Sunday, March 08, 2015

selma and louise

the 50th anniversary of the edmund pettis bridge march and selma  and all things civil rights......i swear as i watched the ceremonial walk over the bridge yesterday, i couldnt help but think that obama was BLACK....he had that old man civil rights shuffle down pat.....holding hands and talking like a southerner.......reminded me of when Hillary marched in south carolina and declared..."i aint in no ways tired" as a show of solidarity with black woman....because that's the way they talk...they dont know none good english them blackies........oh but if a white man every pandered down to this lowest common denominator....let the crufixion begin.

but seriously, the irony of a twice elected black president stating that blacks still face insurmountable odds against succeeding in America 2015 was priceless.......he and other black elected officials went on to say that some of the black kids today have NO IDEA what it was like 50 years ago in America.......well....just saying.....maybe thats because those conditions that you continue to blame for everything from unemployment, drug addiction, single parent families to not winning powerball.....are gone........but to admit that would be to surrender ones state the obvious truth that there is nothing preventing a black man from going to school and becoming President of the United States would be to accept responsibility for your own actions......AND THAT CANT IN NO WAYS HAPPEN........

nope , we have to remind these young black kids today that the white man is the devil, the cops want to murder you and you might as well crawl back into the ghetto and start shooting up and cashing your welfare check......the cards are stacked agianst you....even with a black president, we cant win......we want admittion to your country clubs, but we also want our own Kwanza Hollidays......we want to be able to live in beverly hills and Palm Beach....but we resent yuppies and fags from buying homes in the ghetto and fixin them up..........we are equal....but still oppressed....and we hate the Mexicans, Chineese and every other immigrant that has followed in our footsteps and climbed the ladder to success ahead of us.....while we still clammer for handouts, and special treatment.......and on the 100th anniversary of all this nonsens....what can we really expect to be different ?   just asking.

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