So an angry spoonjiah had to halt his game of billiards and his fundraising efforts in Denver...(and to have a good laugh and chuckle when someone offered to share some marijuana with him....its all so darn funny...ya know... Drugs and all... Good thing no kids would ever be influenced by this ) to "call for peace in the middle East" and his camel jockey fellow jihadists responded by firing rockets at a nuclear facility in Israel..... Meanwhile more pictures and letters from bergdahl emerged of him smilin arm n arm with his supposed captors.... In letters to his parents he said he was ashamed to be American..... This was before he went AWOL...... Barry wants 3.8 billion to care for illegal alien children at the border.....he's in Texas to raise money for democrats but refuses to even visit the border........ And as new details of NSA spying emerge....we had Angela Merkel cell phone tapped.... We had American citizens profiled and tracked... We knew every TEA PARTY organization identified and scrutinized by the IRS......and yet.....AND FUCKIN YET.... This administration continues to insist they were in the dark on every scandal until they read it in the Times......
I for one am glad I drink EVERY DAY..... No sense facing this bullshit sober.
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