Thursday, May 10, 2018

yes, you solved world hunger

but you put sooo many farmers out of business....that is the sick and twisted response these days by the democrats ...the ones who hate and fight every single thing PRESIDENT TRUMP does.......yesterday the President welcomed 3 American citizens home from imprisonment in North Korea ahead of the upcoming denuclearization summit.....Sen Chuck Schumer quickly criticized and downplayed this significant achievement....he aid....and I do quote...."North Korea should not be rewarded for capturing and then releasing American citizens".........right Chuck....we should follow Ole Spoony & Purple heart Kerry's lead....they struck a POS deal with Iran....gave them Billions of Dollars......and did not insist that American citizens being held in Iranian torture jails be released as part of the deal.....that's stupid cocksucker.....take of your Hate Glasses for one second and look at the world through an honest lense.

1 comment:

alvarez said...

Don't try an understand the left - gives you high blood pressure - relax and have a homebrew - and of course, buy more ammo.

The democrat party are ignorant leftists who hate this country and are trying to destroy it. That is all you need to know - ignore them until the time for revenge.

They will not prevail, as American Patriots are fighting back, and the day is coming when we will annihilate them...stay focused...take names...remember these enemies...the storm draws near...and buy more ammo.