I am convinced that everyone who rides the train for a significant commute on a daily basis suffers from mental illness. (Myself excluded...of course).....although I hate most of my fellow commuters and their quirks, OCD and idiosincrises.... I sit in silence and wish for serious harm to come to them...or at least prevent from getting their favorite seat.... On am empty train no less....fuckin wackadoos.... I love nothing better than when jerkoffs get on the Hoboken train and think it'd going to Manhattan......I pray they don't realize until after the doors close.
My only question is this....is it the train that makes them Nuts.....or is it the 90 minute commute each way that attracts the mentally unstable in the first place.....more research is needed.
I like to hum casey jones while riding the train...
people must think the same of you, as you write this blog...do you change seats everyday just to fuck 'em up!
the train makes them crazy
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