Thursday, July 03, 2014

I am confused again

Maybe spoonjiah can enlighten me.... Why should hobby lobby and other corporations have to supply contraceptives FREE of charge? are birth control pills different from everything else..,.and how did this discussion get hijacked and turned into a debate about women's rights...... Last I checked hobby lobby and other business were not forbidding their employees from using birth control... But rather were merely objecting to paying for's not the equivalent of refusing to pay for life saving cancer treatment and drugs that save lives.
This is Pro Choice... A woman can choose to have sex with any creature she wants these days... ...even a goat if she chooses... But if she doesn't want a litter of calves (baby goats for you brooklynites that have never seen a farm)..then she has to buy birth control and WE or Hobby lobby should not have to pay for it.

I drink a lot....that's my free choice... As such I tend to get brutal hangovers on occasion.... Should I be entitled to free Tylenol?... Should non drinkers who are iny my healthcare system pay higher premiums to offset my monthly Advil intake ?

How is birth control different?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, what do you want Tylenol or Advil - you must be a woman!