just what we're livin' through;
Its spinnin' just keeps takin' you for rides; (Jorma)
the faster we go , the rounder we get......spinning, spinning spinning.
Mars Candy apparently made a change last year to the green female M&M cartoon character and replaced her GoGo boots with sneakers, and social media exploded. (Cartoon character being the key component of this nonsense). This year they introduced a purple M&M candy and cartoon character, and again social media went nuts.... too woke? not woke enough ?? who the hell knows, but yesterday Mars announced that they were retiring the Cartoon characters all together.... another senseless victim of a woke society.
Congressman Santos? this guy is an absolut piece of work....too much to recap, his list of lies, fabrications and inventions are impressive....he has learnt the most valuable lesson in politics...say anything and deny everything. i did catch an interview he did with a podcast where he was speaking Portuguese and he claimed to have survived an assassination attempt in Florida (he didn't elaborate as to who was trying to kill him) and that he was mugged at 3:00 p.m. in NYC and they (the bad guys) took his watch and his shoes .....i'm unclear if that means something significant in the spanish culture o if this guy was just on shrooms. ( if i lived in Nasau county i would have voted for Keith Corbett instead of Santos)
Gov Desantos is under fire from the media for cxlng a Black History class in Florida Schools. Heck Kareem Abdul Pierre at the white house called the move incomprehensible.
Spoiler alert, the syllabus for the course includes sections of Queer Studies, CRT and abolishing Prisons. not a single section on the struggles of Black M&M's though.
seems like the Lunar new year must have been a full moon......chinamen on the west coast used to celebrations to settle some scores.....2 mass shootings, but Nancy still says "come on down and celebrate"
funny how now that the Republicans are back in the majority in Congress...every story about a shooting ends with a new question on gun control......when the DEMS controlled the House, senate, Oval Office the MSM never raised those questions. Same as abortion..they do not want to solve the problem , they want to fund raise and campaign on the issue...oh well if i was Kevin Mcarthy i would change strategies.....stop with this silly argument about mental health....he should instead say that because we have so many NUTS in this country, that is why we need to ensure that every household has an armory to protect themselves.
seriously though, the clear headed liberal thinks outlawing guns will get them off the streets....but liberal dems DO NOT enforce laws...if they did there would be no fentanyl on the streets and 27 million less illegal aliens.
Scott Rolen ? seriously ? if he belongs in the Hall of Fame then Don Mattingly deserves his own wing.
Don't you know you've gotta keep on fightin' through;
The last frontier is flying deep inside!