Thursday, August 02, 2018

Seymore Merinsky

Or you may know him as Sy Syms...he could be America’s answer to Russian meddling in the upcoming sad of a chapter in American history are we writing this day? It seems we have collectively thrown up our hands and surrendered to our own stupidity...we have waived the white flag and announced to the world that we are unable to decipher truth from fiction...that we have the attention span of a gnat and we can’t be bothered to either think for ourselves or, GOD FOrbid ; research a story and look for collaboration....we eat ,sleep and drink social media, hang on every juicy detail and giddily repeat falsehoods to coworkers because it’s easier than formulating a thought and or debating an issue without resorting to childish insults, put downs incivility...we have told the world that unlike Roger Daltry , we most certainly will get fooled again... and we will invest hundreds of millions of dollars to prevent you from planting stories on our Facebook pages... because we can’t decipher right from wrong.... what will future generations think of the simpletons we are...if they even bother to study us ? good old Sy would say “an educated consumer is our best customer,,,, not today Sy, not in 2018......(*editors note...I’m not a Russian hacker, I’m just a doggie that can type with a thirst for Schmirnoff and Stolikniya VODKA...besides,shouldn’t you be watching videos of kittens playing the violin? )

1 comment:

alvarez said...

marcy was a real looker...