Sunday, October 13, 2024

Saw a shooting star tonight

And I thought of you
You were trying to break into another world
A world I never knew
I always kind of wondered
If you ever made it through
Seen a shooting star tonight
And I thought of you  (Dylan)

speaking of Stars ....i saw a fascinating interview with Donald J Trump on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo earlier this day. As should be expected when a Brooklyn gal and Queens Guy are talking in 2024, the conversation turned towards the Amazin  NY Mets, and their improbable run....and President Trump did not shy away from taking full credit.

"you know Maria, i called Steve Cohen the other day and told him that owes me a debt of Gratitude...this run that his Metropolitan baseball team is on.....they're the hottest team in baseball since's amazin...a lot of people don't even realize it,  but it's true....but it all started when my pal Grimace threw out the first pitch...and the fans went wild, they really did....and ya know the players looked out on the field and said hey...if this guy Grimace can do it....we can too.....and so they started playin really, really good baseball.......but it almost never happened...ya know i'm friends with the Kroc family for years and years and back in 2002 they asked for my help.......they had a lot of characters that were wildly popular....Mayor Mccheese and the Hamburglar of course and officer Big Mac and Ronald...everyone adored Ronald and they still do.....but one guy was floundering....Grimace.....he wasn't loved by the fans....he couldn't do anything right and they were thinking about firing him..he had 4 arms for a while and was being cast as the evil Grimace , it was really terrible for the poor guy, .but they called me and asked me to do a commercial with Grimace....and i agreed...but first  i told them you need to give him something really really good to it was my idea in a way for the Big N Tasty Deal....and it was a great deal, it really was...many many people say it was their best sandwhich and their best deal by comparison.....we pretty put Jack in the Box and Wetsons out of business...and after people saw Grimace in that commercial with me ..well his popularity really food historians still come up to me and Thank me for Saving Grimace". sp without Grimace who knows where the Mets would be...who knows

And what did Steve Cohen say to you Mr President ?

He asked to me to consider leading the Parade with Grimace on a Float down Broadway after the Mets win the World Series......he aid Boomer Esiason suggested it , and i long as it doesn't interfere with the Election and he assured me it be after election day, so why not......i do love Grimace...he is the best Character they have by far.

2+3=BEEER and a Big N Tasty...

Listen to the engine, listen to the bell
As the last fire truck from hell
Goes rolling by
All good people are praying
It’s the last temptation, the last account
The last time you might hear the sermon on the mount
The last radio is playing


Saturday, October 12, 2024

It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, Babe

 It don’t matter, anyhow

An’ it ain’t no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you don’t know by now (Dylan)

i am starting to wonder about some of these demonrats.......i think the wounds run deep...and i think some of the career politicians that have carried the liberal torch their whole adult lives....the ones who put in their dues at the lower levels of government for decades....and then were unceremoniously passed over for the likes of Kamala because she checked more boxes......i think they are starting to undermine the cause.....I think the Whitmers and Newsomes are starting to think that it may be easy pickins to run against the Trump Machine and protégé JD Vance  in 2028.....and it may be better for them to see Trump win....that and the fact they are probably sickened by seeing a mental midget like Kamala jump in front of the line.....she can't understand the issues....has no positions or ideas...and can't be bothered to pretend that she does, that HAS to sting............and Joe ....when he is not in a vegetated state....has been insisting at every turn that Kamala was his equal partner in this disaster movie....she was in on EVERY decision, and he delegated to her often.....yep, he's been burned by he big blue machine, but he ain't gonna give kamala the separation she disparately fargin way.....she wants to play grown up president ....well she's gonna own IT.

fascinating story about the recovery of artwork stolen from the Jews by the Nazis at the start of WWII.....amongst the paintings that were recently discovered by the FBI was an Original had been purchased by a couple in Louisiana at an art auction , but was later confirmed that it was originally owned by a Jewish couple that fled Austria at the onset of War...the Gestapo cleaned out vacated apartments and sold everything of value.......the Rajun Cajun family agreed to turn the artwork over to descendants of the original owners..........but here is the fascinating part.........the painting was titled Bord De Mer by Claude Monet.........Monet died in 1926 ....he finished this painting in 1865.....Old Claude could not have known , the Nazis that seized it and sold it ...could have not known......but the painting was a depiction of the shoreline of the French town of Normandy...........NORMANDY.......the single most important shoreline in the History of the planet Earth.......and the shoreline where the tide of life would turn forever against the Germans........a deliciously fascinating piece of irony.......if you hear nothing else worth repeating this weekend.....repeat this story........wait....never mind......repeat the next story.....the next story is even more important.

who needs enemies with friends like ours ? The left leaning british government has decided to turn over control of the Chagos Archipelago , an atoll of Islands in the Indian Ocean to Maritius.....not by coincidence...Maritius is a trading partner and good pal recently of the Chinese Communist Party.

