when young Brigham saw it first
He said "I've seen some nasty deserts, lord, but this one here's the worst"
Then the lord called down to Brigham, said "I got a great idea --
I want a mighty city and I think I want it here" (Weir-Wasserman)
strange occurrences in the desert.....latest, hotest rumor has the owner of the Utah Jazz reaching out to the NHL about buying the Coyotes and moving them to the Great Salt Lake.....the arena the Jazz play in can only seat approx 14,000 fans for Hockey, and obviously that is a NO GO......BUT.....apparently Salt Lake City is preparing a bid to host the Olympics in 2030 or 2034 and at the center of that push is a New arena that could serve as a state of art facility bor both the Jazz and the Yotes....and on the plus side the players could have as many wives as they wish........serious side note......like when Archie Bunker was on a diet and Edith told him he could only have 1 Cusini ( zucchini) with his dinner...and Archie said "Why the hell would i want more" ....very true Archie.....and so any man that engages in polygamy should also be subject to a psyche evaluation.
How bout them Cardiac Cats ? another road win, another OT victory, and another game winner from Matthew Tkachuk........the puck was barely passed Anti Raanta and Tkachuk was signaling for the bench to follow him OFF the ice, he skated straight to the opening in the boards and told the stadium employee to Open the fucking Gates.......and off into the night they went......back to South Fla with a 2-0 series lead.......i Love Hockey......
this afternoon is probably the last of the day games, and i will happily pack a cooler and settle into the yard for the 3:00 puck drop of game 2 between the Stars of Dallas and Knights of Vegas.
I was watching TV Friday night in the yard.....sound off and Rock n Roll on the stereo.....in fairness i was a good 12 pack into the evening , but a commercial came on the TV and suddenly my stomach was in my throat.....it was an ad for Delta Airlines and a young professional black female (ultimate oxymoron) was on a city street and she looks up to the sky and sees a Jumbo Jet flying above and between a few high rise buildings.....it was supposed to be inspiration to travel i guess.....but it was a kick to the groin for me......the hair on my neck stood up and my heart began to race.....and when i finally calmed down i thought about all the people in shoes worse than mine....and i hope they either didn't see the ad or maybe it didn't have the same impact on them....but it changed my night for the worse and my mood became darker....i soon therafter shut it down and went in for the night......i can't help think of someone 20 something coksucka sittin in a board room and patting themselves on the back for an ad with such dramatic imaging......and if they do know what they were doing, i hope they die a painful death.
Bud Light ? they still don't seem to get it.....or refuse to address it.....the ad with the Tranny was a bad move BUT the real damage was when Alissa Heinerscheid did a follow up interview and explained that Bud Lights fan base, the people that made it the #1 selling beer in America for half a century, were a bunch of Frat Boys playing Beer pong and their product was dying a low death....she had nothing but disdain for their loyal customers.....and then Inbev let her take a leave of absence instead of firing her.
Imagine if you will if Nike ran an ad with the Oath Keepers lacing up their Air Jordans and getting ready for a rally.....and then the ad exec said our brand has been hijacked by Black teens who kill each other in the projects for our stupid sneakers.....we needed to do something fast and break away from all these juvenile delinquents and over paid athletes............well, then you might see a boycott similar to the one Inbev is enjoying.
the MTA held a big press conf to showcase new turnstiles that will address fair evasion......I will take off my cynical hat for a moment and say Bravo.....fare evasion is costing over 500 million a year, and thats probably a conservative number....it also is a step in the right direction in reestablishing a system of Rules that the city is currently lacking. the new turnstiles have higher plexiglass doors that only open to allow a single person to pass through.....and if someone tries to piggyback off the paying customer a loud alarm will sound.......GREAT.....time to put my hat back on.......BUT what happens next will determine the future of this once great city.......Unless you staff these stations with Police that arrest the offenders, unless you have prosecutors who are willing to try these cases for repeat offenders , unless you have judges willing to sentence these miscreants to time in jail, unless you build enough jails to house the scum and unless you turn these prisons into penal colonies and not Summer camps....NOTHING will ever change.
That's a lot for a Sunday Morning....but I'm back on the train this week for a few days anyway....i'm off on Friday and will be at Djais in Belmar at 6:30 a.m. for the Boomer Esiason show...and YES...they are serving cold refreshing beer at 6:30....and if the Bar is open, well you know what that means .......2+3=Beeer
Salt Lake City where Brigham made the desert bloom
Salt Lake City put a color TV in every room
And they got them crazy Mormon chicks
Yes I'll be goin' there real soon