this entire circus could make for a full semester study in some university, from the initial reports, to the media bored with August stoking the fire, to the sharptons and jesse jackson seizing their oppurtunities, to the unreliable at best ( or liars at worse) eye witness accounts, to the family hired autopsy, to the Attorney General rushing in and undermining the State and local Authorities, to the President bizzarely referencing ferguson during the September United Nations summit on ISIS, to the media buildup to the grand jury announcement and the ensuing riots that go on as we speak.........this story is microcosm of whats wrong with 21st century America.....don't bother me with facts......i have a story here and i am sinking my teeth into closed as Comrade deblasio would say......this should make for an extra special BLACK Friday...
"how many rivers we got to cross ? before we talk, to the BOSS ? " ( Bob Marley, Burning & lootin)
simple side note in the land of second talkin heads wondering why they waited till 9:00 to release the grand jury findings......almost insinuating that the late announcement incited the riots........truth is , this was the right thing to do.....let the poor innocent slobs get home safe and sound from work, get out of the crosshairs and lock their doors, and let the animals be....well....animals.
1 comment:
Great words, Tom. Let these maggots riot and burn down their own neighborhood over a suspected felon, who was beating a cop in his car, which resulted in his getting killed. I have not heard ONE of these talking heads including all of those you mentioned speak out about upholding the rule of the law.
It's time we start marching to support our police officers.
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