The Main Island in this atoll is DIEGO GARCIA.....Diego is the most strategic plot of land in the United States Military control.....The Footprint of Freedom......I was stationed there for a year in 1985-86 when the landing strip at the airport was extended by the Seabees to accommodate the new B-52 Stealth was a message at the time to the Russians that we can see you and we can reach you and we are having BBQ's in your Mother Effin backyard Gorbachev......and now we have over 6,000 military personnel stationed is a strategic supply chain for troops and ships in the Middle East, Indian Ocean, The Med and is landing and takeoff space for Bomber to reach China, Russia and Iran........and now it's future is in most of the naive western world....the Brits don't understand what we have talked about on this blog since day one....our enemies are playing the long game.......the Brits think a 100 year lease on the island will be suffice.....stupid......also the chinamen will be living on and listening from the other Chagosian islands within a year or Americans can pat themselves on the back and tell themselves that Sleepy Joe was a good guy,,,and kamala a'int so bad..and go to the polls and insist that anything is better than the mean old orange man.....but in 4 short years we have lost Bagram air Base in Afghanistan and we are about lose Diego Garcia.

fun side and Dano are probably the only 2 people you know that spent Time on that ROCK in the IO.......i was with the Squids on the Naval Support Facility from October 7th 1985 to October 6th 1986....and Dano a few short years later in 1990 ( i believe) with the Merchant Ships that supply/support the Military......there are only 2 real bars on the Island..the Turner Club and the Brit Club  ( how do i remember that ? not sure either) ..i know i was escorted out of both......i tend to think the Woodman was as well....

who knows.......maybe after a few more disastrous elections...if the Red menace build some hotels and casinos on Edgemont, Danger or Eagle Island that circle Diego....maybe i will renounce my citizenship and move back there and become an honorary Yellow Belly.........truth be told i always had a soft spot for some good chow mein.......


I’m walkin’ down that long, lonesome road, babe
Where I’m bound, I can’t tell
But goodbye’s too good a word, gal
So I’ll just say fare thee well

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Feel Bad this morning

 ain't got no home.

No use in worrying, 'cause the world gone wrong,
I can't be good no more, once like I did before.
I can't be good, baby,
Honey, because the world's gone wrong. (Dylan)

just some observations of a world gone wrong.

CBS news senior director of satndards and practices, Mark Memmott; sent a memo to all news staff warning them NOT to refer to Jerusalem as being part of Israel.....for those keeping score at home Jerusalem is Not only part of Israel but it is the Capitol and the US Embassy to Israel is located there.....we can only assume that he is reasoning is because the moslems want possession/ownership of  Jerusalem in their 2 state pipe put your head in the sand....deny the truth....and refuse to say out loud that Jerusalem is part of Israel....amazin

more and more people are thankfully starting to talk about media hypocrisy .....when Trump said that the Harris administration would be a Bloodbath for the Auto Industry , he was taken literary....and conjured up references and videos of the Jan 6 trespassing event.

When AOC warned Harris that there would be a revolt of Progressive's and an allout Brawl if she were to get elected and remove Lina Khan as the Fedral Trade Chairperson...we are told it was just a figurative expression.

Alejandro Mayorkoas warns that FEMA does not have the funds to last this Hurricane system.

Trump is accused of spreading false information for repeating these statements.

Kareem abdul Pierre  says in 2022 that FEMA is helping illegal migrants by sending emergency funds  to cities and states to help house and feed the illegals.

Trump is accused of spreading false information for repeating these claims at a rally.

Harris rips Gov Desantis for playing politics by not accepting her phone call.....literally at the same time that Sleepy Joe is telling reporters that he spoke to Desantis earlier. 

Harris goes on colbert and stern and says there is not a single thing she would have done differently than sleepy Joe the past 4 years ....and yet her campaign is still pushing a turn the page agenda .......hmmm

Joe Biden gave an emergency update on the eve of Hurricane Milton .He demanded Trump stop talking Politics at a time that called for Unity......Trump has been pointing out how the Biden Administration dropped the ball during Helene in Georgia and the Carolinas.......Biden continued to bash Trump, misquote Trump and turn his emergency hurricane update into a 20 minute political attack on the Republican's nominee..... .....yep hypocrisy.

anybody else hear that loud Bang coming from Queens early last night ? 

