Thursday, February 08, 2018

"the Black throated wind

Keep on pouring in, with words of a life where nothing is new "........those are the words of John Perry Barlow and his eminence... Mister Bob Weir. ..sad John passed away peacefully in his sleep yesterday at the age of 70....he was an interesting chap....he has an autobiography coming out this June.. I'm anxious to read it.... He met Bob in high school and they remained friends for life, he was credited with introducing the Dead to Timothy Leary... although Jerry and the Boys were clearly from the Ken Kesey school of hallucinogenics....he ran a cattle ranch in Wyoming, was a pioneer of the internet, he attended Harvard University and was A Fellow there, he had a cat named BUCK that he swore was a bodhisatva ...and became an internet celebrity....he co-wrote some of the Deads greatest songs, including The Music Never stopped, Cassidy, Estimated Prophet, and I need a Miracle........and although I never met him , I feel as though I the early 90's Donnie Hoff installed a shit load of phone lines for Mr Barlow's office in the Village for his internet endeavors and chatted him up about some photos in the office of Weir, Garcia and Company.... Barlow was so appreciative of the work Donn did that he gave him tickets to see the Dead at MSG and put our names on the Backstage B list for that show and each spring at the Garden until Jerry passed.....we had seats at center ice, 2 rows off the floor and access to a private lounge under the arena..... pretty cool.....I sure hope he is resting in peace......Ah, Mother American Night, here comes the light...... I'm turning around, that's what I'm gonna do........ Goin back home that's what I'm gonna do. ( Weir/Barlow)

1 comment:

alvarez said...

Donnie Hoff - put the kiss of death on the bitch from Chappaqua - a true patriot.

buy him a beer when you see him...