Saturday, October 12, 2024

It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, Babe

 It don’t matter, anyhow

An’ it ain’t no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you don’t know by now (Dylan)

i am starting to wonder about some of these demonrats.......i think the wounds run deep...and i think some of the career politicians that have carried the liberal torch their whole adult lives....the ones who put in their dues at the lower levels of government for decades....and then were unceremoniously passed over for the likes of Kamala because she checked more boxes......i think they are starting to undermine the cause.....I think the Whitmers and Newsomes are starting to think that it may be easy pickins to run against the Trump Machine and protégé JD Vance  in 2028.....and it may be better for them to see Trump win....that and the fact they are probably sickened by seeing a mental midget like Kamala jump in front of the line.....she can't understand the issues....has no positions or ideas...and can't be bothered to pretend that she does, that HAS to sting............and Joe ....when he is not in a vegetated state....has been insisting at every turn that Kamala was his equal partner in this disaster movie....she was in on EVERY decision, and he delegated to her often.....yep, he's been burned by he big blue machine, but he ain't gonna give kamala the separation she disparately fargin way.....she wants to play grown up president ....well she's gonna own IT.

fascinating story about the recovery of artwork stolen from the Jews by the Nazis at the start of WWII.....amongst the paintings that were recently discovered by the FBI was an Original had been purchased by a couple in Louisiana at an art auction , but was later confirmed that it was originally owned by a Jewish couple that fled Austria at the onset of War...the Gestapo cleaned out vacated apartments and sold everything of value.......the Rajun Cajun family agreed to turn the artwork over to descendants of the original owners..........but here is the fascinating part.........the painting was titled Bord De Mer by Claude Monet.........Monet died in 1926 ....he finished this painting in 1865.....Old Claude could not have known , the Nazis that seized it and sold it ...could have not known......but the painting was a depiction of the shoreline of the French town of Normandy...........NORMANDY.......the single most important shoreline in the History of the planet Earth.......and the shoreline where the tide of life would turn forever against the Germans........a deliciously fascinating piece of irony.......if you hear nothing else worth repeating this weekend.....repeat this story........wait....never mind......repeat the next story.....the next story is even more important.

who needs enemies with friends like ours ? The left leaning british government has decided to turn over control of the Chagos Archipelago , an atoll of Islands in the Indian Ocean to Maritius.....not by coincidence...Maritius is a trading partner and good pal recently of the Chinese Communist Party.

The Main Island in this atoll is DIEGO GARCIA.....Diego is the most strategic plot of land in the United States Military control.....The Footprint of Freedom......I was stationed there for a year in 1985-86 when the landing strip at the airport was extended by the Seabees to accommodate the new B-52 Stealth was a message at the time to the Russians that we can see you and we can reach you and we are having BBQ's in your Mother Effin backyard Gorbachev......and now we have over 6,000 military personnel stationed is a strategic supply chain for troops and ships in the Middle East, Indian Ocean, The Med and is landing and takeoff space for Bomber to reach China, Russia and Iran........and now it's future is in most of the naive western world....the Brits don't understand what we have talked about on this blog since day one....our enemies are playing the long game.......the Brits think a 100 year lease on the island will be suffice.....stupid......also the chinamen will be living on and listening from the other Chagosian islands within a year or Americans can pat themselves on the back and tell themselves that Sleepy Joe was a good guy,,,and kamala a'int so bad..and go to the polls and insist that anything is better than the mean old orange man.....but in 4 short years we have lost Bagram air Base in Afghanistan and we are about lose Diego Garcia.

fun side and Dano are probably the only 2 people you know that spent Time on that ROCK in the IO.......i was with the Squids on the Naval Support Facility from October 7th 1985 to October 6th 1986....and Dano a few short years later in 1990 ( i believe) with the Merchant Ships that supply/support the Military......there are only 2 real bars on the Island..the Turner Club and the Brit Club  ( how do i remember that ? not sure either) ..i know i was escorted out of both......i tend to think the Woodman was as well....

who knows.......maybe after a few more disastrous elections...if the Red menace build some hotels and casinos on Edgemont, Danger or Eagle Island that circle Diego....maybe i will renounce my citizenship and move back there and become an honorary Yellow Belly.........truth be told i always had a soft spot for some good chow mein.......


I’m walkin’ down that long, lonesome road, babe
Where I’m bound, I can’t tell
But goodbye’s too good a word, gal
So I’ll just say fare thee well

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