Wednesday, December 31, 2014


PEACE..... LOVE......and Jerry.
Glad tidings, great health, generous prosperity and cold beverages....those are my wishes for the sweater nite community.

Slainte` - Dastrovika- Cheers

And there's a hand my trusty friend
And give me a hand of thine.
And we'll raise a Glass of Good Will Draught
For Auld Lang Syne.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Rex is a good boy

Do not.... Under any circumstance..... Fire Rex Ryan...... He had no qb..and no playmakers the past few years.....but this guy still got his guys to play hard for him....nobody  (except Tom Coughlin) has coached as well against belichik....... And tom Brady won't be around forever......the Jets should retain Rex, and start "building" a team for a run in 2016.....instead of tearing it down and starting from scratch......again.

Stanley cup finals

This is a hockey blog after all.

It always comes down to seeding and matchups, but I fully expect the Blueshirts to defeat either Tampa or Montreal in the Conf Finals.

Out west its hard to go against the Blackhawks or Kings, But I will.....Pecca Rinni and the Predators are going to the finals.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

color blind

and so today the good people of the metropolitan area continue to mourn the death of two police officers, the good people see the only color that matters in this story....BLUE........we would feel no differently if the two police officers murdered had been black, middle eastern or polka dotted......... we would feel no differently if the shooter had been irish, italian or scandinavian....because we stand with the police, we appreciate the dangerous job every single one of them does on a daily basis and we grieve when they are killed............on the other side of the fence we have animals that are angry that the cops that were killed weren't white enough, and judges that release these animals without bail.........and the anti-gun left wonders why so many in this country insist on owning their own weapons.......we are living  in a progressively lawless era, and most people have little to zero confidence in the government to adequately protect this nation "from ourselves" , let alone a foreign threat.

and on the news this morning they are interviewing scores of law enforcement from around the nation.....Men & Women.....White & Black......every nationality......from California, Georgia, Texas, Maine etc etc.......people who left their homes on Christmas Day to drive to Queens to pay respect to a fallen brother....a brother they never met, but respect and honor because of the badge, and the common situation they are all in together........

and the Commander in Chief ?  he couldn't suspend a round of golf to have a press conference in hawaiia to talk about these two officers.....let alone, God Forbid, fly back to attend a funeral......I guess officer Ramos couldn't be his son like he said about  Treyvon.   ..............yep, race is only a factor when it suits them.

Friday, December 26, 2014

go go's

What's the longest vacation you have ever taken in you life ?

Once in my life when I got married , I took 14 days off.....and went to aruba for 8 of those days, but the rest of my life its been 9 days.......5 work days sandwiched by two weekends....but thats a rarity..... Usually just take extended weekends.....

We while the world as we know it is crumbling, north Korea is threatening us, ISIS is running wild, police and law enforcement are under attack in the cities across the nation......the Obamas are on a 16 day vacation in Hawaii....... Yep he feels your pain.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

worlds apart

Nice contrast to the BYU-Memphis embarrassment in Miami beach........( if you missed it, tune to ESPN they have been showing it non stop..... An ugly brawl between the two teams....blood, sucker punches and the obligatory stomping on a man while he was on the ground)....merry Christmas

So last nite at the poinsetta bowl ,  San Diego State was attempting a very makeable  35 yard game winning field goal and their kicker pushed it wide right.....after a sideline shot of Navy coach Ken reminding his players not to leave the bench (23 seconds were left) the camera cut back to the field where 3 Navy players were surrounding the SD kicker.......... To shake his hand and pat him on the pads ( he was 3 for 3 before the miss).........then the two coaches at midfield..... A hand shake and a 20 second conversation......... Apparently no trash talk FM either side.......the game was marred by turnovers and coach Ken said afterwards " we were very lucky to escape with a W"...........that type of sportsmanship will NEVER get you hired as an analyst on TV my friend.......they only want murderers, rapist and wife beaters.

Back to back bowl wins for the wasnt pretty but we'll take it.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Well I never had a lot of respect for Police Commissioner before today, but what little I did have has vanished..... Not sure if you saw his nasty exchange with a reporter on TV.....but Bratton was trying to say that most of the anger directed by Cops at deblasio was the result of contract negotiations and that this is nothing new or unique... " show me one mayor in the last 50 years that didn't experience the same thing" Bratton snapped and persisted " go one".........this fuckin guy has his head so far up deblasio and sharptons ass that he can't see straight...... He has frank their kool for the mayor, well true to form he blamed the media for basically televising the news......zig heil comrade...... Next we take away freedom of the press...

