so the state dept is spending untold $$$ to ready the US Navy in the black sea to perform a rescue mission for american citizens and athletes should a terrorist attack occur at the Sochi Olympic games....not a bad idea.....too bad they couldnt find a few sheckles to bring a carrier and a few destroyers into Manhattan last May and salvage Fleet week ....but if they did they would have lost that golden oppurtunity to tell us that the sequestration Cuts were responsible and that America couldnt pay her bills because of the damm republicans.....this shine may not like the military.....but he sure knows how to use Government as a weapon.
Nice job by the Wilpons staying relevant........with the whole worlds eyes on NYC this week, the Yankees are hosting 2 outdoor hockey games in 4 days......too bad the Mets didnt have a new stadium that warranted such attention.........oh bad.....we got fitty cent this summer doing a concert....nothing like bringing in the lement you least want to visit your stadium and alienate your shrinking fan base.........but alas I cannot complain....I am one of those suckers that bought opening day tickets and told them to keep doing what they are doing.....until i walk away and stop contributing to their coffers, I cant complain.
I cant wait until they ban alcohol sales at all stadiums so I can STOP going to games once and for all.
Spoony is getting ready to start the push for legalizing Marijuana....which I exists as an unregulated, untaxed billion dollar industry.....we as a society support abortion, same sex marriage and in some states prostitution.....illegal immigrants can vote, collect welfare and spend their welfare $$ in Topless bars....we are a Nation of Prozac, Viagara and Morning After Pill can smoke tobacco till your lungs collapse and drink Whiskey until you need a liver transplant...BUT.....Our Morals are too High to Legalize Marijuana ? that's where we draw the line..... really ?
Oh well....Lets Go Rangers.
Sweater Nite Letters are in the mail Duff....keep your shirt On.
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