Promise them anything
Reason they believe him
He wears a big diamond ring ( Hunter-Garcia)
let's start with some good news.....I sent a telegram to Putin last week and told him i was concerned that his planned incursion into the Ukraine might overshadow Sweater we got out our date books and i suggested that the much-anticipated invasion would be best suited for the week of Feb 21-25....he raised his chalice of Vodka and shouted "Nastrovika" ( a traditional Bayridge Polish-Russian toast) and so it was the days following Sweater Nite , sometime after Bobby Microwave and One2Many have played their encore....and the Hightides have put away the drum kit , that the russian tanks could crawl closer to Kiev.....ahhhh diplomacy.
When is an alliance not really an alliance?
Senile Joe talks about NATO stopping Russia and China......not so fast.
Turkey is currently under Erdogan the dictator; they are less a democracy than Venezuala....they have repeatedly refused to allow the US warplanes to use their Air space to carry out exercises against Syria, Iraq, Iran or any other arab nation....some fuckin ally....they will not be onboard with any action against Russia or China, and they have the largest military in NATO aside from the U.S.
Germany is the weakest turncoat in the alliance.....these stupid motherfuckers have surrendered to Russia and now rely on a natural gas pipeline from Mother Russia to support their energy needs....a pipeline that asshole joe greenlighted last year (all while shutting down the keystone pipeline in the US) Germany has never met their financial obligations to NATO, do you really think they will supply soldiers and then face the reality that Russia will cut off their gas ?
France ? a yellow belly nation....but they were still an ally for the most part....until papa joe cutoff a deal the french had with Australia to build and sell submarines...and instead struck his own deal without notifying france of his the shoe is on the other foot....the french can look at America and say some fuckin ally.
Italy ? to whom and when should we surrender is the only questions the gindaloons ever ask.
Truth is after we abandoned our own people, and afghans who were helping us; the whole world should be questioning the US as an ally. Taiwan and the Ukraine should be very worried. that Breyer is resigning the biden administration has once again verbally committed to nominating a black female to serve on the bench. Personally, the new member will be replacing a liberal member, so i only hope that the nominee leaves politics aside and is qualified to listen to the arguments and pass a fair judgment based on their interpretation of the constitution. ( something kaegan and sontemayor are incapable of on most issues) I don't care about skin color or gender, whomever is chosen i know will have ideological differences from me, and that's begin a job search by saying the qualifications are based solely on skin color and gender is racist. in 2019 black females made up 12.3% of the US eliminate over 87% of the population from consideration for the position is not only stupid but criminal. Black females only deserve to be considered for the position, along with every other color, gender or nationality of qualified people. It cheapens the nominee when you announce their skin color and gender before you chose the sends the message to the country that "this" person was chosen because she is a black female instead of saying this candidate was chosen because they were best ( and just happens to be a black female)...but the demonrats do this all the time....they are forever telling the blacks that THEY are not good enough to live, eat, breath and succeed on their own in this white male hostility world.....anyone who grew up in Brooklyn knows this is bullshit....and the African Americans that succeed without the Government pushing or demanding their promotions are mutually respected and seen as coworkers....not black coworkers.
one silly question to ponder......what if someone from the nominee's childhood neighborhood should come forward at the 11th hour and vaguely claim to have been sexually mistreated as a teenager by the nominee ? will all the characters who lined up against Justice Kavanaugh do the same this time ?
In the Valley of the Shadow
Just you, Alabama and me