Sunday, January 26, 2014

state dept

so the state dept is spending untold $$$ to ready the US Navy in the black sea to perform a rescue mission for american citizens and athletes should a terrorist attack occur at the Sochi Olympic games....not a bad idea.....too bad they couldnt find a few sheckles to bring a carrier and a few destroyers into Manhattan last May and salvage Fleet week ....but if they did they would have lost that golden oppurtunity to tell us that the sequestration Cuts were responsible and that America couldnt pay her bills because of the damm republicans.....this shine may not like the military.....but he sure knows how to use Government as a weapon.

Nice job by the Wilpons staying relevant........with the whole worlds eyes on NYC this week, the Yankees are hosting 2 outdoor hockey games in 4 days......too bad the Mets didnt have a new stadium that warranted such attention.........oh bad.....we got fitty cent this summer doing a concert....nothing like bringing in the lement you least want to visit your stadium and alienate your shrinking fan base.........but alas I cannot complain....I am one of those suckers that bought opening day tickets and told them to keep doing what they are doing.....until i walk away and stop contributing to their coffers, I cant complain.

I cant wait until they ban alcohol sales at all stadiums so I can STOP going to games once and for all.

Spoony is getting ready to start the push for legalizing Marijuana....which I exists as an unregulated, untaxed billion dollar industry.....we as a society support abortion, same sex marriage and in some states prostitution.....illegal immigrants can vote, collect welfare and spend their welfare $$ in Topless bars....we are a Nation of Prozac, Viagara and Morning After Pill can smoke tobacco till your lungs collapse and drink Whiskey until you need a liver transplant...BUT.....Our Morals are too High to Legalize Marijuana ? that's where we draw the line..... really ?

Oh well....Lets Go Rangers.

Sweater Nite Letters are in the mail Duff....keep your shirt On.

Monday, January 20, 2014

donn zimmer ?

chris Christy was bullying former red sox skipper and yankee bench coach don zimmer ? ? why ?

oh, Dawn Zimmer, thr mayor of hoboken, never mind.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

johnny torts

Holy Macaroni....what a wild scene in vancouver last night....Coach Bob Hartley of the Calgary Flames but his GOON line out there for the opening draw and Torts responded by holding back the Sedins and instead starting his toughest line.......2 seconds into the game the gloves were dropped all around........5 on 5 fights ensued......8 ejections and 142 penalty minutes...2 seconds into the game....Torts went ballistic....screaming at Hartley and the refs....he then followed Calgary into their tunnel after the 1st period, trying to get at Hartley....the Clagary players had to restrain Torts and another Vancouver assistant in the runway,,,,,,great, great stuff........olde time hockey....makes me miss the old days.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

dont lend a hand

To raise a flag, atop no ship of fools.

Derby season is upon us....couplea stakes races....lecomte from fairground's....... Wish I was at Gulfstream enjoying a margarita..

Nice win for the blueshirts...

Can't wait for the niggs game Monday to honor doctor fitting.

"Yes, I am lucky" official horse of sweater nite.

'No nay never" a close runner up.

Monday, January 13, 2014

stephen foster

150 Years ago today...America lost her greatest songwriter..... He died penniless And drunk with s crumbled up unpublished song in his pocket....his last...and perhaps his best

Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me
Starlight and dew drops are waiting for thee
Sounds of the rude world heard in the day,
Lulld by the moonlight have all passed away.

Stephen Foster R.I.P.

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Tosh would be smilin

Peter Tosh is up their smiling..
The great state of Colorado has legalized marijuana.... The rest of the nation to soon follow.

"Legalize it....don't criticize it.
Legalize it....and I will advertise it" P.Tosh

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

scumbags and thieves..... not hero's

There is no other way to describe it....the cops and firemen who used 9/11 as their personal lottery ticket to collect fraudulent pensions are scumbags...not hero's.... To benefit off the murder of their "brothers" and thousand of civilians they are paid to protect is disturbing enough... But to lie about and fake symptoms is an insult to every new yorker and every American.....everyone suffered trauma and distress in the aftermath of the World Trade Center attacks...some more than others... These liars tarnish the memories of the Dead and cast unnecessary suspicion over the poor souls who really could not return to work....when I die i only want two things remembered or said about me...."I served my country in the worlds greatest Navy... And I found the inner strength to go back to work on 9/13/11....and I worked downtown across the street and walked past that fuckin "PIT" everyday.

I hope these scumbags live a long time behind bars and are racked with guilt... I hope the dopes who sit next to them in bars and bitch about taxes come to realize that their buddies are part of the root cause.

Noticeably absent were the fine men of the DSNY.....where you are suspected of being a slacker for taking time off for a triple bypass..... They don't make em like Hari Rohl...Jimmy Brush or Craig Paz anymore.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

dont i know it

I am convinced that everyone who rides the train for a significant commute on a daily basis suffers from mental illness. (Myself excluded...of course).....although I hate most of my fellow commuters and their quirks, OCD and idiosincrises.... I sit in silence and wish for serious harm to come to them...or at least prevent from getting their favorite seat.... On am empty train no less....fuckin wackadoos.... I love nothing better than when jerkoffs get on the Hoboken train and think it'd going to Manhattan......I pray they don't realize until after the doors close.

My only question is it the train that makes them Nuts.....or is it the 90 minute commute each way that attracts the mentally unstable in the first place.....more research is needed.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

dirty birds

allright now , that didn't take biggest fear was that our hated rivals the eagls would somehow get to the superbowl and have the underserved honor of using the Giants locker room at the is who i am rooting for in reverse order....the NFC team i NOW hate most is seattle, followed by san fran, followed by carolina, followed by green bay and norleans tossup.

over to the AFC where much will be made about the Chiefs collapse, and how great andrew luck and the colts comeback was.....its all bullshit........the Chiefs lost their all pro starting running back jamal charles on the first series....their backup running back davis in the 3rd qtr....two receivers Avery & Hemmingway in the 1st half , their all pro cornerback flowers in the 2nd quarter.....they still put up 44 points on the road and were a "grounding penalty away from feild goal range to win the game....the colts afc list is Patriots atop the hated list, followed by the colts, followed by the bengals & chargers toss up, and last the broncos.....NO, NO ,No i dont like the broncos, but we may need them to beat the NFC rep ( see above).

Friday, January 03, 2014

De Blaz

this quip from a loyal sweater Nite Reader:

Mayor De Blazio has ordered all chains be removed from the tires of MTA Busses because of the negative connotations to slavery.

New Jersey Tranist is running on MLK day shit, cant make it up....i geuss thats better than enhanced weekend schedule ( that one doesn't exist print on their website OR ANYWHERE)

your tax dollars hard at work.