Thursday, February 28, 2013

with a lil help from our friends at the network

so ABC went to great lengths to edit the presidents baby mama's incorrect statement in an interview with that never say dies ratings magnet robin roberts....story below ,    she claimed there were automatic weapons used in a shooting because thats the latest fashion ( to blame anything and everything on automatic weapons). when in fact there were not.

I think the bigger problem is the approach that she and her husband and the rest of them take towards everything. if you read her comments below, they immediately take sides with the victim...that's easy....few amongst us ( myself excluded) usually find fault with the "victims" ...and she finds a common nameless faceless enemy to play the role of the Villian............instead of saying we have yet another fukin shooting in chicago amongst the aimless black youth of the windy city , she instead tells us the victim just took a chemistry test and was standing in a park ( admiring the flowers of the community garden no doubt) and the villian was an automatic weapon......maybe there was a display case of guns in the park and one misfired by itself.......or dare we say some teenage thug who was probably abandoned by one or both of his parents , an ignoramus who was tolerated or ignored by the bounty of UFT employees that saw his face 5 days a week in the halls of learning, a kid with absolutely no guidance, instruction or ambition , without knowledge of any other way of life or role role model....the president who is eager to make excuses for him and his behavior.....a kid who only knows day to day survival , heroin and the chicago bulls......decides to fire off a few rounds in the park and hit this "future Chemist" not far from where michelle and sasha and malika used to live.........i say we go after the steel that was sued to make that gun and put it behind iron bars...that'll learn em.......barry on the other hand said " That kid could have been my child....the good one, not that one that pulled the trigger"

The transcript of the interview shows that Mrs. Obama said this of Miss Pendleton (italics mine):

"She was standing out in a park with her friends in a neighborhood blocks away from where my kids grew up, where our house is. She had just taken a chemistry test. And she was caught in the line of fire because some kids had some automatic weapons they didn’t need," she said. "I just don’t want to keep disappointing our kids in this country. I want them to know that we put them first."

However, when the interview aired on "Good Morning America" on Tuesday, viewers heard the first lady said this:

"She was absolutely right. She did everything she was supposed to do. She was standing in a park, with her friends, in a neighborhood blocks away from where my kids grew up, where our house is. And she was caught in the line of fire. I just don’t want to keep disappointing our kids in this country. I want them to know that we put them first."

ABC edited the response visually by using a cutaway in the middle of the answer of Ms. Roberts listening.

Instead of at least allowing viewers to see Obama's remarks, the GMA segment that aired focused on hyping her secret appearance at the Oscars as something "straight out of 'Argo.'" The eight and a half minute segment featured no tough questions

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


in case you missed it, and I am quite sure you did since NONE of the Major News Networks picked up the story....The Department of Homeland Security relaesed 500 ILLEGAL immigrants last weekend alone,  that were awaiting deportation in advance of possible budget Cuts due to Sequestration.

Where was the President you ask ?   hard at work in the oval office exchanging ideas and trying to find a compromise ? Newport News Virginia pandering to military families and blaming republicans for HIS awful sequestration plan that has come to fruition.

Where was these illegals released....NY ?  LA?  Chicago ????

Nope , ironic, that in a nation so big , the DHS only had budget related releases of illegals in the ONE State that challanged the White House and dared to enforce Fedral Regulations when it comes to illegal immigrants in the first place.......what's Gabby got to say ?

the DHS says they plan on relaesing 10,000 more after March 1st......when "ACTUAL" budget cuts kick in.....geuss  this was a scare tactic, a sneak peak  and a little payback to Arizona .

If not now.....When ?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

not that anyone noticed

20 years ago today the World Trade Center in New York was attacked....the first time....(for the record I was living in Spring Lake and took the Path Train from Newark into the World Trade about 6 hours prior to the blast) . Today there will be masses and rememberances across the Nation and the rally cry NEVER FORGET will be shouted in the streets, we will renew our vow to punish those responsible for this act of terror and oh...OH...wait a aminute...Anne hathaway wasnt wearing a Bra at the Oscars and Ben Afleck had lunch at the Ivy and blah fuckin blah....nobody cares.......

on the saddest note, if Egypt wasnt in turmoil, obama was going to free the blind sheik omar that was the mastermind of this plot....i kid you not....he will do it before this term ends....if it ever one of our readers in Westlake Texas warns...get ready for a 3rd term.

this is from the Port Authority Home Page.

