Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Fables of the reconstruction

So yesterday there was much debate about the NFL players protesting our Nation's Anthem... I think the Athletes should have looked Long and hard into the stands the past few years to understand who is buying these tickets and indirectly paying their salaries.... they definitely crossed the line and offended their base....the ramifications will be interesting to see.....on social media I found Steelers fans to be the most outraged by first their teams decision to stay in the locker room....and much worse was coach Mike Tomlin criticising his own player for participating in the Anthem and saluting the flag....#firemiketomlin was trending all day....... one point worth mentioning.....the liberal apologists for the pampered miscreants like to say that the athletes are using this forum to Garner support for their cause..... I say NAY...,.they are seeking attention and could care less about anyone supporting their cause.... mainly because there is no cause....in addition..... athletes have more forums than most when it comes to getting attention, why disrespect the anthem ? Every day of every season there are reporters in the locker room...use those interviews to push your social agenda.....call in to talk radio or preach to your Instagram, Twitter and Facebook followers if in fact it's really about getting your message to the people....take an add out in the Local paper or on a billboard.....you can afford that....or better yet, get involved in your local communities.... show up and sponsor little leagues....spend time at a food bank or visit the hospital...... some players, but I tend to think the ones that do give back to society are also the ones still standing for the Anthem.....as a veteran, I honestly couldn't give a sh*t what some here today, in jail tomorrow miscreant athlete thinks about my flag.....but I also don't want to pay his salary anymore

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