Well let's see.....we have a black mayor, a black city council. Almost half the Police force is black and 40 miles away a black/Hawaiin/Indonesian president......surely you can't play the victim card here.....surely you can't throw your hands up and declare that the deck is stacked against you because you are black....can you?
Well to do anything else would be the equivalent of surrendering your eternal victim card....and that can't happen..... And why should it.......in the aftermath of INEXCUSABLE violence that was unilaterally condemned by "almost" all....hell , even the bulk of the citizenship of the charmed city objected to the merits of burning ones own ghetto............... But POTUS could not bring himself.....72 hours after Saturdays riot, and a full 24 after Mondays bloodshed, to condemn the violence without also pointing a finger at Law Enforcement across this country ( his adopted land).....a slow moving crisis train as a RESULT of Police Brutality , thats how he described the conditions in America....
And you wonder why good eggs like Freddie Gray, the honorable mike brown and choir boy treyvon martin had zero, zip, Nada respect for authority of any kind.
Side note.....the city council of Baltimore passed legislation to outfit the Baltimore police with body cameras in January..... The mayor vetoed it...... Thank God the mayor is black or else shed have some splainin to do.
2nd note.....the city of Baltimore lured and negotiated with CVS for yours to open a pharmacy in the heart of the jungle...... Ya think they are coming back ?
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