Michigan? they survive at the big house against Air Force by 6 points.....Air force had the ball twice in the final 5 minutes with a chance to take the lead........the other ranked teams? believe it or not they had 5 ranked teams to begin the weekend.....thats a shame....Well Nebraska looses to unranked UCLA......and Whisky looses to unranked Oregon State....you cannot make this up.....
Northwestern was the most impressive....running their record to 2-0 with a nice win over Vanderbilt.
lets face it .....this conference sucks......but they will still put 7 teams in bowl games....
things keep getting worse for Penn State.....distraught Placekicker Sam Fickens (who missed game winning kick along with 4 field goals and one extra point) attempted suicide with a gunshot to the head in his Virginia hotel room after the game.....thankfully he missed.
lets start with the least embarassing,,,Penn State looses at Virginia 17-16...no biggee..........and Purdue looses on the Road against in-state rival and ranked team Notre Dame.....still two more losses.....Illinois goes on the road and gets spanked by Arizona Stae....and Iowa looses its rivalry game to the mighty Cyclones of Iowa St......Ohio State Wins !! at home against University of Central Florida....and Michigan? they survive at the big house against Air Force by 6 points.....Air force had the ball twice in the final 5 minutes with a chance to take the lead........the other ranked teams? believe it or not they had 5 ranked teams to begin the weekend.....thats a shame....Well Nebraska looses to unranked UCLA......and Whisky looses to unranked Oregon State....you cannot make this up.....
Northwestern was the most impressive....running their record to 2-0 with a nice win over Vanderbilt.
lets face it .....this conference sucks......but they will still put 7 teams in bowl games....
things keep getting worse for Penn State.....distraught Placekicker Sam Fickens (who missed game winning kick along with 4 field goals and one extra point) attempted suicide with a gunshot to the head in his Virginia hotel room after the game.....thankfully he missed.
Monday, September 03, 2012
market watch & the ncaa's
so which conf is the worst ? that's the real debate....not who's best.....the SEC ...ho hum...not really worth wasting time here... ...but how about those media hyped programs that despite all the money and fanfare....SUCK........yep Michigan, that would be you , but your not alone my friend...your entire Conf Sucks......Whisky ? barely survives northen iowa........IOWA ? barely survives Northern Illinois....Penn State.....yeah , well at least nobody was assaulted in the showers as far as we know...Minnesota sneaks by UNLV....Mich St ? #13 in the nation ....playing at home against a rebuilding Boise State...scores late and hangs on by 4 pts......oho state beats up on miami of ohio and acts like they just beat USC ....sad conference....although I was delighted to see Northwestern beat the turncoat Orange in the Scarrier Dome.....and Mighty Pitt was beaten at home by a lower division school...the big East cant rid themselves soon enough of these lowlifes..speakin of schools that leave the big East for greener pastures...I was shocked to see that Boston College still has a football team....i thought they folded after Matty Ryan graduated.....they really have fallen off the face of the earth.....how bout my Illini opening the season with a W.
The ACC ? Maryland scores late to beat William & Mary 7-6......not a joke.....they were down 6-0 in the 4th quarter at home........Wake Forest ? hangs on the beat Liberty....i swear you can't make this stuff up.
as for the Market watch......I think Isreal attacks the Iranian Nuclear Facilities on Friday Oct 5th.....let the market dropoff before the weekend.......Monday is Columbus day, notoriously slow day and after the hedge funds drive prices down 7 or 800 pts....and everyone digests the outcome and realizes the world is a safer, better place .....the market will come back.......make sure you have a few sheckles on the sidelines for late monday afternoon......bargains galore.
that's all I got........Go Yellow Jackets....gonn a drink a few of Dales Mommas Little Yellow Pills(ners) as we dismantle that other fraudelent program VT.........I'M a Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech and a Heckuva of an Engineer.
The ACC ? Maryland scores late to beat William & Mary 7-6......not a joke.....they were down 6-0 in the 4th quarter at home........Wake Forest ? hangs on the beat Liberty....i swear you can't make this stuff up.
as for the Market watch......I think Isreal attacks the Iranian Nuclear Facilities on Friday Oct 5th.....let the market dropoff before the weekend.......Monday is Columbus day, notoriously slow day and after the hedge funds drive prices down 7 or 800 pts....and everyone digests the outcome and realizes the world is a safer, better place .....the market will come back.......make sure you have a few sheckles on the sidelines for late monday afternoon......bargains galore.
that's all I got........Go Yellow Jackets....gonn a drink a few of Dales Mommas Little Yellow Pills(ners) as we dismantle that other fraudelent program VT.........I'M a Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech and a Heckuva of an Engineer.
dont be alarmed
never worry , never fear......sweater nite has not sold it's soul....the prior post was placed by yours truly, it provides a sneak peak at the collectors item photobook that will be on display at SNXV.....feel free to peruse from cover to cover, gasp at the startling photos, snicker at the collective silliness and wax poetic about the many, many beers that have been imbibed.........15 is a milestone....and it may or may not be the end of the line for sweater nite, but it certainly warrants a pause for reflection.
Sunday, September 02, 2012
Photo Book
Click here to view this photo book larger
Shutterfly allows you to customize your photo book just the way you want.
secret plot
i lost my internet access for a few days , but thanks to the efforts of a tireless Verizon Tech, I am back ..Thanks Donzo.....now i have narrowed the list of possible assasins that attacked my internet connections....obviously someone did not want me online the past few days.
obama?....too obvious
Clint?.......too far gone
Coach Kelly?...has an alibi, was out of the country
Penn State, The ACC, the little ten ?.....maybe
Eggroll ????......hmmmmmmm
Graves ? ?
obama?....too obvious
Clint?.......too far gone
Coach Kelly?...has an alibi, was out of the country
Penn State, The ACC, the little ten ?.....maybe
Eggroll ????......hmmmmmmm
Graves ? ?
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
oh you sad creatures of the republican night, taking to the stage as the PA systems blares the black eyed peas, your sooooo hip, sooooooooo with the times, you...YOU CRAZY CAT you...... are gonna make it tough for folks to decide who to vote for......your woooing the hardcore ardent supporters of barry hussein....all across america , millions of american hating liberals are waking up and rethinking the republican agenda.........wow, if they listen to the black eyed peas, maybe they arent as stiff as the media portrays them, maybe i should vote for them..........and i sit in my office and howl at the moon " ISAAC ! Why have your forsaken us ? why couldnt ye turn towards Tampa and wreak havoc and destruction ....to the background music of kanye or someobody even more hip.
Friday, August 24, 2012
market watch
so this past monday i moved about 25% of my retirement acct out of Mutual funds and into money market......no interest really, but a little safety....my acct was up over 10% year to date and although i am not predicting doom...i do think the possible down side these next 4 months til year end could be much more significant than any upside potential........i dont see any big rally's , but there could be some major selloffs around the election...
the one wild card is what does the Dow do after Isreal strtikes Iran ? i say October 7th is the Big Day.....and I think the market dips for 2 days after that....and then roars back......so it will be nice to cash on the sidelines for that 500-750 point drop.
but as a slew of bookies and most of the folks at Monmouth, Belmont and Saratoga can attest....I Have been wrong before.
the one wild card is what does the Dow do after Isreal strtikes Iran ? i say October 7th is the Big Day.....and I think the market dips for 2 days after that....and then roars back......so it will be nice to cash on the sidelines for that 500-750 point drop.
but as a slew of bookies and most of the folks at Monmouth, Belmont and Saratoga can attest....I Have been wrong before.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
follow up question
so barry rose to the podium and declared rape is rape.....agreed.....but then in a shameless attempt to distract tha fairer sex he bent way over backwards to ponder whether a group of polticians....mostly men....should be deciding health issues for women? huh ?
sooooooooo......by his own logic....how is it that a single hawaian-indonesian male should be deciding health issues for a nation of 300 million ? ?
OR , if women should be allowed to decide on their own health care....how about dividing the country into 3 or 4 hundred subgroups of age, gender and ethnicity........should a group of polish adoloscents be deciding their own health care issues ?
OR......better yet.....should the central Government be deciding anything ??? the polticians live in a fantasy world, they are out of touch with average americans and they should have limited power on EVERY issue.
