Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mollie Tibbetts "rest in peace"

and so on a day where the media jumped for joy and expressed sheer glee at the Paul Manifort conviction and the Son of David lawyer ( is that redundant) Michael Cohen pleaded guilty and rushed to implicate the President of the United States.....buried in that cornfield with Mollie tibbetts was the story of her murder at the hands of an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT (not just undocumented)…...another U.S. citizen had their life snuffed out at the hands of animal with zero regard for borders or laws of civilized society....the tibbetts family should sue, in no particular order; the State of Iowa, the farm with where this piece of shit worked, local law enforcement, the United States Government and the former president Obama ( who encouraged these animals to cross the border with his zero enforcement of our nations immigration lAWS)...….anyone and everyone that came in contact with this POS Rivera has blood on their do nothing hands...this dirtbag motherfucker sb executed on national TV , but instead will spend 30 years in jail eating like El Guapo and costing the taxpayers millions...….when the next civil war erupts....and it wil…..this moment too will be a precipice to the 2nd Fort Sumptor….. Don't you push me baby cause I'm moaning low... You know I'm only in it for the gold

1 comment:

alvarez said...

mexicans are a distraction...below is the real were warned...