Tuesday, April 24, 2018

"come writers and critics

Who prophesize with your pen, and keep your eyes wide the chance won't come again" b.dylan........ah the media....they smell blood in the water....there is a fraternity of jerkoffs at Syracuse that made a few stupid videos mocking blacks, gays and the disabled....real obnoxious stupid shit, but no real story or surprise.... worth about a 45 second blip, a few suspensions and let's move on..... BUT Noooo....this story grew legs. .. I have seen about a dozen different students, a pshycologist , local residents and at least one faculty member interviewed over the past 72 hours..all echoing the same sentiment...shock, anger, etc .......these frat guys are assholes yes, but they weren't trying to over throw the government and nobody was killed....but still channels 2,5 &7 we're camped out on campus, showing footage of the outside of the frat house were the video was supposedly filmed.... .it's funny ( not really), but I barely remember a peep out of the media when freshman Tim Piazza was indeed killed by his Penn State fraternity Brothers in a drunken hazing ritual.....and then an assistant football coach told the frat boys to erase text messages, and then they all lied to investigators and tried to erase security tapes, and they left Tim dying on the floor in the basement of the frat....and then a Kool aid drinking member of the PSU football cult, a Pennsylvania magistrate tried to dismiss all the charges before the DA brought the FBI into the case.... I don't remember the media camping outside the football stadium asking for interviews and student reaction....the complacent murderers are still awaiting trial on minor charges ( the more serious ones were apparently dismissed) although good luck finding details online.... it's as though it never happened.....rest in peace Tim, some of us will never forget......."don't speak too soon for the wheels still in spin....and there's no telling who that's it's naming.

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