Friday, February 20, 2015

surfin U.S.A.

Wow the ex Mayor of NYC calls the two time elected President of the United States out on his Patriotism, The Leader of the Free world being challenged for his Love of Country.........first off Rudy is right of course....the full quote stated that he never speaks in the familiar tones of President Reagen OR President Clinton for that matter.....whatever we feel about Bills policies....he certainly loved the U.S. ....born and raised in Arkansas......he grew up going to high school football games, chasing skirts , drinking beer and NOT inhaling marijuana when it was offered to him.......Barry by contrast....grew up in Indonesia eating dogs with his african father and then in Hawaiaa manay Americans can relate to that...or Better many Americans can he relate to ?  he doesnt feel like a true American because he is not like us, he has a jealousy towards us instilled in him by his father while they were snacking on prairie dogs in the slums of indonesia....he is afraid to come out and show the world his own religion.....he lives in that must suck.

But certaainly this is his chance to show the world that Rudy is wrong and he loves his country.....a finger wagging speech to rattle Rudy's cage.......what did he say.....what did he say ? ?

White house Press Secratary issued a no comment statement......"the President wasn't in the room when these comments were made and does not feel it is appropriate to respond"

Trayvon Martin, the Beer Summit, Ferguson or any other event that occured outside his earshot is fairgame to weigh in on.....BUT NOT

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