Sunday, October 13, 2024

Saw a shooting star tonight

And I thought of you
You were trying to break into another world
A world I never knew
I always kind of wondered
If you ever made it through
Seen a shooting star tonight
And I thought of you  (Dylan)

speaking of Stars ....i saw a fascinating interview with Donald J Trump on Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo earlier this day. As should be expected when a Brooklyn gal and Queens Guy are talking in 2024, the conversation turned towards the Amazin  NY Mets, and their improbable run....and President Trump did not shy away from taking full credit.

"you know Maria, i called Steve Cohen the other day and told him that owes me a debt of Gratitude...this run that his Metropolitan baseball team is on.....they're the hottest team in baseball since's amazin...a lot of people don't even realize it,  but it's true....but it all started when my pal Grimace threw out the first pitch...and the fans went wild, they really did....and ya know the players looked out on the field and said hey...if this guy Grimace can do it....we can too.....and so they started playin really, really good baseball.......but it almost never happened...ya know i'm friends with the Kroc family for years and years and back in 2002 they asked for my help.......they had a lot of characters that were wildly popular....Mayor Mccheese and the Hamburglar of course and officer Big Mac and Ronald...everyone adored Ronald and they still do.....but one guy was floundering....Grimace.....he wasn't loved by the fans....he couldn't do anything right and they were thinking about firing him..he had 4 arms for a while and was being cast as the evil Grimace , it was really terrible for the poor guy, .but they called me and asked me to do a commercial with Grimace....and i agreed...but first  i told them you need to give him something really really good to it was my idea in a way for the Big N Tasty Deal....and it was a great deal, it really was...many many people say it was their best sandwhich and their best deal by comparison.....we pretty put Jack in the Box and Wetsons out of business...and after people saw Grimace in that commercial with me ..well his popularity really food historians still come up to me and Thank me for Saving Grimace". sp without Grimace who knows where the Mets would be...who knows

And what did Steve Cohen say to you Mr President ?

He asked to me to consider leading the Parade with Grimace on a Float down Broadway after the Mets win the World Series......he aid Boomer Esiason suggested it , and i long as it doesn't interfere with the Election and he assured me it be after election day, so why not......i do love Grimace...he is the best Character they have by far.

2+3=BEEER and a Big N Tasty...

Listen to the engine, listen to the bell
As the last fire truck from hell
Goes rolling by
All good people are praying
It’s the last temptation, the last account
The last time you might hear the sermon on the mount
The last radio is playing


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