they were the best of times, they were the worst of times.
Poor Jim Holland full of hope at the start of the deflated afterwards....forced to endure drunken conversations that teetered on the brink of insanity , from the sublime to the ridiculous....such is a Sunday afternoon in the Marina of Flushing Bay......from the serious suggestion to activate Mr. Met so he could get an at bat at Big Shea. ( we figured he would probably take a pitch off his huge cranium and we would at least have a base runner....."he's a team player" Hoffie insisted..."he'd let the pitch hit em".) a lenghty, LENGHTY discussion on the origins of the word BOOOO.......why don't we growl instead of boooing ? GRRRLLLL.....makes sense to me.....
Speaking of BOOOOOing ........that's pretty much all i did from 4:15 until early this morning.......I took off today ( go figure) and I have watched the replay on SNY twice so far......I am sitting in the garage....drinking a beer.....still wearing my lanyard with my ticket around my neck ( i did not sleep with it, for fear of strangulation....but I put it back on immediately this morning) and I just keep boooing the dog thinks it's strange, but what the hell does she know....she wasn't at Big Shea yesterday....I have a right to keep boooooing.
the POST Game ceremony....POST Game......yeah that's right....after choking yet again , and the beer vendors packed and gone....that's what i want to do....stand around and watch the Widow Clendennon slide into 2nd base....even Tom terrific didn't have the heart to throw a strike.....he bounced the final pitch to tghe Pizza man......typical Mets....typical Shea......
The highlight of the day was the kielbasa breakfast in the early morning was kind of like a Chineese water torture....the 67 cold beers in the parking lot were tastier than their pricier Bud-Light cousins of the upper tier........beltran homered...that was exciting....bringing the August 10th tickets....that was different........glenn close and marc anthony....whoop de doo.
as I stood at field level next to the left field foul pole, and watched the horrible parade of heores .......the Al Jacksons, Craig Swanns, Dave Kingmans....etc etc.....suddenly it occured to me.......WE SUCK !!!!
anyway the good news little Craig was told that we won the world series AGAIN, and he's Polish , so he believed it......and Big Craig is scoutingStub Hub for opening day tix 2009....and Goomba Johhny enjoyed the potatoe pancake leftovers, so what the hell did we expect anyway....a win ?
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