I must pay my respects
And though I came to jeer at you, I leave now with regretsAnd as the gloom begins to fallI see there is no, only allI know you came with sword held highYou did not conquer, only die ( Procul Haram)a wonderful world of alcohol and sometimes hockey ramblings....a great place to get drunk or fantisize about being drunk.
Saturday, March 08, 2025
Conquistador, there is no time
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Johnny, Roisin up your bow
'Cause Hell's broke loose in Georgia and the Devil deals the cards
And if you win, you get this shiny fiddle made of gold
But if you lose, the Devil gets your soul (Charlie Daniels)
Donald J Trump just played the Demonrats like a Stradivarius.....in yet another major issue facing Americans; the Republicans have seized the High ground and stand with the masses....the working class men and women , the ones whose only crime is driving to work, the cops, firemen and nurses that work overnight shifts and keep this city functioning , the ones that just want to live to see the sunrise and chose to drive into the cesspool of Manhattan instead of risking lives and limbs on the lawless mass transit system.......the Republicans STAND with You.
Kathy Horseface hochul wants to turn Manhattan into an elitist playground, where only the 1% can afford to visit ......Utopia on the Hudson....no cars.....no peasants parking in front of the doorman apartment buildings.....why stop there Kathy ? why not ban those noisy garbage trucks that wake us up everyday.....and those large tractor trailers that deliver Food....and the UPS gas guzzlers that delivers trinkets from china on an hourly basis........can't get enough of a good idea.
Yesterday was the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Battle of Iwo Jima.....a bloody siege that would change the course of the War in the Pacific and the direction of mans time on the planet....it took 4 days for the US forces to take control of mt Suribachi and Raise the Flag over the island on Feb 23rd......the fighting would continue for 6 weeks and see 7,000 Americans lose their lives.....there aren't enough words to describe the heroism and importance of this battle and i know my readers are well versed on the subject.....but i can still implore you to give it some thought today, say a quick prayer and raise a glass in their memory.
Tonight the Red , White and Blue take to the ice to face our future 51st state in the 4 Nations Final.......truth be told i am nervous....very, very nervous......but it would be a great way to Kickoff Sweater Nite 27 weekend........here is an updated lineup of events
tonight: The Globe in Redbank
Friday: Happy Hour - Salty Dog
Saturday 12:00 Pregame skate Kelly's (4th or 5th ave...your choice)
2:00 the main event PC's
Sunday wrap up morning beers and brunch @ the Gregory
Well, that ol' Devil bowed his head because he knew that he'd been beat
And he laid that golden fiddle down on the ground at Johnny's feet
Johnny said, "Devil, come on back if you ever wanna try again
I done told you once, you son of a bitch, I'm the best there's ever been"
And he played........
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Some Rise
Some fall
Some climbTo get to terrapin (Hunter-Garcia)
Light the song with sense and color
Hold away despair
More than this I will not ask
Faced with mysteries dark and vast
Statements just seem vain at last
Thursday, February 13, 2025
One day, i was on the ground
When I needed a hand
Then it couldn't be foundI was so far down that I couldn't get up
You know and one day I was one of life's losers
Even my friends were my accusers
And in my head, I lost before I begun (Santanna)
So the Unions went to the courts to block the voluntary retirement packages being offered to their members. I have never been a member of a union, but i thought their mission was to protect their members and to operate in their members best interest......this smells like either the unions saying their members are too stupid to decide their own future and how and when to retire or move on......OR.....this is a desperate grab to hold onto to power and keep membership high and dues flowing in......or a little of both.
The funny thing about the liberals today....they love to get on their elitists' soapbox and preach down to the less educated masses, they feel that themselves, obama, the times and a handful of harvard grads are the only ones smart enough to get it....but the odd thing is they refuse to state their opinions....kamala and joe hid from the press....refused to take questions...refused to do sit down interviews, refused to share their brilliance....in fact....they go to great lengths to cover their tracks, muddy the waters and hide their true intentions.....but why ? if you are bigger, better, smarter than me...if you have invented a better mouse trap.....why not explain it ?
On the flip side stands DJT......more than happy to share his intentions....no matter how unpopular his plans were with half the country.....he shouted his plans to anyone and everyone that would listen ....and now he is fulfilling those campaign promises.....no hidden card tricks.....no bait and switch.....everything he has done in 3 short weeks was foretold on the campaign trail.
Side note....it's funny how now the demonrats want everything to go through congress.......but that is because congress is where good decent plans go to die....the desert of inaction....they couldn't even codify Roe v Wade over 50 years...despite having the numbers to do so......as spoonjiah obama said in 2014......"if congress is too slow to act, then i will get it done through executive action, if you don't like it ?....sue me"...............sucks when your own Kings words come back to bite you.
