Wednesday, March 12, 2014

da plane, da plane

2 theories:

first.....this plane did not crash, but rather was hijacked and flown safely to Burma , aka Myanmar. where the chineese passengers will be enslaved as payback for centuries of war , OR eventual exchanged for a ransom.

seriously....4 1.2 days and no wreckage, there are obviously fish swimming in denmark.

theory 2....if was blown out of the sky ....Why ?

the only possible explanation woould be that one or both of these Iranians that were trying to flee for asylum were way too important for the Iranian Govt to loose.....IE they knew something BIG, probably Nuclear Program Big , and the Iranian version of the CIA tracked them to this flight and Had to bring it down .

this isn't al queda.....there is no good reason to bring china into the international fight against you.....even sandnigger arabs know that.

or third theory....the co-pilot was on LSD and took over the controls......probably listening to Bird Song.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you left out the alien theory...