Is a man who swears he’s not to blame
All day long I hear him shout so loudCrying out that he was framed ( dylan)
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released
a wonderful world of alcohol and sometimes hockey ramblings....a great place to get drunk or fantisize about being drunk.
Is a man who swears he’s not to blame
All day long I hear him shout so loudAnd the combo went back to new york, the jukebox has to take a leak
And the carpet needs a haircut, and the spotlight looks like a prison break
And the telephone's out of cigarettes, and the balcony is on the make
And the piano has been drinking, the piano has been drinking ( Tom Waits)
more chronicles from the land of the absurd.....the new marijuana legislation recently passes by NJ residents has some hidden language in it that some residents ( ALL) were probably not part of their legeal Marijuana push was included a bill to EXPUNGE the criminal records of all prior marijuana related was against the law at the time of the offense, so why the need to expunge the records ? herein lies the hypocrisy of Government that makes every American, that bothers to pay attention; want to scream or take up arms........Donkey Face Murphy insisted all along that once legalized the STATE would ENSURE that the new industry was run by upstanding citizens.......well tell that to Corey Booker who is insisting that only People of Color ( who were "hurt" the most by marijuana laws) would get the licenses to sell the weed.......stalemate ? not really, we'll just expunge their past records.....lo and behold the street dealer in Newark, Camden, Trenton is now free and clear of all their past transgressions and can get a license to peddle weed in your hometown...legally.......equal oppurtunity ? no....... equality ?? not really..... REVENGE ? Bingo, that all the left wants.
i can't wait until the moslems take over and finally legalize Honor Beheadings for cheating spouses and promiscuous teens....then OJ will get that silly double murder conviction expunged......oh wait, never mind.
And the box-office is drooling, and the bar stools are on fire
And the newspapers were fooling, and the ash-trays have retired
Cause the piano has been drinking, the piano has been drinking
The piano has been drinking, not me, not me, not me, not me, not me
to be lies.......and all the joy within you...dies (Darby Slick)
i'm going to check my emotions at the door , unlike the greatest female rock n roll singer of our time...Miss Grace Slick.. This lection will and should be contested all the way to the supreme court...if for no other reason to ensure this ugly history does not repeat itself.....and regardless of the outcome the most important thing is that the mainstream media reports fairly on the facts of these lawsuits.
We may not move on from this election as a unified country....but I can guarantee you that we WILL NOT move on from this if the Presidents contesting of the results is brushed under the rug and portrayed as sour grapes. The facts are evident that this was not a fair and equal election .
NBA arenas in the heavily Democratic inner cities were converted to polling places while citizens that did not live in these districts were not afforded the same opportunities to vote in person. ( imagine the reaction if the election came down to North Carolina...and the NASCAR tracks were used as polling stations for 3 day rally and party for Rebel flag waving Trump Supporters)
The rules of this election varied from state to state, with Democratic Governors using China Flu as an excuse to rewrite election law. Case in point New Jersey deciding to mail out unsolicited ballots to everyone in the state.....dead , alive, moved to fla ? doesnt matter.
NY and other states TOLD their citizens to VOTE TWICE and they would ensure the ballot was only counted once . ( i voted in the primary and signed my absentee ballot Mickey Mouse , just to see if it was questioned , it was not ) We are fairly certain that if they barely could count all the ballots by week end that there was ZERO certification to the voter roles, or signature verification being done.
States decided to offer early voting and to accept ballots for up to one week after election day .
We now know Dead people registered to vote in PA after their untimely demise.
We also know that Biden won nearly 100% of the late mail in ballots in battleground states.( statistically impossible)
We now know computer software used in several battleground states flipped votes from one candidate to the other.
i could go on all afternoon, but it would be pointless.
All of these statements above must be discussed in an open courtroom and reported by all of the MSM media. We know the swamp is deep and the FBI, CIA and other agencies have a very real stake in the outcome. If Trump wins it is very possible some of them will face indictments for past discretions and their agencies once and for all will be gutted....they therefore CANNOT be Judge and Jury on this one.
This has to be taken seriously and impartially decided......if Not.....well, a house divided cannot , ahh , umm , you know the thing.
When the garden flowers, baby are dead, yes and
Your mind, your mind is so full of red
As a matter of fact the wheels have stopped
What's good is bad, what's bad is goodThe waiting is the hardest part
Every day you get one more yardLet’s disconnect these cables, this town don’t make sense to me no more ( Dylan)
Whiskey.....whiskey.... and then......more whiskey.
‘‘Tis me drunken plan on election nite.....this Gato Malo is close ...close.....even closer to nite nite...I’ve been bouncing back and forth from beer to whiskey since 1:30.........I will turn in before the results roll in....God Bless President Trump.....let’s finish this thing, 4 more years....
What fixation feeds this fever?
like a child, directly from the heart
crown yourself the king of clowns or stand way back apart
but never give your love my friend unto a foolish heart ( Garcia-Hunter)
i have been very critical of the wolrd of sports on these pages , but every now and then even i am reminded of the good there is in ALL of us. If you have never witnessed the WAVE at the University of Iowa football it's heartbreaking and inspiring. .....and no it's not a silly fan wave that was started by the future antifa faggots in seattle.
In 2017 on the grounds of Iowa University and adjacent to the Hawkeyes Stadium a Childrens hospital was built and opened. The hospital towers over the stadium and the builders decided to make the 12th and Top Floor an open rec area where patients could gather with their families and other visitors and if there was an event in the football stadium below they would have a Birds eye view.......nice gets better.
A young Iowa football fan (Krista Young) thought it would be cool if the people in her section would turn their back from the field during a timeout and wave to the Young Hospital patients....they caught on........she posted it on social media and the idea was embraced by the student body....and eventually the football grew......then it was in decided to do this wave after the first quarter during the 2 or 3 minute TV break........opposing players started to ask what was happening and then they joined in 2 short years it became a tradition.....and i'll give credit to ABC last year to get a camera inside the Hospoital to show a split screen of the players and fans on one side and the Kids smiling from ear to ear on the other screen.......then they interviewed some parents........some of the kids were terminal with only weeks or days to live....most in wheelchairs, some still in hospital beds to weak to get up.........but all caught up in the moment.......i'd be a liar if i said i didn't shed a few tears.
And yesterday Iowa had the home opener of this horrible pandemic 2020 season....I was in a Bar in Redbank watching on TV.....when i realized what the announcers were saying......due to the China Flu , the Rec room was closed..i was crushed for the kids.....but thankfully the Hospital anticipated this and word got out that the wave would be virtual..........The Players and Fans held signs and waved up to the hospital and the children were given laptops to tune into the game and ABC/ESPN put their faces up on the screen from the individual hospital rooms......the visiting Northeastern players held signs of encouragement and waved too.......both coaches and the fans that were in attendance.......for 3 minutes these kids forgot their troubles.....for 3 minutes they were the center and focus of their little worlds.
I think its knowing the power that athletes hold, knowing that they have the ability to bring people together to unite and cheer that makes it so painful when they fail us or embarrass us. They are placed on pedestals and looked up to as hero's...and all they have to do to maintain that status is to be a decent human being.......wave to kid...give an autograph and don't be a dick.....
anyway Kudos to Hawkeye Nation and all the visiting teams that embrace the Wave......exchanging 3 minutes of their time and providing a lifetime of memories for a family.