Friday, May 02, 2014

the self righteous liberal

Let's all rejoice that the bad man has cancer.......yeaaaaaaaaa.......... We are collectively so much better than Donn sterling....... It bothered him that his girlfriend was hanging around blacks...... I wonder how many Father's in America would be even MORE than bothered if their daughters were hanging around blacks ? ?

Should their daughters be taken from the home by protective services ?

Should they be forced to sell their homes and give up custody of their own children?

I read the transcripts..... Sterling is a certifiable douche bag.....but what i didn't read was the part where he killed black's.... Refused to hire blacks.... Supported causes that wanted to deny Black's their right to exist ( see the PLO stance on Isreal and the ivy league schools that worshipped Arafat for a chuckle ).......
Nope.....all I read was the part about being bothered by stiviano association with particular.... His girlfriends association with a man that has tested positive for HIV............come to think of it.....wasnt NBA hall of famer Karl Malone the lead voice for getting Magic Johnson forced out if the league cause he was afraid of catching A.I.D.S ?

Was Karl Malone banned for life ?

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