Wednesday, October 25, 2017

He said the sheriff is near

No, no,'s a place in many American service men and women have died overseas in the last 20 years ? How many of those casualties were put under the microscope ? How many times were their missions analyzed on the evening news ? With graphics and timelines ? Hell, even Benghazi wasn't covered this closely by the mainstream media until investigations were opened years after the fact......yep.... either the media has a newfound respect for the military and will cover every service member casualty with this type of determination....OR.....there is something specific about this incident that has the media's attention... .the wife of one of the service members killed embarrassed herself and her family by going on Good Morning America and complaining about the phone call she received from the President......the Navy by the way had 2 collissions in the open seas .... unheard of.....they both resulted in deaths ( 7 on the USS Fitzgerald.....10 on the USS MCain ).....after the initial reports, what more has been heard of either incident ??..............……..........onto and back to Vegas.... is going on out there ? If you can't agree on a timeline after a month...we have a problem.............. don't hold your breath waiting for the news to pickup two stories from yesterday..... Hilary paid for the Trump Russia dossier.....and the House opened an investigation into the Uranium deal that the rest of us have been talking about for over a year............but of course, the top story everywhere will be Corker & Flake...........................


Anonymous said...

The media is behind all of the division in this country. Is there really any honest non-biased journalism anymore?

alvarez said...

corker and "fake" - 2 down, more to go...

winning BIGLY...

Uranium One is real - start assembling the firing more ammo...order more the fridge stocked?