Wednesday, July 24, 2013

true story

so i buy a pocket program at saratoga and even though i had 45 minutes to post, i was in a rush to get a glorious cold beer and bet the first i decide on #3 "Careless Cat" and  place my wager.....we walk around the paddock drinkin beer gettin refamiliarized with the layout and then move to the rail to watch the they are loading into the gate I hear them refer to the #3 horse as "Big Sugar Soda"....what the bleep ?  i check my program and discover that i was handicapping the 2nd race....uh-oh....i run to the window and bet the #2 horse , but of course i didn't cancel the mistake wager on the 3......well you guessed it....the 3 came in and the 2 is still running....turned out to be my biggest hit of the day too.............and in the 2nd race ? Careless cat is still runnin........nice to have luck on yer side to start the day...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

obama is right

the spoon in chief sez if a white teenager was involved instead of tryvon martin the outcome would have been different....and I AGREE.

a white teenager would have shown greater respect for authority
a white teenager would probably not throw the 1st punch at a neighborhood watch volunteer.
a white teenager probably would not have bashed zimmerman hwead into the ground and reached for his gun.

yep obamas right,,,,,and treyvon could have been his son if he had could the hundreds of thousand of black youths that are dope smoking rapists....i think they all look like obama.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

They're a band beyond description
Like Jehovah's favorite choir.
People joinin' hand in hand
While the music plays the band.
Lord, they're setting us on fire.

Crazy rooster crowin' midnight.
Balls of lightning roll along.
Old men sing about their dreams.
Women laugh and children scream,
And the band keeps playin' on.

Keep on dancin' through to daylight.
Greet the morning air with song.
No one's noticed, but the band's all packed and gone.
Was it ever here at all?

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Boycott Sam Adams Beer

well it's time to Boycott those beermakers in the commonwealth of massachusetts , seems they ran a cute , patriotic ad over the 4th of July where the bartender reads from the Declaration of Idependance and reminds us that Sam Adams also signed the Document......fuuny little thing though....i suppose to appease those big beer drinker atheists they left about the part about unalienable rights being endowed by their creator....or dare i say ....GOD......or maybe they really HATE any event the Coors Family and many others continue to make great products and support conservative there is no need to spend any $$$ with that filthy slogan  "In God We Trust" on any Sam Adams beer. (below excerpt from the Boston Globe)

A little Fourth of July hangover story for you: a patriotic commercial for Samuel Adams beer has inspired the ire of internet commenters ...for only partially quoting the Declaration of Independence. In the spot, an actor pours a Sam Adams as he says:

… Samuel Adams signed the Declaration of Independence. He believed that there was a better way to live. All men are created equal. They are endowed with certain unalienable rights. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness …

Astute readers of the Declaration (published in full here) will recall that they’re missing a key phrase there. “They are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.” (Emphasis ours, not Jefferson’s.) Cue the outrage!

sum it up

i think the biggest problem with the United States as she celebrated her 237th Birthday can be summed up with the escelator analogy.

Think about the escelator.....unless your severly handicapped or an amputee or maybe, just maybe a heart should be able to walk up a few flights of stairs without electronic the very least you should be able to walk along with the moving stairs.

But we are becoming a society of lazy , obese leeches....unable to do anything for ourselves....carry me...carry me.....for I am a hopeless dependent of big brother.

And so it is now accepted that a large portion of our population cannot or will not do for themselves and must be carried on the backs of others.....and so the social norm is step to the right if you wish to be a rider and allow the walkers to have access to the left lane.

But it doesn't stop there.......there are soo many demanding assistance that the right lane is getting crowded, but they are still instead of queing up at the bottom of these electric stairs and waiting in line for a coveted spot in the right hand lane, these barnacles latch on to a spot in the left lane....thus forming a road block and preventing the self sufficient from getting to their destination in an expeditious manner......laziness and stupidity are the main causes, but don't underestimate the fact that some people simply cannot obey the laws of society...i surmise that if the police department posted signs reminding people to breathe, that a portion of our society would suffocate themselves out of force of habit.

I choose to walk 99.9 % of the time........on the rarest of occasions I ride ( usually because of knee pain) i stand in the right lane....if i am traveling with Valerie i insist that she stand in front or behind me....also in the right lane...never in the left....even it's 5:00 a.m. and there is nobody for miles.....rules are rules...follow them....we should never start a habit of NOT following the Rules....if your making a turn in your vehicle...put on your blinker,,,,,even if your the only car on the's in the rules.

but we have become a culture of the hopeless......unable to do anything without support of big brother....welfare, unemployment, food stamps.....CARRY ME.....CARRY ME.......and when you become 100% deendant upon the government, how likely are you to vote out the folks that are paying your bills and putting food on your table?.....its so obvious what is happening it's scary.....just watch an escelator for 10 minutes at rush hour and you too will see.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

America's havin a birthday

Standing on the moon

I see the battle rage below
Standing on the moon
I see the soldiers come and go
There's a metal flag beside me
Someone planted long ago
Old Glory standing stiffly
Crimson, white and indigo - indigo

and so for 24 hours we put the harsh realities of this rotten planet off to the side, lite the grill, chill the beer and wax poetic about this great if,  as ol Jerry so eloquently stated...we were  Standin on the Moon.....kind of like sweater nite without the lousy Canadiens.....and by canadieans i do mean those skaters north of the border....not the code word for Jimmies or Spponjiahs.

ah but i digress.....and I lied about a 24 hr detante.....where the fuck is our Commander in Chief ?   our so called ally being over thrown by a Military coup....and the best he can muster is some broad who's a "SPOKESPERSON" for the State Dept ?   are you shitting me ??....let's wait till the big weekend passes and see who wins...and then throw our wait behind the victor.....lousy moslem scumbag....lead from behind you fuckhead........i think we need a coup in this country.....dont worry NSA if your reading this....I am not organizing one or supporting the notion....just stating an opinion.....and besides..I am just a silly old dog that's tired from chasing squirrells and learned how to type...

Syria, Snowden, Libya, Iran and Turkey ?    any good news on the planet ?........well how bout 16 hours of the DEAD....3 beers an Hour....throw in some fireworks....not a bad Thursday.

CRIMSON , WHITE and INDIGO.......indigo.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

many sets of rules

alec baldwin launches tirades against his little pig daughter and homo's on a regular bis....releases vioent tweets and assaults photographers......has a publicist release an apology statement , all is well.

Mike Vick ,,,,,drowns, tortures, and electrocutes puppies....but he was sorry for anyone that may have been offended by his actions......back in the nfl making millions and endorsing products.

Ben Rothlisbuerger.....uses alcohol and his celebrity status to persuade a college girl to have sex with him...kind of sorry.....everyones ok.

Tiger ?   extramarital sex with a few dozen prostitutes, porn stars, waitresses, you name it.......i dont think he even apologized...not sure....but he is the King again...

Paula Deen.......admitted to using the N word ( which is a NIGGER by the way...its in the dictionary )......she is done, finito, capute...

what a world.