Thanks barry....sounds like your coming around.
sooooooooo......by his own logic....how is it that a single hawaian-indonesian male should be deciding health issues for a nation of 300 million ? ?
OR , if women should be allowed to decide on their own health care....how about dividing the country into 3 or 4 hundred subgroups of age, gender and ethnicity........should a group of polish adoloscents be deciding their own health care issues ?
OR......better yet.....should the central Government be deciding anything ??? the polticians live in a fantasy world, they are out of touch with average americans and they should have limited power on EVERY issue.
Thanks barry....sounds like your coming around.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Declan O'Sullivan turning over in his grave
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Friday, August 17, 2012
ahhh biden
reminded me of the summer of 2005 when Chaz Higgins threatened my leadership as the KING ( I mean President) and founder of sweater nite...i took to the podium to squashed his rebellion by convincing Te Jean Cadotte and Donn E Biesbol that if higgins won....."He would have Yall back in Chainz"......Chainz of course was a new strip club on 2nd avenue and Higgins wanted to have sweater nite 8 there....but cooler heads prevailed and it was back to the jinx club for us....besides the beeer was never cold enough in Chainz....and the talent mediocre at best.......sure do miss the triple www.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
power of the internet
if you should go to the google homepage and type into their search bar Sweater Nite Images....you may find some interesting results......i was immediately taken to a photo of myself and my Former Head Linesman on my back porch havin a brew and sportin a couple of throwback jerseys,,,,,who is this genius that lives inside everyones computer...and how does he know that when Chaz and I are enjoyin a cold beer on the deck , that this is a sweater nite image ? this guy should get gietners job.....brilliant.........unless of course Graves is an all-powerful alien from another planet and is beeming my secrets to distant universes ??? i am going to start keepin a closer eye on this dog.....if she really is a dog ....
Sunday, August 12, 2012
your choice
it's your choice America.....what do YOU want......more spending, higher taxes and increased dependency on the central govt......OR Indepencce from a governing authority, the freedom to succeed or fail, less handouts, less spending and less government interference in your life?.....this isn't about free condoms, gay marriage, or big gulps or any of the other nonseneical issues that the mainstream media loves to bang the drum about.......it is a very simple choice about democracy or socialism.....have we lost or our will to succeed? we shall see.
That's the speech I make if I am Romney.........a 30 second add......and i would play it every day until the election.
That's the speech I make if I am Romney.........a 30 second add......and i would play it every day until the election.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
it has to be RYAN
the VP pick has to be Ryan.....this shouldnt be about wooing obama supporters.....this should be about announcing to the country that the battle lines must be drawn......Romney has to establish himself as a direct and violent contrast to the current administration.....he has to send out a vibe of an economic lifeline OR at least a start to regain fiscal responsibility......we dont need a rising latino star in florida....or a black female in Rice to enthuse a young voter base.....fuk those morons....appeal to the sense of financial right and wrong on both sides and hope that everyone votes their conscience......AND ...heres the iffy part....that there are enough people left in the country that have a clue..........if not....we might as well join the EURO and ask for a bailout.
Friday, August 10, 2012
come sunday
so a new poll shows that the spoon in chief, barry hussien; leads Roney by 13 points amongst CATHOLIC voters.........you may want to pause for concern before offering your hand in peace to the douchebag behind you this Sunday at mass,.............effin disgrace.
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Penn State Pen
they seem to be taking the words of Dylan Thomas "Do not go softly into that good night" way to seriously.......the shameful nittany lions have now reduced themselves to gimmicks and gadgetry to try to deflect away from their misery....now...after all these years...they will add players last names on the backs of thier jerseys....to acknowledge the players for their loyalty and for all the world to see....hmmmm okay......oh and they also will be adding a Blue Ribbon on the jerseys to pay homage to the "victims'.....barf......nobody , and i mean nobody ...in happy valley feels anything but contempt for the victims....they are still in joe pa denial.....these ribbons make a mockery of an already deplorable situation.
**side note** Silas Redd, the PSU Runnng Back that decided to transfer to USC said he was making abusiness decision........nice to see Lane Kiflin and the Trojans are now being upfront and not hiding their cash payments through boosters.........but he quickly added that education played a part in his decision......by that we can only assume that USC assured Silas that he wouldnt have to pretend to attend classes or pay people to take his exams......thats nice.....
**side note** Silas Redd, the PSU Runnng Back that decided to transfer to USC said he was making abusiness decision........nice to see Lane Kiflin and the Trojans are now being upfront and not hiding their cash payments through boosters.........but he quickly added that education played a part in his decision......by that we can only assume that USC assured Silas that he wouldnt have to pretend to attend classes or pay people to take his exams......thats nice.....
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
It's a Boy Mrs Walker...it's a Boy
and on this the 70th birthday of Jerome Kahn Garcia and Kiki and Francis Dread Scott Key....the world welcomes Matthew Patrick O'Dowd at approx 12 noon ,,,,,arrvidas sarbonis.....nastrovika, slainte....and if someday you should be reading this blog Matthew ( In history class no doubt) let the record state that it was a day like any other day in Yankee land.....3 hits , three RBI's for Jeter....raised his averge to .316 and they crushed the Orioles of Baltimore ( before they moved to El Paso)......as a Metropolitan backer, it pains me to type that..................ahh jerry we miss ya........."let there be Song....to fill the air".
Sunday, July 29, 2012
some facts solidified
i may not know much, but this much i do know:
Cassius Clay is a scumbag that threw his Gold Medal in the Mississippi River because he hated being black in louisville or something like that.....maybe he lost money on the derby....and the jerkoff olympics insist on honoring this d*bag again.....atlanta was misguided ...london pathetic.....enuff....a lot of peole that didn't earn 100 million dollars ALSO have parkinsons...give it a rest.
Paul Mccartney never reslly committed any crime , other that NOT being John Lennon....maybe I should give sir Paul a break and stop hatin on the chap.....Hey Jude was pretty cool during the opening ceromonies....and he did put together the concert for NY.....but he's No Lennon.
Summer wind is the official drink of the Haskell...and I know the ingredients.
Twilight Racing at Monmouth starts this Thursday at 2:30.....pack a cooler.
Leryn Franco may be the hottest female ever to compete in the Olympics....she's a Javelin thrower from Paraguay , but rumor has it she's a Pole Vaulter after a few drinks...let's hope so
Cassius Clay is a scumbag that threw his Gold Medal in the Mississippi River because he hated being black in louisville or something like that.....maybe he lost money on the derby....and the jerkoff olympics insist on honoring this d*bag again.....atlanta was misguided ...london pathetic.....enuff....a lot of peole that didn't earn 100 million dollars ALSO have parkinsons...give it a rest.
Paul Mccartney never reslly committed any crime , other that NOT being John Lennon....maybe I should give sir Paul a break and stop hatin on the chap.....Hey Jude was pretty cool during the opening ceromonies....and he did put together the concert for NY.....but he's No Lennon.
Summer wind is the official drink of the Haskell...and I know the ingredients.
Twilight Racing at Monmouth starts this Thursday at 2:30.....pack a cooler.
the women athletes in the olympics have come a long, long way since the east german gals with their zz top beards dominated everything.....the US Girls Volleyball is a collection of stunners...the Track and Field Girls from around the world could all be swingin on poles for extra cash....AND
Leryn Franco may be the hottest female ever to compete in the Olympics....she's a Javelin thrower from Paraguay , but rumor has it she's a Pole Vaulter after a few drinks...let's hope so
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Acid ?
No....your not on acid......well maybe........but your not hallucinating these radical and ridiculous changes to the Blog.....I hate fukin technology....something happened to my computer...i geuss...and i lost the ability to upload pictures to my Blog.....in an attempt to fix that , i have drastically altered the format to an unrecongnizable dimension....and.....wait for it.......i still cant upload pictures.......i need a friggin teenager over here to fix this shit....or a verizon tech....bwaaa haa haaa...........maybe he can hook up my dvd player while he's at it....
Thursday, July 26, 2012
day beisbol
brilliant sunshine.....cool refreshing glasses of ale.....the crack of the bat, the thrill of the home run....no work....america's pasttime and santas little helpers...
