a wonderful world of alcohol and sometimes hockey ramblings....a great place to get drunk or fantisize about being drunk.
Thursday, September 06, 2018
the smartest guys in the room
I laugh hysterically when I read comments on social media stating that NIKE BLEW IT.....and how they will regret the decision to use Kapernick in their 30th anniversary just do it add campaign......how a boycott is coming and how people are outraged......seriously ? ? does anyone believe for 1 second that this was a knee jerk decision, and that Nike made a mistake ?? this was carefully thought out for at least 12 months, think tanks, outside consultants taking temperature of peoples boiling points, consumer groups etc etc......NIKE knows exactly what it did......I could go on for weeks discussing this....but I will try to stay on point for some main bullets……….by writing one more check.....this one to kapernick…...Nike moved from BAD GUY Billion Dollar Corporation TO the Darlings of the Left...…* Bernie sanders just launched an attack on jeff bezos and Amazon for not paying competitive wages to some of his employees.....did he mention Nike ? no, he did not...….Nike sb the poster boy for occupy Wall St, Antifa, Black Lives Matter etc etc.....Nike moves jobs to Cambodia and Vietnam and pays child workers 15 cents a day to sew sneakers in sweatshops under miserable conditions...….Nike then Hires Prominent Blacks in America ( Michael Jordan and Spike Lee put the company on the fuckin Map) to sell, and promote their sneakers......Nike creates an unreasonable demand for their product aimed at inner city kids..remember "It's gotta be the shoes".....young black kids were told by Mars Blackmon that they were nobody unless they wore air Jordans...in fact air Jordans turned Micheal Jordan into a flying semi God....and YOU HAD TO HAVE THEM......Nike then charged $300 for said air Jordans making it impossible for ANY inner city kids to buy a pair......Nike then watched as kids were mugged, beaten up and in some cases Murdered for their Sneakers...….Nike then wrote checks to the top College Basketball Coaches in the nation to endorse their product and ensure that their student athlete recruits wore NIKE at the Final 4......thugs, miscreants, criminals....the badder the better..street cred....Nike was officially a Status Symbol.....Nike makes Biliions of dollars a year....a fortune 500 company with a soaring stock.....how many times has Al Sharpton and the Action network gone to Eugene Oregon and protested at the doors to Nike corporate Headquarters and demanded that NIKE invest in the inner cities ? none...how about occupy wall street ? Nike should be a prine target for a $$$ shakedown ….none...…..how many college basketball coaches have said I will not take your check unless you build a production plant in philly, Chicago, st louis , East LA and hire inner city kids at a fair wage to manufacter your product ?? laughable......today NIKE is being defended by the Left for being courageous enough to stand up to Angry White America and naming Kapernick their spokesperson......you have to hand it to them.....Jeff Bezos couldn't hold a candle to NIKE...….Nike manipulated an entire race of people, convinced the poorest of the poor that they couldn't exist without their product, and climbed Mt Everest on the back of these same people….just by paying a few of them....fucking brilliant...….im glad I own the stock......and those viet cong make pretty comfortable running shoes...……...the above was NOT written by Warren Buffet.
Tuesday, September 04, 2018
Oh where have you been ? My blue eyed son.
It’s been 2 years since failing 49ers of San Francisco Bay told kapernick to sit his ass on the bench and let another QB try to move the offense....and Kapernick decided he was suddenly indifferent to the the sport of football so he sat during the national anthem...when asked about after the 2nd week he had no comment....a few weeks later he started taking a knee during the anthem....just a backup QB crying out for attention....a week or two later he started wearing socks with images of Pigs in police uniforms and suddenly he had a cause.....the long the long lead in to my question....what has he been doing to further that cause in the past 2 “off seasons “ and all of last year when he was unemployed ?? How many trips to the south side of Chicago to visit the most violent black neighborhoods in the country? How many days spent volunteering in soup kitchens and community centers ??? How many marches, protests and interviews even ?? Remember, the knee was supposed to be about bringing attention to his cause ...and now comes word that NIKE will make him the center of their “just do it” 30th anniversary campaign....I wonder how many black kids will be murdered for the $300 sneakers he gets paid millions to endorse??.....
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken.....
I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children.....
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall.!
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