Wednesday, November 27, 2024

well i just got into town

about an hour ago,

take a look around, see which way the wind blows 

where the little girls in their Hollywood bungalow ( The Doors) 

interesting video released by kamala yesterday....she seemed drunk, stoned or a little of both....but i don't judge......she made some bizarre remarks about not letting anyone take your Power okay.....she also seemed to boast about raising 1.5 Billion dollars for the campaign...oh joy.......sadly she squandered all that money and then some and ended up in debt....and she got walloped in every state except the communists' on the coasts...New York and LA.....but hey she was exhausted after the grueling campaign.....granted she was only the nominee for approx 90 days and Trump has been on the trail for 18 months at least.......and she's about 20 years younger.......she still needed a week or two in Honolulu smoking grass to unwind.......the problem is ....believe it or NOT....she is the vice fact, she is the VP in an administration that has a baked potato(E) as the once again we ask.....who the fuck is running the country ? Kareem abdula jabbar Pierre ?

turns out some of that money she squandered went to Al Shrinking Head Sharpton......her campaign made a 500K contribution to big als foundation on the same day Tawanna Brawleys lawyer was set to interview Kamala for conflicts there.......unfortunately good old al failed to mention this to msnbc , and they are not happy to have another dozen eggs cracked in their face.

so in the end it turns out that Heels Up Harris had to pay Oprah, Springsteen, Beyonce and even fat ass sharpton to be her friends....and the American public wasn't swayed by any of it.

Scheduling Note......on Monday January 20th....MLK day....there will be viewing party for the Inauguration at PC's .......stay tuned for more details, but ol Pazzer is going to put out a spread around 11:00.......swearing in at 12:00.......Trump speech shortly after........jocularity, celebration and icey cold beer are all on the menu.

and the transition keeps getting better......looks like the HULKster will be part of the new Administration.....can ya believe it BRUTHER !!!


Are you a lucky little lady in the city of lightOr just another lost angel, city of nightCity of night, city of night, city of night, woo, come on


Anonymous said...

request permission to invite kammy the ho to the next sweater night - to join the other "fish"....and be thankful, we're all lottery winners, we were born in the USA!!!

2 + 3 = BEEER

and you know what to buy...the pilgrims sure were happy they heeded my advice...please take my advice...PLEEEAAASSSEE TAKE MY ADVICE.....good old alvarez just spent 16 hours driving to chicongo listening to NY Tonights the Night - I'm almost delerious.


Anonymous said...

HULKSTER - why not??? Jesse Ventura made it to governor!