Pack up my suitcase, give me my hat,
No use to ask me, baby, 'cause I'll never be back.
I can't be good no more, once like I did before.
I can't be good, baby,
Honey, because the world's gone wrong.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

The Icemans' mule is parked

Outside the barWhere a man with missing fingersPlays a strange guitarAnd the German dwarfDances with the butcher's sonAnd a little rain never hurt nooneAnd a little rain never hurt noone (T. Waits)

what does it say about us as a nation when we claim to have no money for future Hurricane victims as a cat 5 storm bears down on the Florida Gulf coast.......and in the same breath pledge 200 Million to Lebanon, and our vice President talks about the suffering of the lebanese people......just one year to the day that that Hamas killed 1200 innocent Israeli citizens, raped and beheaded women and infants in the streets and still hold over 100 hostages..........yep, we have money for Lebanon  but not Florida.

FEMA spent $1.4 BILLION on housing for illegal migrants, but insists that has nothing to do with their running out of funds for Hurricane victims.....hmmm...who you gonna believe ?  Mayorkas ? they are playing games with the numbers and insisting that  their hands are tied...this could be solved in 3 seconds with an executive order...if only we could find an executive.

Since the war  in Ukraine began, the U.S. Congress has voted through five bills that have provided Ukraine with ongoing aid, doing so most recently in April 2024. The total budget authority under these bills—is $175 billion......and yet nobody is even calling for talks...let alone a cease fire or a call to STOP the USA funding.......still we have homeless Veterans living on the streets......a crumbling infrastructure, a 3rd world transit system and an electrical grid that cannot meet current or future demands and is vulnerable to attack or collapse.

It's been a week since Helene tore threw the states  of Georgia and South & North Carolina and still towns and neighborhoods are unreachable...people are dead or missing and family and friends cannot reach them....over 200K households still have no power.....bidens sleeping on the beach....Kamala is on the campaign trail and worried about Gaza and Lebanon....and the media is mocking Trump for starting a go Fund Me campaign that as of Sunday had raised over $7 million

who are we as a nation ? are we so hellbent on bankruptcy and self destruction that we can't see the forest for the trees ? i hate being so negative, i really do...but when is enough, ENOUGH.

God Help the People of Florida , give them the tools to fend for themselves, because our govt is not gonna help.....the message from Kamala and Mayorkas is clear....get in line behind the illegals, the "moslems" and the Ukraine, the transgender inmates and the san francisco heroin addicts......

They're dancing on the roofAnd the ceiling's coming downI sleep with my shovel and my leather glovesA little trouble makes it worth the goingAnd a little rain never hurt noone

Sunday, October 06, 2024

The Neighborhood Bully

 just lives to survive

He’s criticized and condemned for being alive
He’s not supposed to fight back, he’s supposed to have thick skin
He’s supposed to lay down and die when his door is kicked in
He’s the neighborhood bully  ( Dylan)

Great speech by Netanyahu yesterday.....he continue to speak blunt, honest truths and he doesn't care which snowflakes are offended......this time it was limp wristed Macron and France......he stated that Israel  is not only fighting the worlds enemy in Iran , but also facing calls for an arms embargo by their so called allies in the west...specifically France.......he pointed that that Iran is not imposing an arms embargo on Hamas, Hezbollah , the Houthis and all their other proxies after the oct 7 massacre and all the other attacks on innocents and yet the West wants to stop selling arms to Israel.

The West needs to wake up......their decades long policies of appeasement do not work ever....but especially do not work when you are dealing with blood thirsty ignorant animals that wish to turn the world back a few thousand is time to HIT Iran on the oil fields, and their nuclear program and hit them with everything but the kitchen sink........Russia is knee deep in Ukraine and will not come to their defense....and China will learn very quickly that NOW is NOT the time to get involved........and if the iranian people rise up and throw out the Religious leaders, then we have to support their rebellion and seek peace with the new regime....that's my two cents......

side's been 9 years since obama signed the iran nuclear deal.....lifting 150 Billion in sanctions.......unfreezing their US deposits and limiting their uranium enrichments for 10 whole years.......good thing Trump pulled that deal off the table after becoming President.......and Thank Goodness Iran doesn't have a Nuclear the time, the condescending obama laughed at critics by saying 10 year delay is better than nothing.

switching Gears....BOTH Army and Navy are 5-0.........and both teams have well balanced offensive attacks....both teams can and do throw the ball downfield....and can play with just about anybody.......their size on defense....specifically their inability to have 300 pound D lineman stuffing the middle is what will prevent them from ever joining the elites of the SEC & Big 10 ......but they are fun to watch and more than holding their own.........Go Navy.....and Go Knights too.

