Wednesday, August 30, 2017

He said Harvey's a funny name

If you ever go to Houston Better walk right Keep your hands in your pockets And your gun-belt tight You'll be asking for trouble If you're lookin' for a fight If you ever go to Houston Boy, you better walk right ( B.Dylan) The media can't seem to figure out how they want to report the story of Hurricane Harvey pounding the 4th largest city in the nation...mixed in with obligatory tales of woe are amusing tidbits of a granny that called chick fil-A for a delivery and instead was rescued by the manager of the store on a jet ski..... hilarious....and the lady who found 2 alligators in her sumberged yard.... jocularity ensued....on the one hand they'd love to blame Trump somehow but aren't sure if they sb criticizing him for not helping the poor blacks...OR to criticize him for helping TEXAS too much ( since he has tremendous support in the state )I've heard both arguments already and the rain hasn't even stopped yet..... there's barely a peep out of the media with regards to Houston NOT telling citizens to evacuate....are they showing common sense restraint ? ( How could you possibly evacuate the 4th largest city in 36 hours....and where would you send 2.5 million people ?)......or Are the media shying away from this issue because the Mayor is black ? Race is at the center of every issue in this country......if the mayor was a good old boy named Bubba he would have already been labeled a racist and accused of placing Dynamite in the levvies.....yes the media is grappling... just wait until someone realizes that the Great Sam Houston was a slave owner..... and the racist bastard killed Mexicans during the bets on Deblasio to rename Houston Street the Eric Garner Avenue before he leaves's funny, but will be a reality soon.


alvarez said...

Are the NYC residents so hopelessly stupid that they would re-elect this moron deblasio?

is anyone paying attention?

alvarez said...

And if my thought-dreams could be seen
They’d probably put my head in a guillotine
But it’s alright, Ma, it’s life, and life only