12:18 p.m.

The World Trade Center is attacked for the first time when terrorists detonate 1,500 pounds of explosives in a van parked in the underground public lot of the WTC, two levels below the southern wall of the North Tower. The attack kills six people, including a pregnant woman, injures more than a thousand, creates a five-story crater beneath the towers, and results in hundreds of millions of dollars in damage.

Less than a month later, the WTC opens again for business and a yearlong, $250 million recovery plan commences.

The first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center took the lives of four Port Authority employees, as well as an employee of Windows on the World and a visitor to the WTC. We remember them now, and always.

Robert Kirkpatrick

Stephen Knapp

William Macko

Monica Rodriguez Smith and her unborn child

Wilfredo Mercado (Windows on the World)

John DiGiovanni. (Visitor to the WTC)

The memorial that commemorated their lives was destroyed on September 11, 2001. During the rescue and recovery effort, Port Authority police discovered a fragment of the original memorial. It will become part of the permanent collection of the new National September 11 Memorial & Museum.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

on second thought

so i took my time and checked the K of C for availability, i typed a nice long letter, booked my room in the Gregory and prepared for sweater Nite...........and then on the eve of the big day, i stood on 86th street on a soap box and railed against the whole stupid idea....'What Jerk Picked this date?" I demanded to know......."Why the heck are we in the K Of C ?" i inquired.......who the hell is gonna wear a stupid sweater anyway??

well of course that didn't really happen.....but it's happening in Washington, not that anyone cares to notice.....but the Emperor Spooonjiah is attacking, ridiculing and forecasting DOOOOOM over Sequestration Cuts on March 1st............problem is it's his own idea......bigger problem is it's less than 60 days old.....this was the White house plan/negotation over the debit, no, no not during the fiscal crisis of 08......not during the S&P downgrade of August 2011........but just this past December.

This ------ fill in your own blanks.....floated this ballon in late December, got the deal he wanted....partied all January with Jay-z and Beyonce.....Golfed with Tiger.....banned photogs from taking pictures of him with Tiger.....makes you feel pretty silly eh tiger, your Bro is so embarassed by your history that he doesnt want evidence of you two spending quality time on the golf course together....sucker.......back to he steps to the podium and blames the Republicans for Sequestration.

sure would like to know a little more about the Loan Jack lew had at Citicorp, and who paid it off.....

still waiting for Chuck Schumer to speak out against the most radically anti-semite Sec of Defense nominee in history..............shhhhhh

hello darkness my old friend.

Friday, February 15, 2013

2 days

so K-Mac sends me a text and says the beer huggies say Sweater Nite XV , but 1999-2013 is only 14 years......did you have 2 sweater nites in one year he asks..???????WHHHHHAAAATTTT?

Good thing he doesnt have a job that requires Math Skills....

Thursday, February 14, 2013

3 days

well i've been on the hillside,
followin a pack of wild Geese,
Someday everythings gonna be different,
When i PAINT....My Masterpiece....

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

an oasis in the desert

African President
African Pope

Thank God and the President & Founder that Sweater Nite is still African Free.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

blast from the past

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the real cliff

so i am home yesterday nursing a respiratory infection, and broken ribs, and wisdom teeth extraction and wondering if it could get any worse........watched the "local" news.....nothing there......FBI storms bunker in alabama, hillary running for president, john kerry making sexist jokes about a man running the state dept.(lol he's funny)....naacp says soda ban is racist....ho hum.....not so bad after all the idiot i am  , i turn the chunnel to the financial business, cnbc, etc out the President is looking for a way around the automatic spending Cuts that he agreed to 30 days ago........and he's looking to raise taxes becuase we need addittional revenue......oh and for good measure he is suing the S&P over the mortgage backed meltdown of 2008..........2008 ?  yep, that's right.........and this has NOTHING to do with the S&P downgrading US Debt in August 2011? ? .....he must be suing ALL the ratings agaencies right ? ?     nope, just the S& , that's weird.

when the  US attorney that had the misfortune of standing before the podium to announce this lawsuit was pressed as to why we werent suing any of the other ratings agencies....he said, and i quote "I am not here to comment on that".................that sound you hear in the background is the entire nation crammed into a little schoolbus going over the grand canyon in sloooooow motion......