but it's getting there ( Dylan)
society is both collectively numb and equally nonplussed ......it is a race to the bottom and the stock market is following suit .
an 11 year old girl was shot in the stomach on a Bronx street corner on Monday afternoon.....she lay crying on the pavement , saying over and over..."it hurts".....her last words.......she died right there in the street....
the other night an EMT was shot by a patient in the ambulance on the way to the hospital on Staten Island.
last month a 15 year old girl was at a Dallas Mavericks game with her father.....she went to the bathroom and never returned.......10 days later she was found in an oklahoma city motel room.....she was being used like a rag doll for prostitution and the filming of Porno movies...for 10 straight days.....does anyone think for a moment that her life, her basic right to exist on this planet mattered to anyone involved ...of the eight people arrested (white, black, latino and asian.....a regular UN of scum) 6 of them were women......hands off my body , but we'll do whatever we want to a 15 year old kid.
and Joe Biden went to Buffalo to condemn white supremacy.....still hasn't uttered a word about that evil red van that mowed down all those white grandmothers at the Christmas parade.
Joe Biden says he needed a crystal ball to see the baby formula shortage coming.....but his Press Secretary says they have been monitoring the situation for months....months mind you............and just the other day they announced 1 plane load of baby formula was on the way from europe...cause for celebration they say...guess who is getting priority ?
today on the hallowed grounds atop Bliss Park in Bayridge....the gay alphabet will hold a festival and try to rename the high point of the park "Pride Hill"......they are referring to the neighborhood as Gay Ridge....they are having Tranny Performers and promising fun for kids of all ages....it's a celebration of all things LGBTQIA..LMNOP........maybe the PLO will show up and both sides will suffer mass casualties...
and today they will run the Preakness.....my pick.....perhaps my sentimental feelings and nostalgia are clouding my judgement, but i don't think so.......i was very impressed watching Secret Oath win the Kentucky Oaks and so i am going with the Philly trained by Mr D Wayne Lukas........we shall see
Every nerve in my body is so vacant and numb
I can’t even remember what it was I came here to get away from
Don’t even hear a murmur of a prayer
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there