Saturday, July 21, 2012
sad, dismayed, afraid for my country's future......that's how i felt after watching the national and local news reports from Colorado last night and this morning......No ...No...No not because this nutjob Holmes went into a movie theatre and opened fire....that's common enough these days...honestly i wonder why so many jerkoffs were out , and not in a bar, at midnight on a thursday ....but that's a blog for another day.......nope...I am disgusted with the new national pastime.....you see....whatever happens in this world.....it's not really about "THAT"....it's really about "ME".......me me me me meeeeeeeee, this is my 5 minutes of fame mister warhol.....my chance to be interviewed....my chance to have the cameras on meeeeee.......so this morning we were greated with a story about a local musician (rhaposy or somethin) that was out in colorado and shot at the movie......and he tweeted or posted pictures of himself holding up his bloodstained t shirt from his hospital bed with a big grin on his face.....14 dead ? oh well..........you see this idiot also had a Gig at the Bitter End Friday night....and so we saw an interview outside the club with the music promoter.........relevance ? ....yep he said when he saw rhaposy's photo he couldnt believe it was "That Guy from the band"......oh good...now we finally know the rest of the story.......2 fukin morons cashing in on 5 minutes of fame........then we met a guy who was shot in the ear, he happens to be a recruit on the Colorado State Football team......it was all bout him.....he felt the blood and knew it wasnt fire crackers after all.....but thankfully he hopes to be ready for football workouts next month.....Thank God their Sesaon Opener isn't being televised by ESPN ( yet) or else we would have had a commercial promo to tune in Sept 8th to watch as this jackass continues "HIS" struggle........how many dead was that ? 4 dead in ohio maybe?
next up....aurora police chief Adam Oates ( not really adam, but this is a hcokey blog so we ad lib)...Chief Oates said we are not even going to discuss possible motives......fair enough, their is no evidence yet, why speculate? it's a waste of time.......he went on to tell us , as he broke down and choked back tears....that "HIS" men saw some terrible things in that theatre and have some chilling stories to tell....none of which he shared...but that HE was going to make sure grief and trama counseling was available for HIS men.....way to go chief....lets get this story back in foucs....it aint about the DEAD, Dying or even the Killer...it aint about musicians in the crossfire or football recruits for chrissakes.......it's about the first responders......and he is gonna stand in front of the microphones until the next big tragedy, or celebrity divorce or athlete arrested and the country looses interest in aurora and the media packs up and moves on the Suri Cruise.
when did we become this ugly pathetic creature of a nation.....do we trace the roots back to the jackolopes that glorified ingnorance and celebrated outrageous behavior ? the Springers and Morton Downeys of this world? I honestly don't fukin know, but I do know I am not going to the Bitter End to see rhaposy...and I ain't tuning in on Sept 8th to watch the Colorado Stae (Dodge) Rams in their opener........unless thier playing Air Force and Whitney Houstons Kid and Blanket Jackson sing the National Anthem....i have chills just thinking about it...
next up....aurora police chief Adam Oates ( not really adam, but this is a hcokey blog so we ad lib)...Chief Oates said we are not even going to discuss possible motives......fair enough, their is no evidence yet, why speculate? it's a waste of time.......he went on to tell us , as he broke down and choked back tears....that "HIS" men saw some terrible things in that theatre and have some chilling stories to tell....none of which he shared...but that HE was going to make sure grief and trama counseling was available for HIS men.....way to go chief....lets get this story back in foucs....it aint about the DEAD, Dying or even the Killer...it aint about musicians in the crossfire or football recruits for chrissakes.......it's about the first responders......and he is gonna stand in front of the microphones until the next big tragedy, or celebrity divorce or athlete arrested and the country looses interest in aurora and the media packs up and moves on the Suri Cruise.
when did we become this ugly pathetic creature of a nation.....do we trace the roots back to the jackolopes that glorified ingnorance and celebrated outrageous behavior ? the Springers and Morton Downeys of this world? I honestly don't fukin know, but I do know I am not going to the Bitter End to see rhaposy...and I ain't tuning in on Sept 8th to watch the Colorado Stae (Dodge) Rams in their opener........unless thier playing Air Force and Whitney Houstons Kid and Blanket Jackson sing the National Anthem....i have chills just thinking about it...
Thursday, July 19, 2012
coming soon to an aeroplane near the bay
this conversation will actually take place saturday evening over Oakland, CA.
"Yas, Yas......Yas Indeeed Maggie we are so close...so very close to landing...and this pilot Kat did a splendid Job crossing this country and tho i would have preferred to see the landscape over the course of 3 or 4 days this will do....did i ever tell you of the time I drove a buick from coast to coast in 72 hours, stoppin only twice for gas and have some kicks in oklahoma................anyway Maggie when we do land, i will be first in line at the baggage check and i will grab all of our belongins while you race down to the cab line and ensnare us a carriage downtown, ol bull hunckle couldn't take a half day from his job at the railroad to pich us up, but still we must be down to the docks by 9:00 when the fishing boats come in with their catch of the day.....and YAS..Yas...we shall dine on lobsters and shrimp and you can drink all the Anchor Steam you can handle , cause then its off to meet the gang at the swingiest club in the Mission district to hear blues and jug band music until the cows stroll home on sunday morn..........and poor O'Dowd back home in Fort Lee New jersey hunched over his typewriter , pounding away at the keybpards like a madman posessed...makin up stories and retelling tales of events that havent happened yet...Yas Yas Maggie...soon, sooooooon....
"Yas, Yas......Yas Indeeed Maggie we are so close...so very close to landing...and this pilot Kat did a splendid Job crossing this country and tho i would have preferred to see the landscape over the course of 3 or 4 days this will do....did i ever tell you of the time I drove a buick from coast to coast in 72 hours, stoppin only twice for gas and have some kicks in oklahoma................anyway Maggie when we do land, i will be first in line at the baggage check and i will grab all of our belongins while you race down to the cab line and ensnare us a carriage downtown, ol bull hunckle couldn't take a half day from his job at the railroad to pich us up, but still we must be down to the docks by 9:00 when the fishing boats come in with their catch of the day.....and YAS..Yas...we shall dine on lobsters and shrimp and you can drink all the Anchor Steam you can handle , cause then its off to meet the gang at the swingiest club in the Mission district to hear blues and jug band music until the cows stroll home on sunday morn..........and poor O'Dowd back home in Fort Lee New jersey hunched over his typewriter , pounding away at the keybpards like a madman posessed...makin up stories and retelling tales of events that havent happened yet...Yas Yas Maggie...soon, sooooooon....
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
the precipice of war
we have a precarious situation developing on the Straits of Hormuz.....Iran....feeling the impact of years of economic sanctions and increased inflation , is desperate to distract the masses.....get them to rally behind a cause....forget that bread costs a days wages and instead...blindly support the regime....
and on the other side of the coin we have the spoony administration.......laggin in the polls....and equally eager to distract........support of gay marriage only goes so far......nother bolsters the ranks like a military engagement...............watch and wait for this kettle to whistle.
and on the other side of the coin we have the spoony administration.......laggin in the polls....and equally eager to distract........support of gay marriage only goes so far......nother bolsters the ranks like a military engagement...............watch and wait for this kettle to whistle.
Friday, July 13, 2012
might as well...might as well
and so on this friday the 13th , in the glorious month of july, beside a cool ocean breeze and beneath the watchful gaze of a bazillion stars, the Circus comes to town......on the shores of good ol Brooklyn and the isle of Coney... Misters Weir, Lesh and Kadlecik try not revive the songs of the past, but rather to keep the eternal freight train rumbling through the darkness.....she may have idled, but she's never stopped ...this phenomenom we call the Grateful Dead....this way of life.
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
tap that Keg
drink that Beer....America is havin a Birthday...put aside our differences and celebrate on common ground, we are contributors to the success of the Greatest Nation in the history of the Planet....tomorrow we pick up our swords, but today we clink glasses of Ale....Cheers America.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
sunny side of the street is dark
and way over on the other side of planet......lest ye think i am allowing the antics in DC to get me down in the dumps...i am not........until they ban booze....then i will take one for the team and head south myself.