Ohio State donned their all grey uniforms them or hate them, their traditional Scarlet Jersey with Grey -White-Black trim and #'s is one of the most unique and recognizable uniforms in College Football......if i was on that team or in the stands and they came out in Grey Tops and Grey Bottoms....I would feel when other schools abandon their 200 year old color schemes to wear all black....sad

Sweater Nite extends condolence's and prayers to Clan O'Mara ......They Lost their Patriach and Leader yesterday .....Rich and Ray's Dad passed away........i'm thinking Clavins and OLA will follow this week.

not a word will be uttered about these metropolitans...lest the Baseball Gods wake up.

Dylan wrote Neighborhood Bully in 1983........way ahead of his time...


Well, he knocked out a lynch mob, he was criticized
Old women condemned him, said he should apologize.
Then he destroyed a bomb factory, nobody was glad
The bombs were meant for him. He was supposed to feel bad
He’s the neighborhood bully

Monday, September 30, 2024

Busted Flat in Baton Rouge


 headin' for the trains,
Feelin' nearly faded as my jeans.
Bobby thumbed a diesel down just before it rained,
Took us all the way to New Orleans. ( Kris Kristofferson)

Rest in peace to Kris Kristofferson........a Rhodes Scholar and US Army Helicopter pilot before heading to Nashville and writing some of Americas finest ballads ....your songs and spirit will ive forever in the soul of America

Freedoms just another word for, nothin left to loose.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

This much madness

 is too much sorrow,

it's impossible to make it today. ( N. Young)

sure feels that way sometimes........everything  is going up, up, taxes, home insurance, transportation, you name it ...UP......and still the simple minds buy the simple opportunity economy.....well unemployment is historically opportunity is there.....the problem we have a govt that spends like a crack addict....trapped in the moment without regard or concern for tomorrow.

The demoralizing part is when you live in a country with a spending problem and still nothing gets built or improved....we gave  65 billion to the Ukraine the past 2 years and then a cat 3 hurricane cuts through North and South Carolina knocking out power to millions.... where is the investment in American infrastructure ?  our energy grid is vulnerable and we still have power lines above ground on termite infested telephone poles....politicians refuse to invest in the mundane boring upkeep and improvement of out cities and rural communities unless their is a photo Op or a ribbon cutting ceremony.......Our transit systems are worse than 3rd world.........Friday Amtrak launched an ad campaign for their new DIRECT SERVICE between Chicago and Miami........take a deep breath....this is not meant to be funny....they are advertising this as a great new option...they are proud of this.....the trip takes 47 Hours (if it is on time) and the ONE way fare for a single bedroom is $1, comparison.......a one way flight between the 2 cities costs $300-400 and takes all of 3 hours....... to all the Green Agenda people that want to save the planet by outlawing styrofoam cups ....i ask you, where is the plan for high speed electrical trains to reduce the number of planes in the air ? 

All the money that is pissed away and still we have veterans that were used as cannon fodder , sleeping on the streets......Frank Siller and the private sector are the only ones that get things done.....the T2T are buying shuttered motels  and converting them into communal private housing for homeless Vets....God Bless a guy like Frank that took a tragedy and turned it into  lifetime calling of helping others...nobody else was gonna do it....certainly not the government.

On that note i am disappointed with myself for not participating in the Tunnel to Towers the last few years....i am a coward.....that race at the end of the painful month of September just became too much for me on the mental and psychological side .....i was in a deep depression in the days after the race..and on race day i found myself struggling to contain my anger at most of the people around me as we waited for the starting gun...mostly at the teenagers and college kids that came out for a fun day and were not somber enough for my liking...i liked it better the first few years when there weren't many people.....just like i do with most bars......i still donate...and i may run one more time in the future......but i just couldn't handle the emotions...and that's my own fault.

let's end this on a positive note.......The Squids of Navy and the Black Knights on the Hudson are both 4-0....they sit tied atop the American Football Conference and both teams have a formidable passing attack and spirited defense......let's get both of these teams back into the Bowl picture......and there is a plan B for the Big game this year.......if my house is unavailable,... we had a skater step up and offer to host......hint.....we may be drinking icey cold Heineken from a Keg that day....


You take my hand, I'll take your hand
Together we may get away