The anger at D.O.G.E can be summed up easily......only those with something to hide are trying to block the exposing of fraud and corruption......there can be no other reason......and even the uneducated masses that never went to harvard can see that.
I read something interesting the other day that i did not know....in the period between WWI and the depression one of the biggest advocates for the creation of the Department of Education was none other than the Ku Klux Klan.......it seems the klansmen were worried about the Catholic Church gaining too much influence by opening so many schools....and so they wanted to crush the Church and control on a national level what was taught.....and more importantly, what was not taught.........sound familiar ?
i must say the world has become so very interesting the past 3 weeks.........i'm encouraged , optimistic and eager to read the NY Post everyday.....i just hope when Education oversight is given back to the states that they all.....even our newest state Canada....teach the gospel that 2+3=BEEER
I looked like a joker
Turn around, fate must have woke her
'Cause lady luck she was waiting outside the door
I'm winning
I'm winning
I'm winning
I'm winning
And I don't intend on losing again
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
What time is It ?
said the judge to Joey when they met
“Five to ten,” said Joey. The judge says,They said a mass in the old church near the house where he was born
And someday if God’s in heaven overlookin’ His preserve
I know the men that shot him down will get what they deserve
Saturday, February 08, 2025
There's guns across the river
aimin’ at ya
Lawman on your trail, he’d like to catch yaBounty hunters, too, they’d like to get ya
Billy, they don’t like you to be so free (Dylan)
Remember in El Paso, once, you shot one
She may have been a whore, but she was a hot one
Billy, you been runnin’ for so long
Tuesday, February 04, 2025
It's easy to see
without looking too far
That not much is really sacred (Dylan)It’s people’s games that you got to dodge
And it’s alright, Ma, I can make it
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
you got to
Deep-six your wristwatch
you got to try and understand
the time it takes to capture , is just a movement of it's hand (Weir-Barlow)
John Perry Barlow called the above lyric part of the worst song he ever wrote, but he wanted to go on vacation and Bob Weir needed one more song for his studio album Ace.
Well i feel the same way about Deep Seek, the Chinese version of Chatbot;......bigger, better, faster, stronger, cheaper version of AI.....and complete Bullshit.
What happened the other other day was a complete overreaction to nonsense......the stockholders of Nividia, Palantir, Vistra etc etc had made sooo much dam money over the past 18 months, that they were itching for a reason to take some profits......and so when the Chinese firm made their outlandish claims, the willful idiots pounced......and so i was ready on Tuesday morning to go bargian hunting .....and i did........i bought more shares in all 3 .....and they all responded well......Thanks Bob.
any Republican that votes against Bobby Kennedy's nomination because of his prior stance/comments on abortion should resign immediately........this is the first person in my lifetime with any cloudt to call to call out Big Pharma, Big Agriculture and the FDA.........we are a fat, unhealthy country and something has to change.....we are way too reliant on prescription drugs and miracle cures.....it is time tried a different approach......i don't care if he's batshit crazy, he is the right man for this job....
I ain't crazy, nor am I lazy I just want to find out what's right and what's wrong I ain't burnin, whole world keeps on turnin' I still tryin' to find out what's right and what's wrong I ain't crazy
Saturday, January 25, 2025
today is the last day to buy a t-shirt........a special Thanks to Matteau Matteau for stepping in and buying a cool dozen to ensure we hit our goal of 50 shirts.........together we have raised $800.00 for the Pasadena Humane Society.....that will provide food and shelter and some love to Dogs and Cats left homeless from the wildfires.....can't say thanks enough to everyone that helped out......above is the link if anyone is still interested , but today is the last day.........woof woof
Friday, January 24, 2025
This Train is bound for glory, this train
This train is bound for glory, this train.
This train is bound for glory,Don't carry nothing but the righteous and the holy.
This train is bound for glory, this train. (Woody Guthrie)
Trump came out swinging like a prize fighter in his first few days....of course the media huddles together and decides what the negative focus should be and then they run with it , staying in lockstep and missing the bigger picture. I honestly believe that a lot of Dons' moves are by design, he throws out some outlandish executive orders or statements or nominees because he knows the liberal sharks will circle that prey and miss a school of fish that go swimming by.....and some of his moves are designed to force the media to at least partially cover the story......for example.....Birthright Citizenship.
Birthright Citizenship is guaranteed under the 14th Amendment and can not be changed via executive order, But Mr. Trump did so anyway.
First off...the immediate response was 21 liberal blue states wasted valuable time and money filing redundant lawsuits....if they were coordinated they would let 1 state file a suit while the other states focused on other issues....but they all want the virtue signaling glory of challenging Trump.
Secondly it will get blocked and then appealed and hopefully will run its way up to the SCOTUS.....it will serves as a good testing ground for both sides to make arguments for and against and hopefully provide some insight into how the Justices view this issue.