Monday, December 22, 2014

in the Borough of Churches

Sadly our city has changed forever..... There is no going back from this point.... No reset button.... No return to normalcy...... We as a city will never get over this.....this will hurt forever..... This will be tied to deblasio and sharpton.... And it will sting the good people of the city for the rest of their live because we KNOW....... Despite public the silence if their cold, black hearts....THEY LOVE IT.......and we KNOW it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tis the season

In a very nice and Humanitarian move, the icefags of Uniondale canceled their holiday visit to local hospitals..... "These kids are sick enough, some even terminal, there is no need to kick them when their down" said team captain Juan Taco Tavares..........families of the hospitalized children breathed a sigh of relief parent who asked not to be identified said " we have been dreading this visit for weeks, its bad enough when you catch a glimpse of them on TV , but to meet them in person would have been nauseating and humiliating.

Saturday, December 13, 2014


in bitter contrast to the spoiled brat hipsters that are demonstrating and destroying this great country , stand fine young men of the Army & Navy.....The Corp of Cadets and Brigade of Midshipmen will be on display in Baltimore this afternoon.......a shining and glimmering light of Hope.....this is what America is still capable of producing.....this is what's RIGHT with the World.......this is who America really is and Hopes to be always will be a hard fought, clean and bitter battle.....nobody looses today, least of all America.....America wins because these kids will be representing and protecting us on the Battlefields of the World 13th....America gets an early Christmas Present.

lots of chitter chatter

holy swampy waters batman.....the email has been ringing off the hook since the sweater nite letters went in the mail......lots of folks chiming in about Te Jean Caddotte and the Fishstix Bet......some folks even demanding that MATTEAU MATTEAU render a verdict...........just like Garner & Brown, the ruling on the field overturn.


those trust fund babies at columbia petitioned the school to postpone their midterm exams because they were traumatized by the verdicts in Ferguson and Staten Island , AND they didn't study for their exams because they were too tired from protesting.......they are an absolute product of their self entitled environment, this is how and what they have been taught their whole lives, this is all they know, and they are the "leaders" of tomorrow...........just give everybody an "A" and move on......will the last american turn out the lights before the apocalypse please.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

the sand jiggs are right.

The Moslem's keep telling their jihadists that America doesn't have the stomach to win this war......that we will never stay the course... That we will eventually cut and run......thats why they release videos of Americans being beheaded , in hopes of us being so frightened by the brutality of War that we insist on American withdrawal from the world stage.

Based on the nonsense that Diane feinstein and her cohorts are spewing about the CIA , they sand Jiggs are right.

America is being destroyed from within , sadly our days are numbered if we continue down this spend 5 years and 40 million $ investing our own intelligence agencies does more damage than a thousand suicide bombers........and to think this witch hunt was launched less than 8 years after the 9/11 attacks is shocking.......remember the battle cry of "Never Forget,"? ........sounds silly now........remember the parade of Monday morning qbs , insisting the FBI and CIA blew it by missing the signs before  9/11 ?

Well you can't have it both ways.... You can't blame people or an agency for being too passive and too aggressive at the same time....

Unless of course your Barry .....and your once again apologizing for someone else's mistake.......he is shocked by the mistakes of the CIA in their interrogation methods UNDER Pres BUSH..........but he has increased Drone Strikes significantly on his watch....... No fatalities were mentioned in CIA custody in that witchunt many fatalities have there been since 2008 as result of Drone strikes. ( most guilty as sin, but certainly some innocent bystanders too)........I geuss thats what happens when your playing the JV dressed up like Koby.......let's hoop.

Sweater letters go in the mail today.

Thursday, December 04, 2014

is staten island ?

well we all have seen the videos for 3 months and i have heard seemingly hundreds of talking heads on TV condemn officer Panteleo.....what i haven't heard yet is what exactly he should have done differently ...........dude was 6-4 350 lbs and resisting arrest, said repeatedly get your hands off me, leave me alone, had been arrested 30 times before...he knew the drill....he wasn't having it......what should the officer have done differently ?    shoot him ? taser him ? crack in the back of the knee with a Baton ?   the choke hold was probably the least life threatening of the 4 choices............maybe the people who are so outraged think they should have just left him alone ? let him sell his untaxed cigarettes on the that fair to the businesses in the area that pay taxes, pay rent , and expect the NYPD to enforce the Laws that protect them as shop owners ?

classy move by the widow, when asked if she accepted the officers condolences .........."HELL NO"......with bobble head Al by her side.......class knows no limits.

remember friends....."Black Lives Matter......just not to other Blacks...they kill each other at the drop of a doo rag"

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

body cameras

yep...."everybody" wants body cameras.....the President, the good people of ferguson, sharpton et al.

how long before ( i say less than 1 year) they start crying that the Police should not have released the video footage to the media, how it only shows part of the story, how in negatively infleunces a jury potential jury pool etc etc....

and how long. ( i say 2 years) before some high profile case where some shyster lawyer files a motion to surpress the video footage because his client had an expectation of privacy, or it violated his civil rights OR fill in the blanks,,,,,blah, blah, blah