But i am sitting the desk on Weds.......swampy waters busy i was....but i found time to search the internet....what for pray tell ? stock quotes? Finra rules and Regs ? soemthing work related ?? nope....i searched for and found a download of the last Dead show I was privilieged enough to attend....Fathers Day 1995.....2 months after my own Dad passed, I found myself on the field of Meadowlands....Bob Dylan was the opener for the Dead........great day, great show........the Dead Encored with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.....6 weeks later the Great Jerome Kahn Garcia too would pass.......so the last tune i saw him perform.....after 97 Dead shows, and probably a dozen or more Jerry Garcia Band show.....he ends his our relationship with a Beatles Classic......pretty cool.......LSD was a big part of those 97 shows......a fitting way to say Goodbye to New York........but as i sat kistening on weds...i was surprised with the Lyrics....no mumbling or stumbling.....i had to bring the lyrics up on screen because i wasn't sure of the words.....and so i played it again and followed along...Jerry Nailed it.......no mistakes.......for goodness sakes...at this stage of the game he was forgetting the words for Tennessee Jed and singing the verses to most songs out of sequence.....but he nails the most difficult song in history.....the brain is strange organ........THE GRASS GROWS INCREDIBLY HIGH....
But i am sitting the desk on Weds.......swampy waters busy i was....but i found time to search the internet....what for pray tell ? stock quotes? Finra rules and Regs ? soemthing work related ?? nope....i searched for and found a download of the last Dead show I was privilieged enough to attend....Fathers Day 1995.....2 months after my own Dad passed, I found myself on the field of Meadowlands....Bob Dylan was the opener for the Dead........great day, great show........the Dead Encored with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.....6 weeks later the Great Jerome Kahn Garcia too would pass.......so the last tune i saw him perform.....after 97 Dead shows, and probably a dozen or more Jerry Garcia Band show.....he ends his our relationship with a Beatles Classic......pretty cool.......LSD was a big part of those 97 shows......a fitting way to say Goodbye to New York........but as i sat kistening on weds...i was surprised with the Lyrics....no mumbling or stumbling.....i had to bring the lyrics up on screen because i wasn't sure of the words.....and so i played it again and followed along...Jerry Nailed it.......no mistakes.......for goodness sakes...at this stage of the game he was forgetting the words for Tennessee Jed and singing the verses to most songs out of sequence.....but he nails the most difficult song in history.....the brain is strange organ........THE GRASS GROWS INCREDIBLY HIGH....
once a great nation
seriously...when it does it stop ? what's next ? if the president decides we are a better planet if we all drive electric cars can he force us to do so ? apparently the answer is YES........if he decides that red meat causes cancer, can he abolish it's consumption?...according to the supreme court YES.......we are no longer a free nation......we have some liberties....but we are no longer free.....we have someone dictating very important pieces to our lifetime puzzle.....we have an elitist few determining what's best for the masses....this has never worked before friends, and it will not work this time........theres a revolution brewing.....there is a fort sumpter moment on the horizon.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
a sinkhole
so i am standing at the starting line for the George Sheehan Classic in Redbank on Saturday morning and as is customary they begin singing the National Anthem......5 , 10 , 15 seconds into this beautiful song I am increasingly aware that the people around me are still talking......mainly young girls/women......most of the men stood at "parade rest" with their hands over their hearts.....but not the girls....chatter, chatter, chatter about where they were last night and who they boffed and what time they were going to the beach......miserable, unpatriotic, miscreant slobs of the human species, ungrateful, self loathsome creatures that they are.....when the fuck did it become okay to disrepect the National Anthem of the United States of America? we know the schools would never dare teach/instruct students about Patriotism and Love of Country.....but what about manners and respect.....even if you don't wish to honor this land, at least have the decency to shut the Fuck so that others may. what about parents....do they not want to risk their "Cool" status by disciplining their offspring when they exercise poor judgement in public ?....what a sad nation we have devolved into......a veritable sinkhole, it's a wonder the Lord hasn't wiped us off the planet yet.
Saturday, June 09, 2012
dirty pool
theres a fish rotting in belmont and this ain't denmark or the euro 2012...so there.
lots of problems with Mr O'Neill .........this doesn't add up.
so your a relatively obscure trainer......you find a good horse, qualify for the Derby and somehow WIN.....you hustle off the Pimlico (earliest arrival for a Champ in history) and you soak it all in...the attention, the hoopla the fanfare........now you WIN the preakness.......holy cow,........now you are the talk of the nation....now you are on the precipice of accomplishing something that the greats, Baffert, Lukas, Zito have never donw.....you are going for the triple crown.......34 years in the making, the country is pulling for you........1 day before the race you "notice" a swollen tendon.........what do you do ?
A) put out a statement acknowlidging the injury and stating you will wait until Saturday to decide if he will go.
B) Hide the injury, and hope the swelling goes down overnight and maybe give it a go anyway.
C) start hittin the bottle and cursing your dam bad luck and leak the insider info to the wiseguys.
D) declare the horse out of the Belmont, set your sights on Saratoga, the Travers, the Breeders Classic and horse of the year honors.
E) none of the above
O'Neill immediately announced the horse was " Retired " .......WTF ? a swollen tendon.......RETIRED ??
he then went on to tell a seemingly rehearsed story about his life, his love of the sport and how he took 2 busses to get to the track when he was ten years old....almost like an audition for future hire...
he then went on to thanks all the handlers by name, pedro, felix, manny etc etc like he was accepting an Oscar.
missing was the emotion of having a once in a lifetime dream CRUSHED an hour ago......he sure seemed composed....almost as if he knew it was coming......almost as if he decided to scratch the horse the moment that Belmont announced all horses would be quaranteened for supervision 3 days before the race.
he is a convicted cheater.....but now he is also a thief......he stole the honor, oppurtunity and glory of going for the triple crown from Bob Baffert and Bodemeister.....and he should be banned for life....
not that any of us will ever run into "I'll have another" over a bowl of Oats on the Back Barns at Monmouth....BUT if you , don't blame him , this beautiful equine beast has done nothing wrong, he can't fathom what is happening around him , and now to add insult to a fake injury, they are gonna have him lead the other horses onto the track for the start of the race???? this poor Horses heart will surely break when He's not allowed in the starters Gate......there is no reason to do this, except to squeeze the last 2 minutes of fame for o'neill........disgraceful.
lots of problems with Mr O'Neill .........this doesn't add up.
so your a relatively obscure trainer......you find a good horse, qualify for the Derby and somehow WIN.....you hustle off the Pimlico (earliest arrival for a Champ in history) and you soak it all in...the attention, the hoopla the fanfare........now you WIN the preakness.......holy cow,........now you are the talk of the nation....now you are on the precipice of accomplishing something that the greats, Baffert, Lukas, Zito have never donw.....you are going for the triple crown.......34 years in the making, the country is pulling for you........1 day before the race you "notice" a swollen tendon.........what do you do ?
A) put out a statement acknowlidging the injury and stating you will wait until Saturday to decide if he will go.
B) Hide the injury, and hope the swelling goes down overnight and maybe give it a go anyway.
C) start hittin the bottle and cursing your dam bad luck and leak the insider info to the wiseguys.
D) declare the horse out of the Belmont, set your sights on Saratoga, the Travers, the Breeders Classic and horse of the year honors.
E) none of the above
O'Neill immediately announced the horse was " Retired " .......WTF ? a swollen tendon.......RETIRED ??
he then went on to tell a seemingly rehearsed story about his life, his love of the sport and how he took 2 busses to get to the track when he was ten years old....almost like an audition for future hire...
he then went on to thanks all the handlers by name, pedro, felix, manny etc etc like he was accepting an Oscar.
missing was the emotion of having a once in a lifetime dream CRUSHED an hour ago......he sure seemed composed....almost as if he knew it was coming......almost as if he decided to scratch the horse the moment that Belmont announced all horses would be quaranteened for supervision 3 days before the race.
he is a convicted cheater.....but now he is also a thief......he stole the honor, oppurtunity and glory of going for the triple crown from Bob Baffert and Bodemeister.....and he should be banned for life....
not that any of us will ever run into "I'll have another" over a bowl of Oats on the Back Barns at Monmouth....BUT if you , don't blame him , this beautiful equine beast has done nothing wrong, he can't fathom what is happening around him , and now to add insult to a fake injury, they are gonna have him lead the other horses onto the track for the start of the race???? this poor Horses heart will surely break when He's not allowed in the starters Gate......there is no reason to do this, except to squeeze the last 2 minutes of fame for o'neill........disgraceful.