Third point....when it gets to SCOTUS the media will be covering 24/7, and at that time i suspect the Administration to turn a light on the practices of China and others that send women into the continental United States....housing them and breeding them until they give birth to that Million dollar Citizen baby .....these are not tourists that went into early labor...these are women that are being trafficked and sent to the US to get pregnant and have citizen babies.......that is not what the 14th amendment was supposed to protect.
Lastly....the cloud of uncertainty should deter some of the first trimester pregnancies in central and south America from making the dangerous trek to the USA to give birth..........4 wins in my book
side note......Trump also revoked the security clearance of all 51 signers of that infamous laptop is fake document during the 2020 campaign....this will in essence neuter each and every one of them.....you can not function in the Intelligence community or as a Govt Consultant without a security clearance .....brilliant
and 2+3=BEEER
This train don't carry no con men, this train;
This train don't carry no con men, this train;
This train don't carry no con men,
No wheeler dealers, here and gone men,
This train don't carry no con men, this train.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Can't you feel that sun a shinin ?
Groundhog runnin’ by the country stream
This must be the day that all of my dreams come trueSo happy just to be alive
Underneath the sky of blue
On this new morning, new morning
On this new morning with you (Dylan)
Underneath the sky of blue
On this new morning, new morning
On this new morning with you
New morning . . .
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends
We're so glad you could attend,come inside, come inside (ELP)
I have no one to meet
And the ancient empty street’s too dead for dreaming
Today we prepare to celebrate to greatest comeback in the history of mans time on the planet, the ultimate comeback story; the rising from the Dead by Jesus of Nazareth.
I have chosen today to look hard for that silver lining, and after quite a bit of pondering i think it may be out there. we often talk about that giant pendulum that swings from one extreme to the other. I think the long decline that started with political correctness and graduated to DEI , has swung as far left as it can go......and i am starting to feel the gravitational pull back to the center (and hopefully the right).
America may be preoccupied and distracted. America may be naïve and willfully ignorant at times on certain issues, but at our core still lies the ability to detect and see through bullshit....even if we don't want to.
And now the senseless murder of Jonathan Diller on main street USA in broad daylight by a thug with 21 prior arrests that has no fear of prosecution and no respect for human life.
The optic that may go down in history when all these beans are counted...on Thursday Evening Donald Trump attended PO Diller's wake with the blessings of his widow and family. On Thursday President Biden gathered with old pals Barry Hussein and accused pedophile Bill Clinton at Radio City....they were cheered by a packed House that paid $500,000 for the privileges to attend.
On Friday Queen Laticia asked to speak at the wake and was told NO.
On Friday Kathy Hochul showed up at the wake during the private friends and family session and had an uncomfortable exchange with the family of the deceased.....reports are unclear on whether she was allowed inside the funeral home or not....but the video clearly shows here being ushered out by her Law Enforcement detail....and she looks unhappy with her tail between her legs.
is this the line in the sand ? i mean a true line...not the meaningless ones that the great Spoonjiah drew on the deserts of Syria.
I think the tide has turned....i think a Tsunami of common sense is coming....i may be drunk with false optimism but i do believe middle America is starting to find it's voice again and suddenly is willing to speak truth in the light of day . .....at least i fargin hope so........I am not declaring victory , but i can sense a summer of peaceful revolution.....a grassroots movement to fight for this country and restore values.....if not now, probably never.
Looking Back, i think that may have been the point of no return....the June debate and the Butler assassination attempt were also big momentum swings, but i think the nation was already leaning back....it didn't hurt that they ignored their beloved "democracy" to anoint a babbling, stuttering moron with a clear head an inability to formulate a thought....but hey....she checked two boxes.
anyway, the good guys won this time and if you had followed the blog you could have made a few sheckles betting on THE DONN.......feel free on a rainy Saturday to pour yourself a pint of the Dark or a stiff Jameson and go back and read the blog from yesterday....i have been telling stories, sharing memories and climbing atop a soapbox or two since July of 2006..........some gems. some misses and a few paragraphs of drunken jibberish.......my hope is that 500 years from now when the Martians are reading this blog, they too will wish that they were born in the Greatest Neighborhood in the World , and at the perfect time.......i wouldn't change a stitch of that fabric.
This past year saw the class of 1964 celebrate their 60th trip around the sun. They put together a memorable evening in Chadwicks with pregame libations in Pippins.....a grand night in our olde stomping grounds.....the Class of 65 is Now on the Clock .....stay tuned for details for a star studded event...some skaters are already lobbying for a visit to Pitch & Putt and a Keg party at Bay 14.......that's screams 1965 offspring.............some skaters who will remain anonymous insist on Progressive pricing......so the responsible drinkers and or teetotalers do not get handed a Bill that covers the bar Tab for the Rest of us normal drinkers.
