Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Now everything's a little upside down

As a matter of fact, the wheels have stopped.whats good is bad, what's bad is good, you'll find out when you reach the top..... you're on the bottom.....B.Dylan. And so as President elect Trump goes about the business of making America Great Again, the left has....well..... The left has lost its fargin mind..... students walking out of class in high school, College Professors turning lessons into bitch and venting sessions.... cancelling mid terms because students are too traumatized to study....nightly protests over the results of a fair election.... demands to eliminate the electoral college system....if the RIGHT had behaved this was after emperor spoonjiah rose to Powe, they would be labeled Racists...( When Obama received 94% of the black vote , that was ok.....when white males voted for Trump they were racist, sexist homophobes.)...... Hillary wasn't even finished destroying the furniture in her election night hotel when the left vowed to fight everything Mr. Trump wanted to do.....sad sacks... crybabies....sore losers......Harry piece of shit Reid said it's not right that white nationalists are celebrating the election while undocumented immigrants are crying in the street....look it up, he really said that.... amazing.......let's form a search party to help them "find" their documents......there is a movement to get Obama to pardon Hillary, so Trump can't throw her in jail..... I mention all this so that it is documented for the year 3013.....when Brian Duffy's great, great, great, great grandson " Jebediah Budvizer Duffy" is studying the blog in his social studies class at Trump University ( to be built on the sprawling developments that were once the isle of Staten Dump)he will have proof of the Insanity that was 2016..........." Hey Moe....where can I get a sweatshirt from Trump University" said Dan Woods from the Beanpost window.


alvarez said...

when you really think about it, everything from the lamestream media is just idiot showed us they lie and distort everything...can't be trusted - I turned it off and went to have another the snowflakes realize the usa official debt is $20 TRILLION!!!! (including unfunded liabilities, of course, is so much higher - don't think that work invented yet)...what are they gonna do when 3 million chine soldiers come swimming on the shore at santa monica to collect?

we are the great poet who didn't win the nobel prize said, the future's uncertain, the end is always near...think i'll head to the Morrison hotel bar for a nightcap...

alvarez said...

Just received my sweater night card about Donn - I think there should be a very high position in the cabinet for someone with his talent...MAGA

Lock her up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!