Saturday, June 02, 2012
quites off infidels....contd
keep in mind...this was 1983....a lot of peole that Bob was silly.....not so fukin funny anymore.
"democracy don't rule the world.....ya better get that through your head"
"this world is ruled by violence, but i geuss that's better left unsaid"
Well, the job that you used to have
They gave it to somebody down in El Salvador
The unions are big business, friend
And they’re goin’ out like a dinosaur
They used to grow food in Kansas
Now they want to grow it on the moon and eat it raw
I can see the day coming when even your home garden
Is gonna be against the law
Noontime, and I’m still pushin’ myself along the road, the darkest part
Into the narrow lanes, I can’t stumble or stay put
Someone else is speakin’ with my mouth, but I’m listening only to my heart
I’ve made shoes for everyone, even you, while I still go barefoot
Well, the rifleman's stalking the sick and the lame
Preacherman seeks the same, who'll get there first is uncertain
Nightsticks and water cannons, tear gas, padlocks
Molotov cocktails and rocks behind every curtain
False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin
Only a matter of time 'til the night comes stepping in.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
He's a great humanitarian, he's great philanthropist
He knows just where to touch you honey, and how you like to be kissed
He'll put both his arms around you
You can feel the tender touch of the beast
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
Well, the howling wolf will howl tonight, the king snake will crawl
Trees that've stood for a thousand years suddenly will fall
Wanna get married ? Do it now
Tomorrow all activity will cease
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
Somewhere Mama's weeping for her blue-eyed boy
She's holding them little white shoes and that little broken toy
And he's following a star
The same one them three men followed from the East
I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
He's a great humanitarian, he's great philanthropist
He knows just where to touch you honey, and how you like to be kissed
He'll put both his arms around you
You can feel the tender touch of the beast
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
Well, the howling wolf will howl tonight, the king snake will crawl
Trees that've stood for a thousand years suddenly will fall
Wanna get married ? Do it now
Tomorrow all activity will cease
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
Somewhere Mama's weeping for her blue-eyed boy
She's holding them little white shoes and that little broken toy
And he's following a star
The same one them three men followed from the East
I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
"democracy don't rule the world.....ya better get that through your head"
"this world is ruled by violence, but i geuss that's better left unsaid"
Well, the job that you used to have
They gave it to somebody down in El Salvador
The unions are big business, friend
And they’re goin’ out like a dinosaur
They used to grow food in Kansas
Now they want to grow it on the moon and eat it raw
I can see the day coming when even your home garden
Is gonna be against the law
Noontime, and I’m still pushin’ myself along the road, the darkest part
Into the narrow lanes, I can’t stumble or stay put
Someone else is speakin’ with my mouth, but I’m listening only to my heart
I’ve made shoes for everyone, even you, while I still go barefoot
Well, the rifleman's stalking the sick and the lame
Preacherman seeks the same, who'll get there first is uncertain
Nightsticks and water cannons, tear gas, padlocks
Molotov cocktails and rocks behind every curtain
False-hearted judges dying in the webs that they spin
Only a matter of time 'til the night comes stepping in.
Jokerman dance to the nightingale tune
Bird fly high by the light of the moon
Oh, oh, oh, Jokerman.
He's a great humanitarian, he's great philanthropist
He knows just where to touch you honey, and how you like to be kissed
He'll put both his arms around you
You can feel the tender touch of the beast
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
Well, the howling wolf will howl tonight, the king snake will crawl
Trees that've stood for a thousand years suddenly will fall
Wanna get married ? Do it now
Tomorrow all activity will cease
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
Somewhere Mama's weeping for her blue-eyed boy
She's holding them little white shoes and that little broken toy
And he's following a star
The same one them three men followed from the East
I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
He's a great humanitarian, he's great philanthropist
He knows just where to touch you honey, and how you like to be kissed
He'll put both his arms around you
You can feel the tender touch of the beast
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
Well, the howling wolf will howl tonight, the king snake will crawl
Trees that've stood for a thousand years suddenly will fall
Wanna get married ? Do it now
Tomorrow all activity will cease
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
Somewhere Mama's weeping for her blue-eyed boy
She's holding them little white shoes and that little broken toy
And he's following a star
The same one them three men followed from the East
I hear that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
barry and dylan-revisited
"they say patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings"
"Steal a little and they throw you in jail......steal a lot and they make you King"
now that's probably what barry was sooo influenced by........yassir....that jew boy Dylan might just be right, ol pot smokin hussein probably said to his classmates...
I had to listen to INFIDELS this morning....in it's entirety.......strong considerations for Dylans greatest work,,,,,,1983 it was written , and it carries more weight now then it did back then.....give it a listen.
"You know sometimes Satan......he comes as a man of peace"
"Steal a little and they throw you in jail......steal a lot and they make you King"
now that's probably what barry was sooo influenced by........yassir....that jew boy Dylan might just be right, ol pot smokin hussein probably said to his classmates...
I had to listen to INFIDELS this morning....in it's entirety.......strong considerations for Dylans greatest work,,,,,,1983 it was written , and it carries more weight now then it did back then.....give it a listen.
"You know sometimes Satan......he comes as a man of peace"
the Gods are Cruel
"i spend my life waitin for a moment that just wont come"
well sort of...........47 yrs of my Life thinking every day/night could the night of the 1st ever NY Met no-hitter....sooo many heartbreaks......sooooo many close calls.........and when it finally happens....it's a vile, rapist , creeton of a sloth that gets the honors......ohhh the beisbol Gods are cruel to me.....i refuse to say his name....but after he shutout the padres I went on a 5 day rampage insisting that the wilponzi's trade him now for prospects, use the xtra cash to sign D.Wright long term.......he is the last remaining miscreant from the minaya Los Mets error....and now we are fukin stuck with him........these dumm ases will probably be too afraid to trade him....they will probably enshrine him in the mets hall of fame , or even retire his number, and in my final days roaming the planet, whenever i go to Shea Stadium in all it's future renditions, i will be forced to remember that rapist pig dog,
it is quite ironic that my 2nd most hated Met of all time....meester carlos beltran......the great no swinger....mister called 3rd strike himself......a living monument to inaction....actually broke up the no hitter in the 6th and the ump blew the call......and i found myself wishing he would get a hit...
yes, the baseball Gods are cruel to me.
well sort of...........47 yrs of my Life thinking every day/night could the night of the 1st ever NY Met no-hitter....sooo many heartbreaks......sooooo many close calls.........and when it finally happens....it's a vile, rapist , creeton of a sloth that gets the honors......ohhh the beisbol Gods are cruel to me.....i refuse to say his name....but after he shutout the padres I went on a 5 day rampage insisting that the wilponzi's trade him now for prospects, use the xtra cash to sign D.Wright long term.......he is the last remaining miscreant from the minaya Los Mets error....and now we are fukin stuck with him........these dumm ases will probably be too afraid to trade him....they will probably enshrine him in the mets hall of fame , or even retire his number, and in my final days roaming the planet, whenever i go to Shea Stadium in all it's future renditions, i will be forced to remember that rapist pig dog,
it is quite ironic that my 2nd most hated Met of all time....meester carlos beltran......the great no swinger....mister called 3rd strike himself......a living monument to inaction....actually broke up the no hitter in the 6th and the ump blew the call......and i found myself wishing he would get a hit...
yes, the baseball Gods are cruel to me.
Friday, June 01, 2012
your words come back to haunt you
As I have been documenting on my blog for the past 14 months, and some folks have challenged my accuracy…(what ?? Fabrications on the Sweater Nite Blog? SACRE BLEU! )..here is the transcript from "Face the Nation" March 2011………..
Leading from the REAR…...
SCHIEFFER: But I mean, how can that be worse than what has happened in Syria over the years, where Bashar Assad's father killed 25,000 people at (inaudible). I mean, they opened fire with live ammunition on these civilians. Why is that different from Libya? This is the friend of Iran, an enemy of Israel?