In closing please note that if you are reading this, that your presence at Sweater Nite is desired.....i know it's not easy, we know life gets in the way....but whomever is out there please know that water under the bridge is exactly that......all are welcome, nobody has ever been barred from Sweater Nite, feel free to extend invites to anyone i may have missed....it is all about the here and now....friendship, comradery and iced cold BEEEER......... 2+3=BEEER
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Fundraiser T-shirts
Please find attached a link to the SWEATER NITE Fundriasing efforts on behalf of the Pasadena Humane Society
Saturday, January 11, 2025
ain't it hard when you wake up in the mornin
And you find out that those other days are gone?
All you have is memories of happiness
Lingerin' on (Neil Young)
it's a high wire act.......trying to balance genuine anger at the State of California and sincere empathy for the people.....floods are terrible....fires are worse.....but they both rob the things in our homes that make us who we are.
Thursday the smug circle of political demons were busy ....not putting out the fires....but shooting holes through the stories of incompetence. The Hydrants WERE empty.....the budget WAS slashed...the equipment WAS given away......the Leadership WAS preoccupied with equity and diversity ....instead of ability and preparedness.
Los Angeles is a sad circle of serpents....jockeying and gesturing....more energy and concern projecting themselves than just doing their jobs......a sickening , never ending act of one up-manship.....fm the Gov to the Mayor to the Alphabet fire Chief....who can be the MOST woke, who can go the furthest left.....until the flames of hell burn them all to death..
Yet still a light is shining From that lamp on down the hall Maybe the star of Bethlehem Wasn't a star at all
Thursday, January 09, 2025
In a matter of time
there'll be a friend of mine
Gonna come to the coast, you're going to see him up closeFor a minute or two
While the ground cracks under you (N. Young)
Don't you wish that you could be here too?
Saturday, January 04, 2025
well the good old days
may not return,
and the rocks may melt,
and the sea may burn (Tom Petty)
we are in a dark place here in America......a time of uncertainty and a lack of trust...and rightfully so.
Our elected officials and mammoth government are nothing more then a cesspool of condescending elitists...most feel it and believe it....others were taught to be this way....but their contempt for the rest of the nation is undeniable ......and something has to give.
The manifesto written by the Las Vegas bomber is out there and should be read, it is cause for alarm and concern......was he suffering from PTSD and having marital problems OR is that the easiest way to explain away his ramblings ? i don't know , but i must admit that when some 30 year black female on the local news says it's ABC......my gut tells me it's probably XYZ.........it's time we extricate ourselves off the Govt Dime of information and dig for our own truths.
interesting how the LGTQ-LMNOP shooter in Nashville wrote a long manifesto that has never been released......i guess they couldn't twist it to fit their hoped for narrative.
These miserable Diversity hires in New Orleans (Mayor-Police Chief-FBI lead) should sound the loudest alarm bells in the history of this nation.....their dismissive arrogance should send shockwaves through every community.....these people receive a healthy stipend from our taxpayers dollars and are tasked with keeping their city safe and to speak the truth when asked....if they can't or won't....they need to be replaced.........Hopefully the lawsuits that follow will be enough to bring New Orleans to it;s knees and FORCE change.
some say life, will beat you down
break your heart, steal your crown
Wednesday, January 01, 2025
Wake up to find out
That You are the Eyes of the World ( Hunter-Garcia)
and as the eyes, you are the witness to the decay of this planet, tell us what you see this day.
I see strangers not shaking hands, but rather pushing each other onto the train tracks and under the oncoming train........18th street in Manhattan.....1:00 pm....New years Eve....it's all a game....
I see strangers lighting strangers on fire as they sleep on the subway....a wayward angel.....far from home...without a home.....she returned to her Mothers House last May in Toms River...only to learn the home had been sold and her family left no forwarding address.
I see women walking the streets of NYC with their newborn children in grocery bags........ring the bell and walk away.
I see carnage on Bourbon Street......10 dead.....35 wounded.....by a vehicle driven by an individual that after he crashed....opened fire on the Police and had multiple IEDs in his truck.......oh, and i see a DIVERSITY hire from the FBI telling us this is NOT a terrorist act.....the face of the elitist failed experiment......the tax paying citizens of this nation do not deserve the facts , they can't handle the truth, give them crumbs.......tell the sheep where to graze.
and although i don't see it....i suspect a few domestic terrorists are being born....tired of the dismissive lies....tired of the hypocrisy....tired of their government.
always darkest before the light ?
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own
Sometimes we visit your country and live in your home
Sometimes we ride on your horses, sometimes we walk alone
Sometimes the songs that we hear are just songs of our own