when you asked me how I was doing ……….was that some kind of Joke ? ( b. Dylan)
I ask myself over and over....how'd it happen so swiftly,,,,,,,i have seen years of allegiance to sports teams torn apart in less than a year by a scumbag owner, a slew of douchebag players, a new miserable arena of dreams...all of the above...….but sport is entertainment…..a sideshow distraction....important....but not as important as nation, God and Country...….how the fuck in the course of one lifetime not fully extended has this country turned so much.....I was born in the Glorious year of 1965......Our nation was Whole ( as far as i'm told)….I grew up admiring the Men of WWII.....and was baptized into the hell of Viet Nam and praying that my Brothers wouldn't have to go......and then joining myself.....I honestly haven't really feared for myself too much in this life....( and i suppose I should wonder why) …..but I do fear and obsess and worry about everyone else...….maybe the alcohol numbs my senses when it comes to self worry.....I have gleefully or drunkenly ...placed myself into some very dangerous situations with nary a 2nd thought...but always fear doom and gloom for everyone around me......I loose sleep at night worrying about my animals...even though St Frank is watching over them..... ….but I can't understand how MY Country is so fucked up....I never thought this was possible....I am not an extremist....I LOVE the United States of America....I want us to continue to be the Best at EVERYTHING...…..sports, music, military, space exploration, finance, technology....you name it....and I don't care who is personally responsible for our W's.....white, black, assian , imported rican, whatever …..if you are AMERICAN, I consider you part of the team......just because I am more comfortable intermingling with similar folks, doesn't mean I have a bone to pick with folks who aint like me....we used to be and still should be...AMERICAN....but there is a large segment of the population that not only isn't Proud of our Past....but they are embarrassed and ashamed of our Greatness ….and nobody will ever get me to see that...…….you want to change the world ? go ahead and try.....you want to tear down everything that Makes US Great because you don't agree with the past ? go fuck yourself...…..to the scholar of the year 2150 I tell you...……..in 2019 there is NOT a divide between Race …...but there is a DIVIDE between Economic Ideology...….Between Capitalits and Personal
Accountability...……...and the Communist/Socialist youth that are afraid of competition and want the blanket of government to keep everyone warm...…….the end is near...…..tell future generations of the brilliant Canine Matteau Matteau that authors this blog....
right now I can't read so good.....don't send me no more letters, no
not unless you mail them, from....Desolation Row"