CLINTON: Well, if there were a coalition of the international community, if there were the passage of a security council resolution, if there were a call by the Arab League, if there was a condemnation that was universal. But that is not going to happen because I don`t think that it`s yet clear what will occur, what will unfold.
There is a different leader in Syria now. Many of the members of congress of both parties who have gone to Syria in recent months have said they believe he's a reformer. What's been happening there the last few weeks is deeply concerning. But there's a different between calling out aircraft and indiscriminately strafing and bombing your own cities than police actions which frankly have exceeded the use of force that any of us would want to see.
SCHIEFFER: Secretary Gates, you have strongly condemned Bashar Assad and said he must learn from Egypt. I think it's fair to say he didn't pay much attention to you.
ROBERT GATES: Well, that's not a surprise
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Dyland and Barry
so obama was influenced by Dylan when he was in college....he obviously wasn't listening to "sundown on the Union" and "I and I".....his disgraceful treatment of our Ally Isreal makes me wonder just what exactly he was listening to and what songs influenced him..........maybe "New Pony"....you know his name was Lucifer................in patterson that's just the way things go....if yur black , you might as well not show ...up on the streets....less u wanna draw the heat.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Point Pleasant
once again we show what a stupid , decaying society we are.......the good people of Pt Pleas NJ have enacted a a new township rule that the Bars must close at midnight as opposed to 2:200 a.m. ......this is wrong on soo many levels......in this economy...to punish "any" small business owner with increased rules and regulations is stupid and borderline criminal.......but lets forget the economic reason for 1 minutes.......this is another example of knee jerk society enacting rules to punish the entire population for the sins of the few......if the township has a problem with rowdy, late night carousing, public intoxication and urination, they should enforce the laws that are on the Books and target the offenders......not every citizen who would like to have a drink at midnight on a Saturday evening and act responsibly. ( I should point out that i haven't been in a Bar past midnight in probably 4 or 5 years, so this isn't about me). All this stupid rule will accomplish is the following.
It will certainly hurt the bar business that Pay Taxes, occupy real estate and contribute to the economy.
Like Major League Sports cutting off sales of Beer at Midway point of games...this will encourage "BINGE" drinking..and accelerated intake.....let's get as fukked up as possible before midnight.
And most alarming......what happens when Jenks closes at 12.....and Sally Simpson and Joey Staten Island decide they not ready for bed.? they get in the car and hightail to a neighboring town where the bars are open till 2:00 a.m..........fukkin brilliant.
Just politely ask the police unions that are strangling the local economies with their salaries and pensions to do their jobs and enforce the rules that are on the books.....instead of looking away when some dingbat hikes up her skirt and pees in the alley, give her a ticket....it's revenue for the township and it may even force her to think twice next time.
It will certainly hurt the bar business that Pay Taxes, occupy real estate and contribute to the economy.
Like Major League Sports cutting off sales of Beer at Midway point of games...this will encourage "BINGE" drinking..and accelerated intake.....let's get as fukked up as possible before midnight.
And most alarming......what happens when Jenks closes at 12.....and Sally Simpson and Joey Staten Island decide they not ready for bed.? they get in the car and hightail to a neighboring town where the bars are open till 2:00 a.m..........fukkin brilliant.
Just politely ask the police unions that are strangling the local economies with their salaries and pensions to do their jobs and enforce the rules that are on the books.....instead of looking away when some dingbat hikes up her skirt and pees in the alley, give her a ticket....it's revenue for the township and it may even force her to think twice next time
Monday, May 14, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
cruel...but not unusual
Th Hockey Gods are very cruel , as the puck is dropped for game 7 this Saturday evening, I will find myself smack dab in the middle of Cap County in the inner harbor of baltimore. Fresh off my 5K Dash at Pimlico and a celebratory Beer on the fabled infield, i will have to find a safe haven bar in which to watch the beloved blueshirts.
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Trayvon Ward
my new favorite martian.....i think the good peoples of ole district of colmbia should wear hoodies to work today or to the street corner where they hang out during the daylight hours ; in support of trayvon ward.....poor kid got a bum rap..........bring on the satans.
Sunday, May 06, 2012
Saturday, May 05, 2012
Derby Rant 2012
so i woke from a ROUSING SERMON from EL PADRINO and shouted I'LL HAVE ANOTHER to the DULLAHAN sitting next to me , he gave me a strange look and offered to put it all in PROSPECTIVE for me......so you think it WENT THE DAY WELL do ya ? he quizzed of me, well i am DONE TALKING to you SABRECAT and I don't care if you think your the ALPHA or the OPTIMIZER , there will be no LIASON........serves me right for trying to furthur my CREATIVE CAUSE, i should have realized DADDY NOSE BEST and i probably should have gotten dressed like a GEMOLOGIST instead of wearing my UNION RAGS......truth is its time for this BODEMESITER from TRINNIBERG to finally TAKE CHARGE INDY and make like a sprinter over to the track with my DADDY LONG LEGS and place the bet of all bets on..............HANSEN
alas......i have been wrong before...........but for the record....i am tying these four below into ex-tri & sup boxes..
Union Rags
feel free to go the other way.
alas......i have been wrong before...........but for the record....i am tying these four below into ex-tri & sup boxes..
Union Rags
feel free to go the other way.
Friday, May 04, 2012
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
If your going to San Fran Cisco...this August
Jerry Day @ ATT Park, the San Francisco Giants play the New York Mets on Wednesday, August 1, 2012. Gates open at 5:15 PM. First pitch is at 7:15 PM. Reserved tickets are available for $65.00.
The first mail in date for this game is Monday, April 16, 2012.
the draft
i find it interesting that the Jets selected a wide receiver from Georgia Tech.....an OPtion Offense.....still think Sanchez is the starter and Tebow is a backup-wildcat ??
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
death of tradition
what used to be as regular as the tide.....the Giants and Jets back to back 1:00 & 4:00 on a glorious Sunday afternoon with family and friends is now a minority...with the release of the schedule, their are only 6 Sundays (subject to flex) where the 2 NY teams are slated for afternoon games on the same Sunday.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
serenade the KING ?
so ottowa decided to serenade the KING in the early goings of the 1st period...REALLY ?? how'd that workout for ya ? 39 saves later..."your all just pissin in the wind" as your countrymen Mr Young would surmise.......march onward Rangers....miles to go before we sleep, miles to go before we sleep.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
0 percent
there is no way in hell that Zimmerman is convicted of 2nd degree murder, this is a taxpayer waste of money, a symbolic gesture to throw a bone to a rabid community of misinformed idiots.....besides where are the gonna find 12 peruvian-jews to make up a jury of his peers ?
seriously though.....zimmerman may be a lot of things, a gman wannabee, a nervous guy with a gun, an overzealous wathcman, maybe a sad sack that wanted to feel worth and have his neighbors respect.....but he aint a 2nd degree murderer, and he didn't shoot that lil boy in the photo that abc news and others add to every story....you know the picture that's 3 years old , not the recent photos of a 6 foot treyvon , shirtless, flippin the bird to the camera , not the scholar who was suspended from school for drug posession and was wandering aimlessly through a gated community that had a string of recent breakins.......
this will be a yearlong circus......now that the president, lebron and spike have weighed in on the trial, good luck finding an impartial jury....and it doesn't matter whether you like it or not, on the date of this unfortunate encounter between trayvon & zimm , the "stand your grund" law was on the books, and no liberal revisionist history can change that FACT.,,,i think a bloody nose and cuts to the back of the head constitutes a "reasonable belief of a threat"
A stand-your-ground law states that a person may use force in self-defense when there is reasonable belief of a threat, without an obligation to retreat first. In some cases, a person may use deadly force in public areas without a duty to retreat. Under these legal concepts, a person is justified in using deadly force in certain situations and the "stand your ground" law would be a defense or immunity to criminal charges and civil suit. The difference between immunity and a defense is that an immunity bars suit, charges, detention and arrest. A defense permits a plaintiff or the state to seek civil damages or a criminal conviction.
