I wasnt absent from my blogging duties without leave, but rather; I was Absent With A Good Fukin Reason...... This world has me beatin down to the point I don't even want to comment...... But a pep talk from Brian Duffy in a watering hole in Battery Park City has convinced me to blog on.
So the family of the dearly departed in south Carolina stated matter of factly that he owed child suppor . So thats why he was running away from police when he was shot to death.....failure to pay child support is punishable by Jail time in south Carolina.... Better to end up dead than in jail I suppose..... These quotes will of course never see the light of day on your evening news....... And so we will march and scream that black lives matter.... But nary a moment shall be wasted caring about the little black child living in squalor because papa Bear wasnt paying his child support.
Also buried in news rooms across the land was Barry Hussein's admittion that future presidents will have to deal with a nuclear Iran.... Just hours after HIS press Secretary argued that this was a forever deal to prevent a nuclear Iran....I hope Sarah Silverman lives to see the day Isreal is attacked with nukes.....oh, who am I kidding.... When that happens it will still be Bush's fault.
NFL hires a female line judge...... I knew they respected women..... Not a publicity stunt.
A second family killed from carbon monoxide gas from a generator after the Electric Company cut power for failure to pay their bills.....its very sad...I have no comments or judgments against the deceased...... BUT.....how long before Big Utility is blamed, and the rules are changed to help the deadbeats at the expense of paying customers ?
The world in 2015 is sliding towards oblivion my friends....I blog as much as a learning tool for future generations as I do for the current few who can turn away FM Facebook long enough to watch and care about the news......I only amebas in 3015 can read.
You're right, Tom. Just look at a map of the Middle East to see how Iran's "influence" has overtaken the area. The U.S. will do nothing, but Germany will and sooner than most believe!
Welcome back, we missed the writings...and this post got me thinking...what if aliens from a far away galaxy were reading this post...would they want to come and visit, or be scared away...like, what if they didn't have a sense of humor, or understand sarcasm...or the truth...hmmm...I think I'll watch a hockey game and drink a beer over the weekend to ponder this...
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