I meet a whole lot people out there who put New York down
Of course half of them ain't never been there
So some of that criticism just ain't fair ( Loudon Wainright III -Talkin Big Apple Blue)
the mets are a mirror of society, as scary as that may be......allow me to explain.
i had the pleasure of working from home yesterday ( for the 540th straight day approx) and as such i was able to listen to Gary Cohen, Ron Darling and Keith Hernandez discuss the most recent NY Metropolitan embarrassment .....the Thumbs Down Caper.......in case you missed it.....the 300 million dollar Man Lindor and his imported Rican cohort Javy " i swing at everything " Baez ; decided that "if the fans boo when we don't get success, then we gonna boo them when we do get success" (harvard men, no doubt) and proceeded to give a big thumbs down after getting a hit......let's leave the obvious criticism of this childish act off to the side for now and focus a little bit on how we as a society got here.
Tee Ball......no scorekeeping....participation trophies.....and home run hitting contests.....todays' player is born and raised on personal achievement.....individual acts that receive a pat on the back whether deserved or not.....praise, praise, praise and more praise......you can hit a baseball or throw a football, and so you are placed on a pedestal and no longer need to participate in the classroom.....just keep doing that vodoo that you doo so well......nobody keeping score, everyone wins, so swing for the fences and hope for the best.....this is a popularity contest, not a team sport anymore........
and the equivalent in society is the Safe Space on College Campus.....the world has you down.....big orange man scares you with his harsh reality tweets......someone disagrees with you about transgender bathrooms and open borders ? well just go to your safe space and hide from the world...for ? forever.
borrow money to attend a school you can't afford ? student debt forgiveness......no accountability.
remind me how brave and great i am for following my dreams all the way to USC , but don't you dare suggest that i can't repay 200K in student loans working as a barista at starbucks'.
your boss wants you to do your job ? go to HR and complain about his white privilege and his TONE.
if you try hard enough you will find someone or something to BLAME for every thing in life that gets you down.
and so lindor and baez ( who has only been a met for two weeks and should shut the fuck up asap) find themselves in the real world NYC without the MTV producers......you wanna hit .220 and strikeout 30% of you at bats......all while collecting 30 million dollars a year on an underachieving team.....you want to pose for imaginary selfies after finally hitting a home run ?...and tear your shirt off and demand the world looks at you when you draw a bases loaded walk in the 9th ? you want all the glory and none of the accountability ? then NYC ain't the place for you.
NY fans are tough but fair....are there racists amongst us, of course....are NY fans racists ? no fucking way..........NY will embrace anyone from any walk of life if they play the game hard and give it their best and care at least half as much as the fans do about WINNING.......it's always about winning....NY fans don't boo players for failing, they boo players for failing to care......loafing in the outfield...not running out a ground ball or displaying a flippant, uncaring approach to the game.....take a look at Patrick Ewing, nobody failed as often or on such a grand stage as Ewing....but it wasn't for lack of effort....it wasn't for lack of care....and when he failed he showed his disappointment, never pointed a finger, and vowed to work harder and was treated very well by the fans and still to this day is cheered at MSG ( even when he comes back as the Georgetown coach) tough but fair......it doesn't matter how big you are or how bright your star shines...if you disrepect the game or disrespect the fans, you will hear it.........in truth i will say that i have been emotionally detached from the Mets since the Dom Smith BLM disgrace of 2020...the refusal to play a game because a thug in kenosha was wounded by police....somehow they managed to play every game after 13 Americans were killed in afghanistan....where were his crocodile tears this week ? in truth...i am emotionally detached from sports in general.....i still watch, but frankly scarlet...i don't give a dam
Sure I know New York is dirty and ugly and
Full of cockroaches and gonorrhea and rats and junkies and
Hookers and rude cab drivers
Bad air and bad vibes and unemployment and
They don't pick up the garbage
ah , but it's not boring