seriously though.....zimmerman may be a lot of things, a gman wannabee, a nervous guy with a gun, an overzealous wathcman, maybe a sad sack that wanted to feel worth and have his neighbors respect.....but he aint a 2nd degree murderer, and he didn't shoot that lil boy in the photo that abc news and others add to every story....you know the picture that's 3 years old , not the recent photos of a 6 foot treyvon , shirtless, flippin the bird to the camera , not the scholar who was suspended from school for drug posession and was wandering aimlessly through a gated community that had a string of recent breakins.......
this will be a yearlong circus......now that the president, lebron and spike have weighed in on the trial, good luck finding an impartial jury....and it doesn't matter whether you like it or not, on the date of this unfortunate encounter between trayvon & zimm , the "stand your grund" law was on the books, and no liberal revisionist history can change that FACT.,,,i think a bloody nose and cuts to the back of the head constitutes a "reasonable belief of a threat"
A stand-your-ground law states that a person may use force in self-defense when there is reasonable belief of a threat, without an obligation to retreat first. In some cases, a person may use deadly force in public areas without a duty to retreat. Under these legal concepts, a person is justified in using deadly force in certain situations and the "stand your ground" law would be a defense or immunity to criminal charges and civil suit. The difference between immunity and a defense is that an immunity bars suit, charges, detention and arrest. A defense permits a plaintiff or the state to seek civil damages or a criminal conviction.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

every year when i celebrate my birthday I thank God I am not in Umbertos like poor Joey Gallo, gunned down on his 43rd birthday "inna clambar in nu yawk"......my aoplogies to misters zimmerman and gallo for missing the tru annv on 4/7.
On April 7, 1972, Colombo family gunmen murdered Joe Gallo in a Manhattan restaurant. At 4:30 a.m. that day, Gallo and his family entered Umberto's Clam House in Little Italy, Manhattan. He was there to celebrate his 43rd birthday with sister Carmella, wife Sina Essary, her daughter Lisa, his bodyguard Peter "Pete the Greek" Diapoulas, and Diapoulas' female companion.[21] Earlier that evening, the Gallo party visited the Copacabana Club in Manhattan with Jerry and Marta Orbach to see a performance by comedian Don Rickles.[22] Once at Umberto's, the Gallo party took two tables, with Gallo and Diapoulas facing the wall.[4]
Unknown to Gallo, Colombo associate Joseph Luparelli was sitting at the bar. When he saw Gallo, Luparelli immediately left Umberto's and walked two blocks to another restaurant that was a Colombo hangout. After contacting Yacovelli, Luparelli recruited Colombo associates Philip Gambino, Carmine DiBiase, and two other men to kill Gallo. On reaching Umbertos, Luparelli stayed in the car and the other four men went inside through the back door.[21]
Between seafood courses, the four gunmen burst into the dining room and opened fire with .32 and .38 caliber revolvers. Gallo swore and drew his handgun. Twenty shots were fired and Gallo was hit in the back, elbow, and buttock. After overturning a butcher block dining table, Gallo staggered to the front door. Witness would claim that Gallo was attempting to draw fire away from his family. Diapoulas was shot once in the buttocks as he dove for cover. The mortally wounded Gallo stumbled into the street and collapsed. He was taken in a police car to New York Downtown Hospital (then called Beekman-Downtown Hospital). Joe Gallo died in the emergency department.[4][21]Born in Red Hook, Brooklyn, in the year of who knows when
Opened up his eyes to the tune of an accordion
Always on the outside of whatever side there was
When they asked him why it had to be that way, “Well,” he answered,
“just because”
Larry was the oldest, Joey was next to last
They called Joe “Crazy,” the baby they called “Kid Blast”
Some say they lived off gambling and runnin’ numbers too
It always seemed they got caught between the mob and the men in blue
Joey, Joey
King of the streets, child of clay
Joey, Joey
What made them want to come and blow you away?
There was talk they killed their rivals, but the truth was far from that
No one ever knew for sure where they were really at
When they tried to strangle Larry, Joey almost hit the roof
He went out that night to seek revenge, thinkin’ he was bulletproof
The war broke out at the break of dawn, it emptied out the streets
Joey and his brothers suffered terrible defeats
Till they ventured out behind the lines and took five prisoners
They stashed them away in a basement, called them amateurs
The hostages were tremblin’ when they heard a man exclaim
“Let’s blow this place to kingdom come, let Con Edison take the blame”
But Joey stepped up, he raised his hand, said, “We’re not those kind of men
It’s peace and quiet that we need to go back to work again”
Joey, Joey
King of the streets, child of clay
Joey, Joey
What made them want to come and blow you away?
The police department hounded him, they called him Mr. Smith
They got him on conspiracy, they were never sure who with
“What time is it?” said the judge to Joey when they met
“Five to ten,” said Joey. The judge says, “That’s exactly what you get”
He did ten years in Attica, reading Nietzsche and Wilhelm Reich
They threw him in the hole one time for tryin’ to stop a strike
His closest friends were black men ’cause they seemed to understand
What it’s like to be in society with a shackle on your hand
When they let him out in ’71 he’d lost a little weight
But he dressed like Jimmy Cagney and I swear he did look great
He tried to find the way back into the life he left behind
To the boss he said, “I have returned and now I want what’s mine”
Joey, Joey
King of the streets, child of clay
Joey, Joey
Why did they have to come and blow you away?
It was true that in his later years he would not carry a gun
“I’m around too many children,” he’d say, “they should never know of one”
Yet he walked right into the clubhouse of his lifelong deadly foe
Emptied out the register, said, “Tell ’em it was Crazy Joe”
One day they blew him down in a clam bar in New York
He could see it comin’ through the door as he lifted up his fork
He pushed the table over to protect his family
Then he staggered out into the streets of Little Italy
Joey, Joey
King of the streets, child of clay
Joey, Joey
What made them want to come and blow you away?
Sister Jacqueline and Carmela and mother Mary all did weep
I heard his best friend Frankie say, “He ain’t dead, he’s just asleep”
Then I saw the old man’s limousine head back towards the grave
I guess he had to say one last goodbye to the son that he could not save
The sun turned cold over President Street and the town of Brooklyn mourned
They said a mass in the old church near the house where he was born
And someday if God’s in heaven overlookin’ His preserve
I know the men that shot him down will get what they deserve
Joey, Joey
King of the streets, child of clay
Joey, Joey
What made them want to come and blow you away?
hey wang
oy vey , what a mitsfah....asbestos at the colosieum threatens the iceladies opener next october.....they only have 800 of the asain flu masks left and they expect close to 1,000 people for the home opener....hey wang, this is your ticket out......run to quebec...
Saturday, April 07, 2012
1000th post
so i wanted the 1000th post to be a little special, so i decided to chronicles some of the many special sporting venues i have been lucky enough to visit in my lifetime...and i am sure i will leave a few out, but here goes.
let's start with the pasttime:
Shea Stadium: my all time favorite baseball stadium. my first game was againt the astros in 1970, and i was at the last game ever at Big Shea.
Citifield. pepsi porch on a warm summers day.
Yankee Stadium...3 venues...1 game at the olde stadium in September of 1974 , a day game against the Tigers with my brother Jay, couldn't believe the monuments were on the field...........The Renovated Yankee stadium, hundreds of games, including one in the final home stand.(many opening days too with a stop at THE WEB). most memorable game was of course game 6 against the dodgers and REGGIE< REGGIE< REGGIE...3 homers....unreal, sat in the very last row of the upper tier behind home plate...was able to stand the whole game with a cold brew and just watch history unfold, also with my brother Jay at this game.....who knows, if he was still alive i might still be a yankee fan........and the new Yankee stadium, only once thus far.
Fenway Park: probably close to 50 games at this beautiful park, still spend more time looking around the venue than actually watching what's happening on the field...strongest memory though was watching BCs BU in Hockey on a friday night in January from the right field bleachers in the snow, surreal to say the least.
Wrigley Field: the friendly confines.....lucky enough to have been there once....saw the Mets rally back against Lee Smith on the strength of Hojo and DARRYL to tie in the 9th and win it in the 10th August of 1985.
Louisiana Superdome: allow me to explain.....March 1989, last weekend of spring training, the San Francisco Giants and the Oakland A's played 2 exhibition games in the Superdome...if my memory serves me , the Giants were bargaining for a new stadium with the city of San Fran and threatening to leave the Bay Area, so they explored New Orleans and a possible destination....in an odd twist, these 2 teams would meet that October in the Earthquake Series.
