Saturday, May 07, 2016

Derby rant 142

I woke on Derby day to SUDDENBREAKINGNEWS from TROJAN NATION that MY MAN SAM, the CREATOR of LANI and other OSCAR NOMINATED works; was down at the bar with WHITMORE drinking shots SHAGAF and DANZING CANDY. Now I'm no EXAGGERATOR when I declare TOM'S READY, nobody will OUTWORK or outdrink MO I ordered a pitcher of GUN RUNNERs and a MAJESTO chaser...the barkeeper was pushing a bottle of NYQUIST, but that's just BRODY'S CAUSE not mine I shouted to everyone in the see MOR SPIRIT is DESTIN to get nosed by MOHAYMEN at the wire....... . . That's my call.....14-17 exacta........and those two up top with a bottom of the triple being 4, 15,&13. Don't forget to play birthdays, addresses, and anniversaries.....if Nyquist misfires....the payouts will be huge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EXAGGERATOR will be flying across the finish! Don't know if Nyquist will get the distance and this will be Exaggerator's time to beat him.