Monday, May 16, 2016

The Shame of Rutgers!

Imagine if you were the parent of one of the graduating seniors this past weekend at Rutgers. Worse still, imagine if you and your 40k in loans were graduating. After 4,5 or 6 years of hard work you were receiving a degree and to help you celebrate, the President of the United States was coming to give the commencement address for the 250th graduating class. What pearls of wisdom would the leader of the free world share ?…............. . Imagine your disappointment when Sir Shine of Malaysia reverted back to a street Nigga y'all.....talking trash about Trump and yukking it up at a level High School Seniors would find immature..... It was nice of outgoing spoon in chief to get on the soap box and preach tolerance to his liberal minions , when he scolded them for not allowing Condeleeza Rice to give the commencement address last year...... I'm sorry...that never happened...sticking up for a black female ain't cool either.... Cool clock Ahmed.

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