Camden Yards , Olympic Stadium de Montreal, Veterans Stadium Philly, RFK Stadium D.C.
Giants Stadium: miss her already......2 most significant games were the 2001 NFC Championship Rout of the Vikings 41-0 , and I was also at the final game, a dissapointing loss to Carolina.
Shea Stadium: saw a lot of Jets games over the years, tickets were always easy to get. saw them beat the Packers to make the playoffs in 82 or 83 and was at the last Jet game against the Steelers....quite possibly the most insane sporting event i hace ever seen.
Soldier Field, the Vet , Notre Dame Stadium, Navy & Marine Corps Stadium, West Point: probably forgetting a few, but the one notable was the 100th Army Vs Navy Game down in Philly with a select group of ten...sadly a few of those in attendance are no longer with us, great memories though.
More college than NBA , but here goes:
Nassau Veterans Memorial Colosieum: DR J and the Nets of the ABA , did not realize how special that really was until 100 years later.
MSG: was lucky enough too see a dozen games between 1971-1975 when my father was able to get his company seats in the old Reds, Mike Riordan and Debusschere were my favorites...actually went to the final regular season game for Dave, they had a nice ceremony for him.....also got to see the Celtics in 73, Havilcek, Cowens, Jo Jo White, Heinsohn coaching, very memorable....went to a few in the Bernard King Era, he was the best, s/b in the Hall of Fame....havent been to a game in a long, long time.
NCAA's at the New Boston Garden and went to an East Regional Final down in Philly between Duke and USC , a million NIT games, Coaches verse Cancer at the garden and the Meadows, but nothing too special.
MSG: well, the 1994 Playoffs, every game except the Caps clincher from section 419, row F seat 16. Matteau Matteau.....saw the flying Frenchmen twice 78 & 79 and that was eye-opening....the speed and the uniforms, will never forget......saw Gretzky final game , and was there for the Jersey Retirement ceremony for Richter and Graves.
Boston Garden: Saw the Broadway Blueshirts twice in the Old Garden, including April 1st 1995 in the final days of their last season.
Montreal Forum: saw 3 or 4 games at the Forum, most memorable by far was the Canada Cup 1991 when the USA came up short against Canada.....some maniac was tossin beers into the wheel chair section, but it was still a great night....it was the beginning of the end for Gretzky and his match stick spine.....most surreal moment was with Ranger Fan Club Chanting "WE ARE....ST JOHNS's" in 1985 after Mullin and the boys beat Georgetown that afternoon to be ranked #1.
United Center Chicago: sadly i never made it to the old Chicago Stadium, but I did see a good home opener between the Blackhawks and the Red Wings in October 2000 while on business in the windy city.
Hartford Civic center: Jai Lai all afternoon, Rangers-Whalers that Night....a lethal combination.
Verizon Center in DC : chanting Nineteen Never to Caps fans was fun.
Brendan Byrne, Nassau Mosoleum, The Rock : nothing good ever happened in these arenas except the occasional visit by Jerry Garcia & the Boys.
I have also been lucky enough to attend 1 Kentucky Derby, 2 Preakness Stakes, 5 Belmont Stakes and the Breeders Cup Classic.
apologies to all the events i have forgotten , and thank You to my Readers for supporting the past 1000 posts.
let's start with the pasttime:
Shea Stadium: my all time favorite baseball stadium. my first game was againt the astros in 1970, and i was at the last game ever at Big Shea.
Citifield. pepsi porch on a warm summers day.
Yankee Stadium...3 venues...1 game at the olde stadium in September of 1974 , a day game against the Tigers with my brother Jay, couldn't believe the monuments were on the field...........The Renovated Yankee stadium, hundreds of games, including one in the final home stand.(many opening days too with a stop at THE WEB). most memorable game was of course game 6 against the dodgers and REGGIE< REGGIE< REGGIE...3 homers....unreal, sat in the very last row of the upper tier behind home plate...was able to stand the whole game with a cold brew and just watch history unfold, also with my brother Jay at this game.....who knows, if he was still alive i might still be a yankee fan........and the new Yankee stadium, only once thus far.
Fenway Park: probably close to 50 games at this beautiful park, still spend more time looking around the venue than actually watching what's happening on the field...strongest memory though was watching BCs BU in Hockey on a friday night in January from the right field bleachers in the snow, surreal to say the least.
Wrigley Field: the friendly confines.....lucky enough to have been there once....saw the Mets rally back against Lee Smith on the strength of Hojo and DARRYL to tie in the 9th and win it in the 10th August of 1985.
Louisiana Superdome: allow me to explain.....March 1989, last weekend of spring training, the San Francisco Giants and the Oakland A's played 2 exhibition games in the Superdome...if my memory serves me , the Giants were bargaining for a new stadium with the city of San Fran and threatening to leave the Bay Area, so they explored New Orleans and a possible destination....in an odd twist, these 2 teams would meet that October in the Earthquake Series.
Camden Yards , Olympic Stadium de Montreal, Veterans Stadium Philly, RFK Stadium D.C.
Giants Stadium: miss her already......2 most significant games were the 2001 NFC Championship Rout of the Vikings 41-0 , and I was also at the final game, a dissapointing loss to Carolina.
Shea Stadium: saw a lot of Jets games over the years, tickets were always easy to get. saw them beat the Packers to make the playoffs in 82 or 83 and was at the last Jet game against the Steelers....quite possibly the most insane sporting event i hace ever seen.
Soldier Field, the Vet , Notre Dame Stadium, Navy & Marine Corps Stadium, West Point: probably forgetting a few, but the one notable was the 100th Army Vs Navy Game down in Philly with a select group of ten...sadly a few of those in attendance are no longer with us, great memories though.
More college than NBA , but here goes:
Nassau Veterans Memorial Colosieum: DR J and the Nets of the ABA , did not realize how special that really was until 100 years later.
MSG: was lucky enough too see a dozen games between 1971-1975 when my father was able to get his company seats in the old Reds, Mike Riordan and Debusschere were my favorites...actually went to the final regular season game for Dave, they had a nice ceremony for him.....also got to see the Celtics in 73, Havilcek, Cowens, Jo Jo White, Heinsohn coaching, very memorable....went to a few in the Bernard King Era, he was the best, s/b in the Hall of Fame....havent been to a game in a long, long time.
NCAA's at the New Boston Garden and went to an East Regional Final down in Philly between Duke and USC , a million NIT games, Coaches verse Cancer at the garden and the Meadows, but nothing too special.
MSG: well, the 1994 Playoffs, every game except the Caps clincher from section 419, row F seat 16. Matteau Matteau.....saw the flying Frenchmen twice 78 & 79 and that was eye-opening....the speed and the uniforms, will never forget......saw Gretzky final game , and was there for the Jersey Retirement ceremony for Richter and Graves.
Boston Garden: Saw the Broadway Blueshirts twice in the Old Garden, including April 1st 1995 in the final days of their last season.
Montreal Forum: saw 3 or 4 games at the Forum, most memorable by far was the Canada Cup 1991 when the USA came up short against Canada.....some maniac was tossin beers into the wheel chair section, but it was still a great night....it was the beginning of the end for Gretzky and his match stick spine.....most surreal moment was with Ranger Fan Club Chanting "WE ARE....ST JOHNS's" in 1985 after Mullin and the boys beat Georgetown that afternoon to be ranked #1.
United Center Chicago: sadly i never made it to the old Chicago Stadium, but I did see a good home opener between the Blackhawks and the Red Wings in October 2000 while on business in the windy city.
Hartford Civic center: Jai Lai all afternoon, Rangers-Whalers that Night....a lethal combination.
Verizon Center in DC : chanting Nineteen Never to Caps fans was fun.
Brendan Byrne, Nassau Mosoleum, The Rock : nothing good ever happened in these arenas except the occasional visit by Jerry Garcia & the Boys.
I have also been lucky enough to attend 1 Kentucky Derby, 2 Preakness Stakes, 5 Belmont Stakes and the Breeders Cup Classic.
apologies to all the events i have forgotten , and thank You to my Readers for supporting the past 1000 posts.
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