a cheaper solution:
forget for the moment the obvious fact that deblasio just wants to tax the rich and is using Pre-K as a means to get his new taxes.....lets set that aside and look at the issue of Pre-K.
Instead of calling it Pre-K , NYC should call it free child care for preschoolers....not just for semantic reasons but for economic ones........before i proceed let me say...if you know a teacher, are married to a teacher or generally support teachers, you may want to switch over to facebook and play floppy birds for the next ten minutes or so ( Sorry Eggroll).
IF it is indeed called Pre-K , then NYC is obligated to add a whole new grade of Union Teachers to the already bloated ranks of the UFT.......that means the person they hire to sit in a classroom and watch 3 year olds pick their nose, wet their pants and eat paint will have the same priviliges of a High School teacher.( They are the ones that sit in a classroom and watch 13 year olds sniff glue, have sex and deal drugs....there is a big difference).......these new super nanny's would earn tenure and have summers off and christmass, easter and fuel week vacations.......(remember how dissapointed we were when we realized FUEL week was about gasoline and not ....well never mind)....they would earn sojouns in the rubber rooms and collect pensions for the rest of their lives on the taxpayer dime just like the esteemed educators of our day..
so whats the solution or alternative?
well we already have an overpopulation of baby mamas who are sitting at home caring for their children, pausing the Oprah and The Behany Frankel show long enough to waddle to the mailbox to pickup their public assistance checks.....why not create a new occupation ? a whole new industry if you will, a new career choice specifically targeting the very people who are already performing the role without pay..Mothers....offer this multitude of woman who seriously cannot work because they cant afford to have someone watch their kids while they are at work...let's give them some professional training in Child care and hire them for half the price of teachers, no tenure, no summer shutdowns (3 weeks paid vacation like the rest of us is fine) and a modest pension or 401K.......at the very least it will provide good training that they can extend to their children at home , and who knows, they may develop a whole new sense of self worth...take pride in their job, become a positive influence and stability for the preschoolers they are charged with and carve out a career path for themselves.....lets face it, you do not need a college degree to change a diaper or read a book to a toddler..
The city could then offer year round child care for anyone that needs it, have the folks that earn a living pay a small fee and those living below the poverty line pay nothing.. sure there would be abusers, but there will be in Pre-K too.....
and then the alarm went off and we woke up to Randy Weingarten and her band of lesbians screaming bloody murder and refusing to endorse the mayor.....oh well....the first lesson of Pre-K ,,,,ask NOT what's best for your City........just demand whats best for YOU.
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