The Moslem's keep telling their jihadists that America doesn't have the stomach to win this war......that we will never stay the course... That we will eventually cut and run......thats why they release videos of Americans being beheaded , in hopes of us being so frightened by the brutality of War that we insist on American withdrawal from the world stage.
Based on the nonsense that Diane feinstein and her cohorts are spewing about the CIA , they sand Jiggs are right.
America is being destroyed from within , sadly our days are numbered if we continue down this spend 5 years and 40 million $ investing our own intelligence agencies does more damage than a thousand suicide bombers........and to think this witch hunt was launched less than 8 years after the 9/11 attacks is shocking.......remember the battle cry of "Never Forget,"? ........sounds silly now........remember the parade of Monday morning qbs , insisting the FBI and CIA blew it by missing the signs before 9/11 ?
Well you can't have it both ways.... You can't blame people or an agency for being too passive and too aggressive at the same time....
Unless of course your Barry .....and your once again apologizing for someone else's mistake.......he is shocked by the mistakes of the CIA in their interrogation methods UNDER Pres BUSH..........but he has increased Drone Strikes significantly on his watch....... No fatalities were mentioned in CIA custody in that witchunt many fatalities have there been since 2008 as result of Drone strikes. ( most guilty as sin, but certainly some innocent bystanders too)........I geuss thats what happens when your playing the JV dressed up like Koby.......let's hoop.
Sweater letters go in the mail today.
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