Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Clowns to the left of me,

Jokers to the right......so a week doesn’t sound like a long time to complete an investigation, but let’s face it....the FBI is proven to be a biased , incompetent organization... and these allegations amount to NO Federal crimes....this entire investigation amounts to an extended background check.....if a vote is pushed through by Friday ( as Mcconell promises) the liberals have knowone to blame but themselves...in case you forgot, we ar 17 months into the Russian collusion/meddling investigation......it’s going nowhere, but Bob Meuller is lining his pockets and getting fat on the taxpayers dime .....has he even had 1 press conference, offered an status update on the investigation or spelled out a timeline ??this reminds me of Juice Stanley after Pauline Civetello lost his job... the Juice was a temp and nobody knew he existed, he lasted 7 years at that job after Pauline was fired....only in bay ridge boys n girls.

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